Obviously never heard of "Save As".
*"The Department of Redundancy Department"*
On Tue, Jan 19, 2016 at 11:11 AM, James Plante wrote:
> Cathy,
> I don’t suppose it has occurred to you that you’re yelling and screeching
> at other users who have no more authority over the operation
In the FILE menu select PRINT PREVIEW
Then select FORMAT PAGE Check the box for GRID
That should do it.
*"I would rather be lost in the woods, than found in the city. "*
On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 3:17 PM, Jerold Lazarus
> How can I get the grid lines of a spreadsheet to print. The co
I myself have had the spell check problem under OSX and the solution given
by the users group resolved it. That is the only problem I have had with
AOO other than a few odd quirks that, to no surprise, others also
experienced. In my past I have worked with at least 5 different pieces of
On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 12:43 PM, James Knott
> it was OK to just kill the power to the computer when she left
> for the day, but couldn't understand why her computer stopped working.
> The disk was filled with all sorts of improperly saved files.
I had a user on a UNIX system that wou
Gee no one ever charged me for the software, no one ever demanded I use it,
and when I had questions there was always someone that could help me. I
had to think a bit whilst learning to use AOO but it was never as bad as
some of the negative posters here maintain.
*"I would rather be lost
What does this have to do with Open Office? Save this for a forum on
politics. This, like religion, has no place here.
*"I would rather be lost in the woods, than found in the city. "*
On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 5:36 PM Maurice Howe wrote:
> Whatever your views about legal, illegal, or quasi-
I have used AOO for a while and only had this problem once before. I am
using Win 10 as an OS. The spell check stopped working and I forget the
solution to this problem. If you could point me in the right direction I'd
Bruce Pierson
*"I would rather be lost in
I would be wary of getting it on a CD these days. There are more than a
few vendors that will sell you a CD with Open Office on it. However, the
CD may have other little nasties on it as well most of which you do not
want. If you have to pay for the software beware.
“ *Avoid pronouncing the phr
Will Open Office run with OS X Mavericks. I am a planning to purchase a
new Mac Mini and it will have Mavericks as the OS. Are there any issues
with running Open Office with this OS?
When one tugs at a single thing in nature, one finds it attached to the
You have to watch even with CNET ! Due to my own inattention I once downloaded
a set of utilities for which I had no use. Whilst they were not malware,
getting rid of them proved challenging.
Bruce P
On Mar 20, 2014, at 12:21, Tubular wrote:
> May I suggest taking a more proactive approac
this slipped in.
After this I am very cautious about getting anything through CNET.
Bruce Pierson
On Mar 21, 2014, at 13:03, Kay Schenk wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 12:48 AM, Rory O'Farrell wrote:
>> On Wed, 19 Mar 2014 18:19:42 +
>> Rory O'Farrell w
On Apr 17, 2014, at 11:14, Jeffrey Deutsch wrote:
> Hello,
> -- they specifically
> say that OpenOffice is not acceptable.
Tutor.com is a "Microsoft Gold Certified Partner”, the likelihood that they
would even admit that an open source suite such as Open Office can do
everything that Micr
I never had a problem downloading from OpenOffice.org. I just loaded it to a
brand new Mac and other than the known issues with OSX 10.9, I’ve encountered
nothing suspicious or malevolent. I can’t make the same claim regarding 3rd
party distributors. I regard them as similar to reaching fo
If you are using OS X, you can slow the tracking speed of the mouse by:
SYSTEM PREFERENCES -> MOUSE You then have the option of slowing the
tracking speed. Hope this helps..I did this when I had carpel tunnel
surgery and could not move my hand easily.
Bruce Pierson
*" I need the
I have been using Open Office for about 5 years now. Yes, it has it's
quirks, but it is still *free *and is an open source system, try finding
that from one of the big software houses. The trend there is moving to
cloud based applications that you rent. When one works for a non-profit
entity, on
My mother received one of these calls. My mother is 82 and has never owned
a computer, nor has any intention of ever doing so. They still continued
following the same script about how she needed to call them and get her
computer repaired. They finally hung up when she told them it was
If you are using a Mac, look for a disk image file (.DMG) from Apache also
in downloads. Clicking this should load it and put Open Office icon in the
*"The Department of Redundancy Department"*
On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 6:18 PM, Don Daugherty
> On 9/6/2014 10:29 AM, abk...@
View/Zoom/ opens a window, Click on 100%This has always worked for me
*"The Department of Redundancy Department"*
On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 12:39 PM, Rory O'Farrell wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Jan 2015 12:11:44 -0500
> Janet Daniels wrote:
> > Is there any way to lock that bar in the bottom rig
If you go to tutorialsforopenoffice.org/tutorial/Spreadsheet_Basics.html
<http://www.tutorialsforopenoffice.org/tutorial/Spreadsheet_Basics.html> you
will find a fairly decent guide.
Bruce Pierson
*"The Department of Redundancy Department"*
On Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 12:24 PM, D
problem with the Save Stated Error. I have had other problems as well but
fortunately so have others in this list and by reading the groups
responses, I have managed to solve them.
Bruce Pierson
*"The Department of Redundancy Department"*
Thanks to all for the responses. I have been using Open Office for about 5
years and prefer it as well as other Open Source applications. I was
concerned that one day I might get removed from the list without knowing
*"The Department of Redundancy Department"*
On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 10:5
If you are using the email client that Comcast gives you (Zimbra), when you
click NEW a message composition bar opens at the top of the frame.
"Attach" is one of the buttons that appears in the bar. It has the paper
clip icon. You can attach any file AOO, Pdf, jpg, etc. from your
computer's direc
And I thought I was ancient using an Osborne 1 (with Super Calc) and a DEC
PDP 8 recording data from a No. 5 Cross Bar switch. Back in the 80's
*"The Department of Redundancy Department"*
On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 7:59 AM, James Knott wrote:
> On 06/26/2015 01:08 AM, Dale Erwin wrote:
> > Do
My 84 year old mother received a call from someone claiming to be from
Microsoft. She too, had fun playing with them. She is a good example of a
Luddite when it comes to computers. I never got her to use one,
*"The Department of Redundancy Department"*
On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 7:36 PM, James Kno
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