Greetings Xandy,
conjunto de caracteres=Character set
fontes de padrão =Standard fonts
I think you may have changed the conjunto de caracteres (Character set).
Try changing this to
Europa ocidental (DOS/OS2-43…) as abov
On Mon, 21 Nov 2016 08:16:37 -0200
"Xandy S.A" wrote:
> *Hello Team OpenOffice Writer!*
> I decided to write this document below because I thought it was better to
> understand. Everything is explained in it and I ask you to read with great
> attention.
> As I typed in it, the document that
You would do better asking this on the Developer’s list rather than here on the
user’s list. Most of us here wouldn’t know a Mersenne Twister from Boston baked
beans. Another possibility: Download the source code and look for it yourself.
Jim Plante
> On Nov 20, 2016, at 4:34 PM, Felix
I recently purchased a new Windows 10 computer and would like to know how to
install the Open Office suite The new machine rejects the installation. I
received a message telling me that I should contact the provider to get the
version for Windows 10. I had been using it in my pervious machine.
On 11/21/2016 01:21 PM, wrote:
> I recently purchased a new Windows 10 computer and would like to know how to
> install the Open Office suite The new machine rejects the installation. I
> received a message telling me that I should contact the provider to get the
> version for Wind
Do what Janes Knott said.
No where else.
On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 10:21 AM, wrote:
> I recently purchased a new Windows 10 computer and would like to know how
> to install the Open Office suite The new machine rejects the installatio
I'm having an issue with my auto spell check. All words are marked as
misspelled. How do I fix this.
Thank you, Joe Troyer
JT Construction
11531 Geib Ave
Hartville, Oh 44632
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Joe Troyer wrote:
> I'm having an issue with my auto spell check. All words are marked as
> misspelled. How do I fix this.
The usual starting point for spellcheck problems is to delete or rename
the OpenOffice user profile. Doing this sorts out a very large
proportion [read: most] of OpenO
Now, let me say that I'm a retired computer professional, and I should know
better. I'm now a photographer and an author. I was 20,000 words into a
novel targeted at 80,000 words. I opened my novel, and it was gone.
I saved it to Onedrive. Thankfully, a week ago, I also saved it to my