On Mon, 21 Nov 2016 08:16:37 -0200
"Xandy S.A" <xandycost...@gmail.com> wrote:

> *Hello Team OpenOffice Writer!*
> I decided to write this document below because I thought it was better to
> understand. Everything is explained in it and I ask you to read with great
> attention.
> As I typed in it, the document that does not want to open is something
> related to my work and has to do with new projects to be completed in 2017.
> That is, if I do not have this document back, or the project *will not work*
>  or *I will lose my job*. Sorry to be so emotional this way, but it is the
> truth and I think I need to show it.
> Well, I hope you solve my problem. I will do anything to get my document
> back.
> Best regards,
> Xandy

When one gets the ASCII Filter message it means that OpenOffice cannot 
understand the file.  This in turn means that the file is damaged, possibly due 
to over-hasty powering off of the computer before all buffered files were 
written to disk, and experience shows that there is very little possibility of 
any significant content being recovered from the file.  If you have a backup 
copy, use that. 

Rory O'Farrell <ofarr...@iol.ie>

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