Re: Connecting to database remotely

2020-05-16 Thread Wade Smart
Create a form with html and php on the server the database is on and from your laptop just filled out the form and submit to your database. -- Registered Linux User: #480675 Registered Linux Machine: #408606 Linux since June 2005 On Sat, May 16, 2020 at 4:12 PM Jose Molina wrote: > > What im try

Re: Connecting to database remotely

2020-05-16 Thread Jose Molina
What im trying to do is create a form on my laptop (case reports for emergency medical services), fill it out on scene, and then be able to update it and be reflected in our dispatch desktop. Sent from my iPhone > On May 16, 2020, at 8:04 AM, Dan Lewis wrote: > > What type of database are y

Re: Connecting to database remotely

2020-05-16 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 5/16/2020 11:01 AM, David Belina wrote: > Open Office has 64-bit versions so using a 64-bit version of Java with it > would make the instructions just as valid. > > > On May 16, 2020 at 7:59:52 AM, Joost Andrae ( wrote: > David; Apache® OpenOffice® on Windows *does not*

Re: Connecting to database remotely

2020-05-16 Thread David Belina
Open Office has 64-bit versions so using a 64-bit version of Java with it would make the instructions just as valid. On May 16, 2020 at 7:59:52 AM, Joost Andrae ( wrote: Hi, if you have installed a 32 bit java (I would recommend Java 8 in this case and it should be 32 bit

Re: Connecting to database remotely

2020-05-16 Thread Joost Andrae
Hi, if you have installed a 32 bit java (I would recommend Java 8 in this case and it should be 32 bit because OpenOffice is 32 bit) and you've connected OpenOffice with the installed Java via menu item tools->options->OpenOffice->Java then you can setup a JDBC remote connection to your datab

Re: Connecting to database remotely

2020-05-16 Thread Steven Ahlers
You could move the data base to a file sharing application like Drop Box. It would then be accessible from any internet connected computer with OpenOffice installed on it. Sent from my iPhone > On May 16, 2020, at 7:04 AM, Dan Lewis wrote: > > What type of database are you using? If it is em

Re: Connecting to database remotely

2020-05-16 Thread Dan Lewis
What type of database are you using? If it is embedded, you could copy the database file to the desktop and run it. Of course each time you will have to move this file from one computer. Otherwise, you will need to network the two computers so that the computers will have access to each other.

Connecting to database remotely

2020-05-16 Thread Jose Molina
Im trying to connect to a database created on my laptop running on windows 10 pro and trying to connect it so I can open it on my desktop running on windows 10 home. How does one do that, exactly? Sent from my iPhone - To unsub