On 5/16/2020 11:01 AM, David Belina wrote:
> Open Office has 64-bit versions so using a 64-bit version of Java with it 
> would make the instructions just as valid.
> On May 16, 2020 at 7:59:52 AM, Joost Andrae (joost.and...@gmx.de) wrote:

Apache® OpenOffice® on Windows *does not* have a 64 bit version, it is
only 32 bit and therefore a 32 bit Java is necessary to run Base and a
few other things.


> Hi, 
> if you have installed a 32 bit java (I would recommend Java 8 in this 
> case and it should be 32 bit because OpenOffice is 32 bit) and you've 
> connected OpenOffice with the installed Java via menu item 
> tools->options->OpenOffice->Java 
> then you can setup a JDBC remote connection to your database 
> click on "Database" on the OpenOffice dashboard 
> check the "connect to an existing database" radio button 
> then click on "Next >>>" button 
> place your cursor into the field "Datasource URL" and press the F1 key 
> where this kind of unified resource locator (URL) is discribed more 
> deeply (eg. mysql://hostname:port/database_name) 
> If you run both your desktop PC and your notebook within the same 
> network you have to check the IP address (or hostname) of your system 
> you want to connect to 
> Checking the IP address of this system: 
> press the Windows button (start menu) 
> type cmd and open the command line 
> type ipconfig /ALL 
> note the IPv4 address because this is the address you have to add to the 
> hostname part of the datasource URL 
> You have to know the port address of the database and you have to know 
> the name (eg. accounting) of your database you want to connect to. 
> Maybe you need to install a database driver on your client system. This 
> driver has to be selected then. 
> An alternate variant can be the connection using a ODBC connection 
> This connection has to be configured within the ODBC settings dialog 
> (search for ODBC in Windows system settings). Once set up within your 
> Windows system the configuration within OpenOffice is quite similar. 
> Kind regards, Joost 
> Am 16.05.2020 um 09:50 schrieb Jose Molina: 
>> Im trying to connect to a database created on my laptop running on windows 
>> 10 pro and trying to connect it so I can open it on my desktop running on 
>> windows 10 home. How does one do that, exactly? 
>> Sent from my iPhone 
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