*/On 4/22/2013 8:01 AM, users-h...@openoffice.apache.org wrote:
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Hi :)
Lol, that does sound a tad weird. Have you made a copy and tried opening it
with Gnumeric?
Regards from
Tom :)
> From: Johnny Rosenberg
>To: LibreOffice Användare ;
>Sent: Tuesday, 23 April 2013, 18:54
>Subject: Re:
Hi :)
That has all sounded like a tfn tbh. I've never heard of the Err 522 before.
I was hoping it was something trivial such as memory or something. I guess you
have already posted a bug-report and just got nothing back yet? It's going to
be a tad weird here if you do go over to AOO complet
2013/4/23 Tom Davies :
> Hi :)
> That has all sounded like a tfn tbh. I've never heard of the Err 522
> before.
It means circular references, but in my case it probably means
something else, because I have more than double checked: There are no
circular references! Well, I said that before, didn'
2013/4/2 Johnny Rosenberg :
> A few spreadsheets of mine, those with a lot of formulas with
> references to other cells, sometimes (or rather often in some cases)
> throw error 522 (circular reference) at me.
> In most cases, Ctrl+Shift+F9 cures the problem. Another way is to look
> for the first E