2013/4/2 Johnny Rosenberg <gurus.knu...@gmail.com>: > A few spreadsheets of mine, those with a lot of formulas with > references to other cells, sometimes (or rather often in some cases) > throw error 522 (circular reference) at me. > In most cases, Ctrl+Shift+F9 cures the problem. Another way is to look > for the first Err 522 occurance, highlight it, Ctrl+c, then Ctrl+v at > the same cell. > > Did anyone else see those false Err 522 messages? > I have seen them for quite a while now, for years, I think. I use > LibreOffice at the moment. > > > Johnny Rosenberg
Another problem with that sheet is that everything takes unbelievable long time. If I enter something in a cell, then hit Enter, I need to wait for something like a minute (yes, minute! Not second!) or two before anything happens, so the whole sheet is just a waste of time. Today I installed LibreOffice 3.6.6, but my problems with that file persists. The Ctrl+Shift+F9 thing cures the problem (the Err:522 messages disappears and are replaced with correct cell values) sometimes, maybe once out of 5 or 10 in average, but sometimes when I do that, LibreOffice crash. However, so far, when I ”repair” the file, there are never any error messages. So I continue entering new values, save and close. Next day, when I open the file again, those Err:522 messages are back again. That's what my life looks like every day these days. Just for fun, I installed Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1 a few minutes ago and I tried to open the file with it. After fiddling with macro security (adding the path where the file is located), the spreadsheet opened, and opened very much faster than LibreOffice. Unfortunately, the Err:522 messages was there again, but Apache OpenOffice seems a lot faster than LibreOffice, so it doesn't waste my time as much. After copying the first one of the Err:522 cells and pasting it to itself, all the Err:522 messages were gone again. And that also happened much faster than with LibreOffice. So now I started to enter new values. As I said above, from hitting Enter until LibreOffice stop freezing (it works with something, I don't have a clue what) it typically takes a minute or two, maybe more. With Apache OpenOffice it took way less than a second. I realise that nobody will ever even move a finger to investigate what could possible be wrong with the combination ”My Err:522-file” and LibreOffice, so I will just run away from the problem and use Apache OpenOffice for that particular spreadsheet (and maybe all other office documents in the future, but that's too early to say after trying out Apache OpenOffice for only half an hour or so…). Solved. At least for now. One difference between my installations of Apache OpenOffice and LibreOffice, is that I didn't ”import” my LibreOffice settings to Apache OpenOffice yet (settings of different kinds), so it's quite possible, I guess, that when I do that, I will experience the same problems with Apache OpenOffice. The only thing I iknow right now, is that with the settings I have now and with those two office suites, I just don't have time to wait for LibreOffice doing weird things in the background, freezing for minutes for every cell entry. Johnny Rosenberg --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@openoffice.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@openoffice.apache.org