At 00:20 07/12/2012 -0800, Dave Kerschen wrote:
countif on multiple items - date test
How can I modify the formula to test for a date?
If Column A were dates for example.
A1 = 08/01/12
A3 = 08/15/12
A9 = 09/01/12
How do I select for Aug 2012?
This appears to work:
Many thanks for the bug report and the post. I have fixed this problem.
Moreover, now the numbertext extension (v0.9.5-2) supports Python 3.3, too:
Best regards,
2012/10/6 Andrea Pescetti
> Hi, all e-mail address
On Fri, 07 Dec 2012 08:20:45 -, DaveInDenver wrote:
> How can I modify the formula to test for a date?
> If Column A were dates for example.
> A1 = 08/01/12
> A3 = 08/15/12
> A9 = 09/01/12
> How do I select for Aug 2012?
i've found 2 ways, both not ideal. the first is:
B1 = 08/01/12