s used, it calls XCreateFontSet() with a base_font_name_list
argument different from that in the fvwm XCreateFontSet() call, and
the F14 server dies, so the problem is not the font asked for by fvwm.
Dick St. Peters, stpet...@netheaven.com
Gatekeeper, NetHeaven, Saratoga Springs, NY
users ma
Tom Horsley writes:
> On Sun, 28 Nov 2010 19:33:54 -0500
> Dick St. Peters wrote:
> > I need to run X with the fvwm window manager, but the F14 X server
> > doesn't play nice with fvwm
> I use fvwm all the time, I've never had the X server die on m
Tom Horsley writes:
> On Sun, 28 Nov 2010 20:33:35 -0500
> Dick St. Peters wrote:
> > Let's be precise: you are using the F14-distributed fvwm with the
> > F14-distributed /usr/bin/Xorg server, and it's working? In other
> > words:
> >
ly call with too many
arguments. clock_gettime() is supposed to have two arguments, but
it's called 694 times with five arguments. There may well be other
calls with strange argument counts, but the output has 371800 lines,
and I'm not up to examining all of them.
Dick St. Peters
> And I have got thos error:
> mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting
> /home/booch/Temp
Given that you exported read-only, try mounting read-only:
sudo mount.nfs -r /home/booch/data/
Dick St. Peters, stpet...@netheaven.com
Nalin Dahyabhai writes:
> On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 04:37:05PM -0500, Dick St. Peters wrote:
> > The ltrace output in /tmp/Xorg.out has 176 calls to memmove(), all
> > with five arguments, like this example:
> >
> > memmove(0xa352c50, 0xa3535e0, 1648, 0x806892f, 0x
t; saying "this IP should resolve to this MAC” and let you specify
> both
Fedora 14 includes arping.
Package iputils-20100418-3.fc14.i686 provides /sbin/arping and creates
/usr/sbin/arping as a symlink to it.
Dick St. Peters, stpet...@netheaven.com
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