I need to run X with the fvwm window manager, but the F14 X server
doesn't play nice with fvwm - or with twm.  When fvwm or twm calls
XCreateFontSet(), the X server dies with a SIGSEGV.

To get around this, I have copied the F13 /usr/bin/Xorg server binary
and /usr/lib/xorg/modules directory contents to my F14 system, and
they work just fine with the F14 fvwm, F14 X libraries, and F14 fonts.
While this workaround works, it's not exactly a good long term fix.

Note that this workaround means the problem is with the F14 X server
or its loadable modules, not the F14 fvwm.

When twm is used, it calls XCreateFontSet() with a base_font_name_list
argument different from that in the fvwm XCreateFontSet() call, and
the F14 server dies, so the problem is not the font asked for by fvwm.

Dick St. Peters, stpet...@netheaven.com 
Gatekeeper, NetHeaven, Saratoga Springs, NY
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