Re: [OT] perl help on number modification

2010-01-15 Thread Bill Davidsen
ally I had to make the job in awk where I then easily got the same > effect with: > sub(/\.?0+$/, "", foo) > Does that do what you want? I would think that you want "1." to become just "1" as well. In perl: perl -e 'while(<>) { s/[.0]+$//; print

Re: Which System of ASUS and Raid 5 controllers card support FC11 ?

2010-01-16 Thread Bill Davidsen
Edward S.P. Leong wrote: > Dear All, > > As the title... > Would you mind to help ( idea / suggestion ) ? > I think more info on intended use would be appropriate, but unless you have a special case in mind I would suggest using software raid, regardless of system board. --

Re: 36 or 64 bit?

2010-01-16 Thread Bill Davidsen
you should avoid applications which are not packages in 64 bit, etc. For the lowest drama I would go FC11 and 32 bit, with the PAE kernel. If stable is what you want, that's probably the best choice. Not that the other choices don't have some advantages, but no FC12 has been satisfa

Bug triage resulting in no fixes

2010-01-18 Thread Bill Davidsen
mark anything as a dup of a bug which is in NEEDINFO status Example: blocked for almost three weeks, other reports being marked as dup of it -- Bill Davidsen "We can't solve today's problems by using the same thinking we u

Re: F12 how to make wireless printer work - HP Photosmart Plus B209a-m

2010-01-18 Thread Bill Davidsen
stablished a > connection to the router. It's all in your manual. > That's bizarre, usually printers support Bluetooth. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the machinations of the wicked." - from Slashdot -- us

Re: Bug triage resulting in no fixes

2010-01-18 Thread Bill Davidsen
Bruno Wolff III wrote: > On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 10:35:11 -0500, > Bill Davidsen wrote: > >> I note that bugs are being marked as duplicates without regard to >> anything but age. This results in blocked bugs never getting fixed: >> abrt reports a bug, like cras

Re: Viewing mp3, flash, and windows media files in gxine

2010-01-20 Thread Bill Davidsen
those I found, and I can LISTEN to mp3 music in gxine, just > not view an mp3 video (or an mp4 video). > > What am I missing? > mp3 is an audio codec, if you find software which will let you view it tell us about it. For viewing *anything* I suggest vlc. -- Bill Davidsen "We

Re: Demand for LUKS password blocks boot

2010-01-22 Thread Bill Davidsen
t; Hum, I expected an answer on this one, guess I'm not the only one with no "fits all cases" answer. The only solution I found was to rewrite hal rules not to auto-mount anything of any nature, which is ugly but better than fail to boot. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to

Re: F12 i386 sha1sum check error

2010-01-22 Thread Bill Davidsen
en > Fedora-12-i386-CHECKSUM.txt, alway different. Can any one tell me what > happened? > It's not sha1sum, it's sha256sum. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the machinations of the wicked." - f

Re: remove localhost from /etc/hosts??

2010-01-22 Thread Bill Davidsen
::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6 >> >> What's the deal here? I thought that removing localhost would, as the >> comment in /etc/hosts says, cause lots of problems with various >> applications. >> > > Actually, I misread that. It wants

Re: Demand for LUKS password blocks boot

2010-01-23 Thread Bill Davidsen
Robert Nichols wrote: > Bill Davidsen wrote: >> Hum, I expected an answer on this one, guess I'm not the only one with no >> "fits >> all cases" answer. The only solution I found was to rewrite hal rules not to >> auto-mount anything of any nat

2.6.33-rc5 solved my problems with one FC12 laptop

2010-01-23 Thread Bill Davidsen
allmodconfig make localmodconfig then made the kernel and installed. I did NOT make an RPM, a custom install would be built for the exact hardware of any other machine. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the machinations of the wicked." - f

Re: NVIDIA: no sound to TV via HDMI

2010-01-23 Thread Bill Davidsen
doesn't come out of the TV. It's an Nvidia product! > > Anybody got this working? Did you get PulseAudio to send output to the connector? Many times this is a PA config issue. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the mach

Re: Demand for LUKS password blocks boot

2010-01-28 Thread Bill Davidsen
Where do you find the doc for this? I tried the man page for cryptosetup, which suggests the non-existant, looked in the kernel source and kernel-parameters.txt file, googled for rd_LUKS_ and generally found nothing. The page at has lots

Re: radeon driver heading in wrong direction :-(.

2010-01-29 Thread Bill Davidsen
I'm running my monitor there and at least one more step up was available. Since I want to be able to read the screen on a 32in monitor, I stopped where I am, and it runs fine. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the machinations of

Re: System-config-display won't Execute.

2010-01-29 Thread Bill Davidsen
xecute. > There is a problem someplace, but darn if I know. I think the execution will be fine using an xorg.comf file created with system-config-display, there may be something in a config file created by some other means which causes a problem. Discussed in a char room the other night. -- Bil

Re: Document Viewer can not open latest PDF?

2010-01-30 Thread Bill Davidsen
ing where the bugs are and what you're really using. It's like asking for Coke and getting Pepsi, no matter how great someone else thinks it is, it's not what you asked for, wanted, or thought it was. ;-( -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the inco

Re: Fedora12 Release Notes.

2010-01-30 Thread Bill Davidsen
nly leave out > information important to someone. > In many cases you don't want or need that level of detail. "Updated to vx.y.z" may be sufficient. A few pages allow reading on the train, in boring meetings if you sit properly in the back, and in lots of places where a

Re: Between F11 and F12, which would you choose?

2010-01-30 Thread Bill Davidsen
hing after another. As a server it works fine, boot into runlevel three, run all my X apps from a remote display and it works fine. The only laptop which is useful run 2.6.33-rc5 plus a few patches, which I built myself. Not the optimal way to go. Good luck with whatever you install. -- Bil

Re: radeon driver heading in wrong direction :-(.

2010-01-31 Thread Bill Davidsen
sn't crash. Note that 2.6.33-rc[56] seem somewhat better, although some adventures in cmdline options are needed to get there (not the same on each laptop). I'm 1/3 on servers, and 0/3 on VM. I'm told my aborts are being worked on, which is nice but not helpful. -- Bill Davi

Re: Document Viewer can not open latest PDF?

2010-01-31 Thread Bill Davidsen
Marc Wilson wrote: > On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 1:34 PM, Bill Davidsen wrote: > >> That and putting in some hacked fork of cdrecord, I think it's called woeful, >> instead of the real thing. > > No, that's a licensing problem. CDRecord's license is incompati

Re: udev problem under f12

2010-01-31 Thread Bill Davidsen
a bug? Is this coming from my hardware? > I'm guessing not, no one else seems to be having the problem. > How can I check if there are not other similar problems in my install? > -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the ma

Re: which version of fedora to install

2010-01-31 Thread Bill Davidsen
nd all in it coz i find pretty difficult installing them !! > You should read the similar thread which has been going on for about a week (actually should have before asking), some people have had serious issues with video support for F12. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fea

Re: radeon driver heading in wrong direction :-(.

2010-02-01 Thread Bill Davidsen
Bruno Wolff III wrote: > On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 13:45:39 -0500, > Bill Davidsen wrote: > >> I don't need or want 3D anything, just a working display which doesn't >> crash. >> Note that 2.6.33-rc[56] seem somewhat better, although some adventures in

Re: radeon driver heading in wrong direction :-(.

2010-02-02 Thread Bill Davidsen
hutdown if there is even a glimmer of life left in the kernel. Even when the usual sysreq magic doesn't work. I have a program I can put on a site somewhere, but it's so simple you can probably write it as fast as a download, a few lines does the job. Works for me. -- Bill Davidsen

Re: radeon driver heading in wrong direction :-(.

2010-02-02 Thread Bill Davidsen
ated card which you can run with the vesa driver. Video in Fedora will get better, or it will become so little used no one will care. When/if decent video support returns you can get a supported card. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than f

Re: radeon driver heading in wrong direction :-(.

2010-02-02 Thread Bill Davidsen
," and that is to put a 2nd entry in grub.conf, label it stable graphics mode, and do whatever is needed to get the kernel to leave the video the hell alone and use vesa. I don't want to run 3D, or fancy graphics, or play games, I want to have working X, and not have it crash all the

Re: radeon driver heading in wrong direction :-(.

2010-02-02 Thread Bill Davidsen
> the proprietary crap.) > Supporting Open Source is not the same thing as supporting Linux users. They are different approaches to selling hardware. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the machinations of the wicked."

Re: 32bit support on 64bit Linux

2010-02-02 Thread Bill Davidsen
system in a VM which is useful for doing 32 bit stuff. > In general a runtime library named will have a yum package > called libfoo.i386 or some such, and a development library named > something like libfoo-dev.i386. You only need the "-dev" libraries if > you&#x

Re: Using a USB external enclosure with a PATA hard drive ?

2010-02-02 Thread Bill Davidsen > > /dev/sdc: Unknown USB bridge [0x0c0b:0xb157 (0x000)] > Smartctl: please specify device type with the -d option. > > > The USB bridge ,unknown > I don't know what they are talking about, and using the -d option and > device type. > > --

Re: What driives me crazy about bugzilla(att: Rahul)

2010-02-02 Thread Bill Davidsen
gin to the machine. You can do that using Places-> Connect to > Server but then yo need to know in advance the machines name or ip > address. Using Places->Network seems easier. I have to say that I don't see any Fedora machines on FC9, 10, 11, or 12 here, nor would

Re: program to read electronic books

2010-02-02 Thread Bill Davidsen
DRM crap embedded. Based on reports from people who have one or the other, not personal experience. I saw a reference to a program which claimed to let you buy from the Apple $tore (iTunes, iCrap?) running on Fedora. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the in

Re: Document Viewer can not open latest PDF?

2010-02-07 Thread Bill Davidsen
Kevin Kofler wrote: > Bill Davidsen wrote: >> Just to be clear, I am not complaining that real cdrecord is not included, >> I'm complaining that something else which works differently is called >> cdrecord, and if I forget to put in the real thing I wind up with f___ing

Re: Using a USB external enclosure with a PATA hard drive ?

2010-02-07 Thread Bill Davidsen
Bill Davidsen wrote: >> /dev/sdc: Unknown USB bridge [0x0c0b:0xb157 (0x000)] >> Smartctl: please specify device type with the -d option. >> > There is the heart of the problem, the USB bridge in the enclosure is of > unknown > type, and isn't giving proper acces

Re: ext4 defaults and access time

2010-02-07 Thread Bill Davidsen
info/?l=fedora-devel-list&m=121542196521553&w=2 > > Good find, another case of not only a default being chosen because the developer liked things that way for his system, but where the user needs to know magic to get

Re: Zen kernel, what are advantages if any?

2010-02-07 Thread Bill Davidsen
mallest kernel you can use. Clearly YMMV, but it would probably work on a xen config as well (have NOT tried). -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the machinations of the wicked." - from Slashdot -- users mailing

Re: Fedup Failure

2014-01-02 Thread Bill Davidsen
that makes every future upgrade or update faster, as any package I download is only pulled once. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the machinations of the wicked." - from Slashdot -- users mailing list

Re: poweroff command reboots?

2014-03-27 Thread Bill Davidsen
. I am unsure whats causing this or how to go about finding the cause, I am not sure if its something I have done when I installed fedora or not. Pressing the power button on the front of my cause also makes the system reboot and not shutdown as expected. Thanks Daniel. -- Bill Davidsen &qu

Re: IPv6 mtu restriction

2014-03-27 Thread Bill Davidsen
ork due to firewall. See 'man route' mss section for some discussion. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the machinations of the wicked." - from Slashdot -- users mailing list To

Re: no default mta [was Re: Fedora Present and Future: a 2014 Update (Part I, “Why?”)]

2014-03-27 Thread Bill Davidsen
AR superior to me having to plow through the logs to see if it ran correctly or not. In general I like logs, but that's me. That way I can go through and get what I want with perl, or grep, or sed, or whatever I need. Easier than making emails recombine for a moving overview. -- Bill Davids

Re: Fedora Present and Future: a 2014 Update (Part I, “Why?”)

2014-03-27 Thread Bill Davidsen
admins do a lot of installs, at peak I doubt I did more than 30 a year, and almost all servers, so few will be install gurus. If Fedora is to be the icebreaker for RHEL, it has to be better. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the machi

Re: Fedora Present and Future: a 2014 Update (Part I,?“Why?”)

2014-03-28 Thread Bill Davidsen
the hub are "spokes" which are paths for various things like "Time & Date" and "Keyboard" and "Installation Destination". In English we would call that a "menu item" -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompe

Re: Fedora Present and Future: a 2014 Update (Part I,?“Why?”)

2014-03-28 Thread Bill Davidsen
nts. Thanks for listening. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the machinations of the wicked." - from Slashdot -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subscription options: https://admin.fedoraprojec

Re: Fedora Present and Future: a 2014 Update (Part I,?“Why?”)

2014-03-28 Thread Bill Davidsen
stall means a good default, and clear unambiguous ways to do complex configurations. Note, I don't suggest that "simple" or "easy" are requirements, but ways to see the raw hardware clearly and tell the OS how to utilize it seem to fit "unambiguous" perfe

Re: Fedora Present and Future: a 2014 Update (Part I, “Why?”)

2014-03-28 Thread Bill Davidsen
to start services on the VM, dhcp, mail, nntp, dns, pop, etc. - can include dedicated user machine or app, network mounting other partitions as needed. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the machinations of the wicked." - from

Re: Fedora Present and Future: a 2014 Update (Part I,?“Why?”)

2014-03-28 Thread Bill Davidsen
, I have taken to install with a dummy user, then edit fstab to get the /home mount, then mounting, then adding the user(s) with the UID they need to have and using the existing home directory for each. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent tha

Re: Fedora Present and Future: a 2014 Update (Part I, "Why?")

2014-03-28 Thread Bill Davidsen
to imagine me staring at you with a look of "really?" Because this much effort complaining yet no bug report? How exactly do you expect it to get better? I've been a user since fc3 or 4, and I have learned that complaints about design issues are treated as suggestions for future enhanc

Re: Fedora Present and Future: a 2014 Update (Part I, "Why?")

2014-03-28 Thread Bill Davidsen
'm doing the install. Because of the write speed of USB sticks, I find that's a good way to do a portable install as well, create a drive image and install on that. When done, then you just copy to the USB stick. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incomp

Re: encrypted directory

2012-09-14 Thread Bill Davidsen
Martín Marqués wrote: What are people here using to encrypt (as easy as possible) just one directory (not a FS)? encfs -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the machinations of the wicked." - from Slashdot -- users mailing

Re: Fedora 17 in a CHROOT on Ubuntu - and the wrong dependency on rpmlib(X-CheckUnifiedSystemdir)

2012-09-14 Thread Bill Davidsen
that. It just seems so much easier. And I have friends running fc17 in VM on both Mac and Windows7, so it's pretty sure Ubuntu would do so as well. Just curious why you took that approach. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from

Re: Fedora 17 in a CHROOT on Ubuntu - and the wrong dependency on rpmlib(X-CheckUnifiedSystemdir)

2012-09-16 Thread Bill Davidsen
Suvayu Ali wrote: Hi Bill, On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 10:31:20AM -0400, Bill Davidsen wrote: Marc Wäckerlin wrote: Hi I am working in Ubuntu and compiling RPMs for Fedora. That's why I install Fedora in a **chroot** environment. That works fine with Fedora 16, but fails with Fedora 17 d

Installing MATE

2012-09-16 Thread Bill Davidsen
me in documentation, it this normal? Does it not drop in like KDE, etc? -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the machinations of the wicked." - from Slashdot -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subsc

Re: Installing MATE

2012-09-17 Thread Bill Davidsen
Ed Greshko wrote: On 09/17/2012 08:29 AM, Bill Davidsen wrote: I got some questions about MATE and wanted to install it and actually see how it worked. I started with a machine on fc17, which had Cinnamon and XFCE installed. After doing the yum install, I don't see MATE in the li

Re: Installing MATE

2012-09-17 Thread Bill Davidsen
Rex Dieter wrote: Bill Davidsen wrote: Ed Greshko wrote: On 09/17/2012 08:29 AM, Bill Davidsen wrote: I got some questions about MATE and wanted to install it and actually see how it worked. I started with a machine on fc17, which had Cinnamon and XFCE installed. After doing the yum install

Re: Installing MATE

2012-09-18 Thread Bill Davidsen
Ed Greshko wrote: On 09/18/2012 12:32 AM, Bill Davidsen wrote: Okay, so the MATE stuff is in the Fedora repository but doesn't seem to work and conflicts with the repository which might work. I will just tell the user with the the problem that it's not actually supported in fc17 e

Re: NFS no traslate UID,GID

2012-09-19 Thread Bill Davidsen
atica / / /\ \ \ Universita' Roma Tre / /_/__\ \ \tel : 0657338237 /\ \ \ fax : 0657338080 .___\/ e-mail : ____ -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the

Re: How to rescue your partitions after upgrade to Fedora 18 Alpha eats them

2012-09-25 Thread Bill Davidsen
ion or shock damage (within any reasonable limits), water resistant, and immune to magnetic damage and EMP. Stored off-site one disk covers all of my "really critical" data. Investment is <$100 if you shop carefully. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling

Re: How to rescue your partitions after upgrade to Fedora 18 Alpha eats them

2012-09-25 Thread Bill Davidsen
I didn't want to patch myself. The 16->17 was because of the kernel, too much good stuff added to miss on my VM hosting servers. Building new kernels and keeping the associated files current takes too much time. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear fro

Shutdown crashes in FC16

2012-09-25 Thread Bill Davidsen
sue I had. -- Bill Davidsen We are not out of the woods yet, but we know the direction and have taken the first step. The steps are many, but finite in number, and if we persevere we will reach our destination. -me, 2010 -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or c

Re: New 3tb hdd thinks it's 801.6 GB

2012-09-27 Thread Bill Davidsen
ystem, be sure to use appropriate options for the sector size, etc. You may have to learn partd, which is seriously different. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the machinations of the wicked." - from Slashdot -- users mai

Re: Jigdo: is it ever coming back?

2012-09-27 Thread Bill Davidsen
stall a fair number of small custom systems, many of which are not on network. Doing an up-to-date install in the first place would be really useful, and only the packages we actually use are in need of an upgrade. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompet

Re: mpeg2enc problem

2012-09-29 Thread Bill Davidsen
p beyond that. But I am already providing the option -v 0 to keep it quiet. Anyone familiar with this util? PS: I tried to us ffmpeg, and it created an mpeg2 file full of warnings of discontinuity and requiring the re-multiplexing of input. Thanx. -- Bill Davidsen "We have mor

Re: F17: How to overcome NetworkManagers /etc/resolv.conf ?

2012-10-15 Thread Bill Davidsen
wlan0 I assume this is a portable machine, take it to someplace with free public Wifi and see if it does the same thing. Usual rules about security & public Wifi apply, just opening a connection shouldn't be an issue. Kind regards, Frank Elsner -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fe

Re: Canon camera/shotwell

2012-10-15 Thread Bill Davidsen
"because I'm to only user" is a poor habit to cultivate. Thank. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the machinations of the wicked." - from Slashdot -- users mailing list To unsubscri

Re: upowerd?

2012-10-15 Thread Bill Davidsen
e with the reminder that you should do a or b. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the machinations of the wicked." - from Slashdot -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subscri

Re: alongside LibreOffice

2012-10-15 Thread Bill Davidsen
uho watches from his high perch. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the machinations of the wicked." - from Slashdot -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subscription optio

Re: alongside LibreOffice

2012-10-15 Thread Bill Davidsen
point of having them both on the same machine? Bug avoidance, particularly in the import/export from other office software. I'd love to see the code bases merge, but I don't expect to, OO seems to have gone to a good home, don't expect it to go away soon. Best, :-) Marko -

Re: iptables fubared?

2012-10-15 Thread Bill Davidsen
ay you mention, we suddenly found that we got to 2nd level right away. Checking with some folks at SCO forum (over drinks) we were told the support database had a new "na" bit in the customer description, and we got to level 2 right away. After one more round of drinks the SCO person ad

Re: iptables fubared?

2012-10-15 Thread Bill Davidsen
NAT instead. The good old days of writing perl to convert ipchains to iptables scripts, like many other things they are more fun to remember than repeat. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the machinations of the wicked."

Re: Plans for anaconda LVM/RAID support

2012-10-15 Thread Bill Davidsen
tion? Maybe I see too many dumb BIOS problems working with little ATOM and similar appliances, but getting them to boot anything seems an issue, and even with non-PC partitioning layouts I would expect to need one simple boot partition the BIOS could understand. -- Bill Davidsen "We ha

Re: About 'cost' in repo conf?

2012-10-22 Thread Bill Davidsen
o-date. Seems to be the right option for what I do. Before someone asks, I just set the keep flag in yum.conf, then run a script to move packages to the master local repo, where "createrepo" updates things to make them available. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from

Re: Suggestion for F19

2012-10-22 Thread Bill Davidsen
/wiki/Name_suggestions_for_Fedora_19#Suggestion_Table Not bad. Nevertheless my favourite is "Eyjafjallajökull". Granted, it's a stupid name for a Linux distribution, but the "Is a..."-explanation is absolutely convincing. How do you pronounce it? Incorrectly, I'm sure :-( -- Bil

Re: Suggestion for F19

2012-10-22 Thread Bill Davidsen
post a link, Google can't find it. IIRC the original title was "Disambiguation of unit names in scientific nomenclature" and the proceedings replaced it with "What's in a Name?" and used the original title as a subtitle in the article itself. -- Bill Davidsen &qu

Re: Suggestion for F19

2012-10-22 Thread Bill Davidsen
Play" I suppose. Yes, management still is offended by that name. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the machinations of the wicked." - from Slashdot -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or

Re: Suggestion for F19

2012-10-22 Thread Bill Davidsen
well into most languages that use Latin fonts for writing. Chunky, or whatever Miracle sounds a bit like a Ubuntu fan boy - sorry, I had to say that. Depends on your frame of reference, "Beefy Miracle" sounds to me like female I might have dated in my teens. -- Bill Davidsen &

Re: Howto: 32 bit skype, working with a webcam, on 64 bit Fedora 17

2012-10-22 Thread Bill Davidsen
stuff? Seems to be some form of protection when a line starts with a # (that's a pound or hash sign) something translates it to an international symbol, +A followed by a multi-character code meaningful to someone. +ACM This line started with four characters, plus, A, C, M. -- Bill Dav

Re: How can I prevent udevd from renaming eth0 to em1

2012-10-23 Thread Bill Davidsen
of the distro, and not making ethN the default on any system with only a single NIC, but the default names generated do mean something, just something not needed or understood by most users. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the machinatio

Re: How can I prevent udevd from renaming eth0 to em1

2012-10-23 Thread Bill Davidsen
-- [tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp Linux 3.6.2-4.fc17.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Oct 17 02:43:21 UTC 2012 x86_64 All mail to my mailbox is automatically deleted, there is no point trying to privately email me, I will only read messages posted to the public lists. Regards, Mike -- Bill Davidsen "

Re: How can I prevent udevd from renaming eth0 to em1

2012-10-23 Thread Bill Davidsen
C is to be recognized as such. Thanks! Regards, Mike It's an imperfect science. My onboard NICs also come up as p1p1 and p1p2. - -- Digimer Papers and Projects: What if the cure for cancer is trapped in the mind of a person without access to education? -- Bi

Re: How can I prevent udevd from renaming eth0 to em1

2012-10-23 Thread Bill Davidsen
th a single NIC should get it named eth0, which is backward compatible and probably represents the majority of Fedora users. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the machinations of the wicked." - from Slashdot -- users mailing list user

Re: How can I prevent udevd from renaming eth0 to em1

2012-10-23 Thread Bill Davidsen
e source code of udevd to see where and why it is renaming eth0 to em1. What release are you running? I don't match this to fc16, fc17, or rhel6. You must have a pretty old release, because you mentioned old style output from ifconfig, no colon after the device name. -- Bill Davidsen

Re: How can I prevent udevd from renaming eth0 to em1

2012-10-23 Thread Bill Davidsen
'DEVICE="eth0"' and make sure there is no HWADDR="..." line. Reboot and you should be golden. He's going to have to create an ifcfg file for this device, right? Will the ifup do the right thing for an em hardware interface renamed to eth (don't have e

What are the limitations of preupgrade

2012-10-30 Thread Bill Davidsen
step and some fixup. I noted that preupgrade offers to try to go to to fc17 in a single step, but it's not obvious if it's kidding me or itself. Downtime should be minimized, so it's worth at least considering. Any experience? -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear

Re: What are the limitations of preupgrade

2012-11-03 Thread Bill Davidsen
Bill Davidsen wrote: Preupgrade used to be quite limited in capability, and restricted to a single version upgrade at a time. I have some systems I would rather not upgrade by hand if possible, but they need to go from fc13 to fc17, and I'm sure doing it insteps would take more effort on my


2012-11-03 Thread Bill Davidsen
Y_INTERFACE Any thought will be highly appreciated. I'm watching the answers carefully, since I have a somewhat similar problem. If I find anything in my work which looks useful, I'll share. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than fr

Re: What are the limitations of preupgrade

2012-11-05 Thread Bill Davidsen
Gordon Messmer wrote: On 11/03/2012 10:07 PM, Bill Davidsen wrote: The bottom line appears to be 13->15->17, at most two versions at a time. I don't know of any reason you can't go from 13->16. Going directly to 17 is only problematic because of the /usr merge, since anaco

Re: Fedora 18, future isn't too good as it seems :-

2012-11-05 Thread Bill Davidsen
7;ll get there, I'd much rather stuff worked when it was released. Unfortunately bleeding edge and works when released are to some extent exclusive. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the machinations of the wicked." - from

Re: Fedora 18, future isn't too good as it seems :-

2012-11-05 Thread Bill Davidsen
y is anaconda being forced in now, when it will undoubtedly still have warts when it is declared "working" and would benefit from a delay to fc19. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the machinations of the wicked." -

Re: Fedora 18, future isn't too good as it seems :-

2012-11-05 Thread Bill Davidsen
atter to most users is to invite a very visible number of packages now being one revision behind. Are there resources to unfreeze all the other packages and bring them up to date? As the old commercial used to ask, "Where's the beef?" -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear

Re: Fedora 18, future isn't too good as it seems :-

2012-11-06 Thread Bill Davidsen
A Fedora release is a snapshot in time of newest *functional* software, and bugs or delay reduces the usefulness or timeliness of the release as a whole. And the installer is the one piece which "must work" for many users, I frankly doubt that more than a few percent of users care about a

Re: Fedora 18, future isn't too good as it seems :-

2012-11-06 Thread Bill Davidsen
hat there is no penalty to taking a new feature off the list of things to go in one release and putting it off until another. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the machinations of the wicked." - from Slashdot -- users mailing list users

Re: Fedora 18, future isn't too good as it seems :-

2012-11-06 Thread Bill Davidsen
m to last for several years. So I put Ubuntu on it for them, dual booting with Windows, Ubuntu as the default. Working with people who run all manner of distributions, the low point on the problem curve has been Mint for some time, at least for non-tech folk. My experience with people who ask

Re: How do I change to NFS version 3 so that other UNIX variants may access my NFS share on my Fedora 17?

2012-11-09 Thread Bill Davidsen
o you tell if it mounted nfs3 or nfs4, I had similar problems with mounts failing until nfs4 was explicitly forced, so the assumption that it works out of the box may not be (probably isn't) correct. I have seen this on fc16 and 17, skipped 14 and 15 on my servers. -- Bill Davidsen &

Re: How do I change to NFS version 3 so that other UNIX variants may access my NFS share on my Fedora 17?

2012-11-09 Thread Bill Davidsen
er. Regards, j On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Roger Heflin wrote: On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 11:54 AM, Jerome Yanga wrote: The anonuid/anongid are valid UID/GID. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the machinations of the wicke

Re: How do I change to NFS version 3 so that other UNIX variants may access my NFS share on my Fedora 17?

2012-11-09 Thread Bill Davidsen
nts passed to rpc.nfsd. See rpc.nfsd(8) # Turn off v2 and v3 protocol support #RPCNFSDARGS="-N 2 -N 3" # RPCNFSDARGS="-N 2" # Turn off v4 protocol support #RPCNFSDARGS="-N 4" RPCNFSDARGS="-N 2 -N 4" HTH, Frank What release is that? I don't see that on

Re: How do I change to NFS version 3 so that other UNIX variants may access my NFS share on my Fedora 17?

2012-11-10 Thread Bill Davidsen
Frank Elsner wrote: On Fri, 09 Nov 2012 15:09:48 -0500 Bill Davidsen wrote: Frank Elsner wrote: On Tue, 6 Nov 2012 08:57:22 -0800 Jerome Yanga wrote: How do I change to NFS version 3 so that other UNIX variants may access my NFS share on my Fedora 17? /etc/defaults/nfs does not seem to exist

Fedora support for laplets

2012-11-11 Thread Bill Davidsen
supported? I've seen reasonably nice units from Dell and Lenovo, but no nice salespeople who would let me boot them from thumb drive. -- Bill Davidsen "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from the machinations of the wicked." - from Slashdot -- use

Re: Fedora support for laplets

2012-11-12 Thread Bill Davidsen
Lailah wrote: El dom, 11-11-2012 a las 11:53 -0500, Bill Davidsen escribió: I see a lot of vendors are putting out hybrid tablet-laptops with a touch screen which flips, and traditional keyboard, which can be used in a number of ways, including as a tablet. Has anyone gotten experience with

Re: Fedora support for laplets

2012-11-15 Thread Bill Davidsen
Robert Moskowitz wrote: On 11/12/2012 07:55 AM, Lailah wrote: El dom, 11-11-2012 a las 11:53 -0500, Bill Davidsen escribió: I see a lot of vendors are putting out hybrid tablet-laptops with a touch screen which flips, and traditional keyboard, which can be used in a number of ways, including

Re: Fedora support for laplets

2012-11-15 Thread Bill Davidsen
Robert Moskowitz wrote: On 11/12/2012 07:55 AM, Lailah wrote: El dom, 11-11-2012 a las 11:53 -0500, Bill Davidsen escribió: I see a lot of vendors are putting out hybrid tablet-laptops with a touch screen which flips, and traditional keyboard, which can be used in a number of ways, including

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