Marc Wäckerlin wrote:

I am working in Ubuntu and compiling RPMs for Fedora. That's why I install 
Fedora in
a **chroot** environment. That works fine with Fedora 16, but fails with Fedora 
17 due
to the wrong "rpmlib(X-CheckUnifiedSystemdir)" dependency.

I Do not upgrade and I cannot use dracut, because Fedora 17 is in a chroot and 
boot. So the instructions at
do **not** help.

How to solve the problem? What does dracut do, why(*) does rpm fail, where does 
dependency come from? How can I either fake this dependency or prevent RPM from 
it? I need a deep inside knowledge on what's going on, what dracut does and 
what rpm does.
What have the fedora-guys patched to get thie wrong dependency, and how can I 
undo it?

(*) I mean technically *why*, not user-view answers like "to prevent upgrades 
fs-migration", this kind of answer does not help, but technical answers like 
creates content X in file Y, then the dependency is ignored in rpm"

Marc, I have to ask why you are doing that as opposed to just creating a VM and running Fedora in that. It just seems so much easier. And I have friends running fc17 in VM on both Mac and Windows7, so it's pretty sure Ubuntu would do so as well.

Just curious why you took that approach.

Bill Davidsen <>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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