Re: skype

2016-01-18 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
seeing a 64-bit alternative. Do you need 64-bit for any reason? -- Bernardo Sulzbach -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subscription options: Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: skype

2016-01-18 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
ould not be good financially, and so on. -- Bernardo Sulzbach -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subscription options: Fedora Code of Conduct: Gu

Re: Monitor / graphics card recommendation

2016-01-21 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
s not an issue, it's the real > estate I'm after. > To be the guy that answers a question with a question, have you considered multiple smaller monitors? -- Bernardo Sulzbach -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subscription options: https

Re: KDE mailing list?

2016-01-23 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
You are note the first to notice this, hopefully someone else has more insight into the problem than I do. -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subscription options: Fedora Code of Conduct: http://fedora

Re: how to create rescue disk fedora 23

2016-01-23 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 5:56 PM, Jack Craig wrote: > unfortunate upgrade to F23 It is not directly relevant to the discussion, but may you please write more about it? -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subscription options: https://admin.fedoraproject.or

Re: how to create rescue disk fedora 23

2016-01-23 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 6:17 PM, Joe Zeff wrote: > Why not just make a LiveUSB/DVD? It's got everything you would normally > need to repair your system, including a working GUI. I am inclined to agree, very often having a drive with a live image laying around helps. -- Bernar

Re: texlive

2016-01-24 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
Do you even use tex? Can you imagine one program that you make use of using it? -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subscription options: Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: texlive

2016-01-24 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
On Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 10:17 PM, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote: > since probably 99% of researchers in those fields write their papers in TeX > or its cousin LaTeX. Not only this kind of message annoys statistically inclined individuals, it is wrong by, let me say it, an order of magnitude. I don'

Re: texlive

2016-01-24 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
quality files. The associations abovementioned have very high quality standards, much above average. -- Bernardo Sulzbach -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subscription options: Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: texlive

2016-01-25 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
ice), most publishers of books that consist mostly of text do use text processors as they are decent nowadays. Just a last mention, you can see that everyone on this mailing list that has used TeX advocates for it. This has to mean something. -- Bernardo Sulzbach -- users mailing

Re: texlive

2016-01-25 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
Just an addition to George's impressive answer: I only tried Word equations on 2013 (the version) and it was painfully bad, sometimes blocking the program for as much as two or three seconds when I was entering a complex fraction. However, maybe it was just a bad installation or something that got

Re: texlive

2016-01-25 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 1:45 PM, Klaus-Peter Schrage wrote: > when being forced by my > customers to use Word. Would you mind sharing how common this was? -- Bernardo Sulzbach -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

Re: texlive

2016-01-25 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
ve > been developed around it for those interested). Anyway, enough about > that. > Last message I drop in this thread, hopefully. I think it really boils down to what is your conception of "text processor". Personally, I agree with you, TeX is not a cousin of LibreOffice Wri

Re: selinux??

2016-01-26 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
would ultimately blame the average person for not valuing privacy enough, though. Then those relatives who have 3 different passwords for 50 different services... Ugh. -- Bernardo Sulzbach -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subscription options:

Re: Cannot Boot Fedora 23 live media on Lenovo C540

2016-01-31 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
In what stage does it freeze? -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subscription options: Fedora Code of Conduct: Guidelines:

Re: Cannot Boot Fedora 23 live media on Lenovo C540

2016-01-31 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
I am just asking because installing Fedora on notebooks (at least for me) **never** was an easy task. It mostly has to do with BIOS settings. I can't recall if I ran into the problem you describe, but it may be a local issue and not a bug per se, if you understand me. Be warned that I am not a "L

Re: Firefox 44 removes privacy feature.

2016-02-02 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
Why would they remove it? Was it a big maintenance burden? Seems something reasonable to keep around. -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subscription options: Fedora Code of Conduct: http://fedoraproje

Re: Firefox 44 removes privacy feature.

2016-02-03 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
le for this shit. P.S.: 101 is already taken. You likely know this, but just for the sake of pedantry. -- Bernardo Sulzbach -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subscription options: Fedora

Re: Firefox 44 removes privacy feature.

2016-02-03 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
Those websites are part of the web, a web browser must be good enough to deal with all of it. Whether or not "accept all cookies" is a convenience worth the privacy is up to each one of us. -- Bernardo Sulzbach -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or cha

Re: Firefox 44 removes privacy feature.

2016-02-04 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
After (two?) mentions to Google search, I wonder if any you know of any paid web search engines? I've used Google search 140 times on the last 24 hours according to my history, so if they ask for more than some cents per query I wouldn't be able to afford it. Tim, it's not "just a privacy issue" f

Re: Firefox 44 removes privacy feature.

2016-02-04 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
Basic keyboard shortcuts work, calculator works. Will try it for some time now. -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subscription options: Fedora Code of Conduct:

Re: Firefox 44 removes privacy feature.

2016-02-04 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 2:10 PM, Tim wrote: > Allegedly, on or about 04 February 2016, Bernardo Sulzbach sent: >> Tim, it's not "just a privacy issue" for the average person. Being >> tracked **is** an issue, even if you have not committed any serious >> cri

Re: Firefox 44 removes privacy feature.

2016-02-04 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 5:11 PM, Joe Zeff wrote: > > Not only is it https, it promises to keep no records of your searches or > even your IP. Yes, it takes advantage of Google, but all Google learns is > that they searched for something, not who they sent the results to. Rather > like an anonymous