On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 2:10 PM, Tim <ignored_mail...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
> Allegedly, on or about 04 February 2016, Bernardo Sulzbach sent:
>> Tim, it's not "just a privacy issue" for the average person. Being
>> tracked **is** an issue, even if you have not committed any serious
>> crimes and are not researching anything illegal, you should be able to
>> find web pages anonymously.
> I don't know when privacy got redefined to mean something else, but
> that's exactly the opposite of privacy.  It's not something else.

I am not sure if you misunderstood me or I misunderstood you.

I agreed with what you said, I just do not like the phrasing "*just* a
privacy issue". A privacy issue **is** a big issue, even if it does
not put you in jail or on a wanted list.

YouTube content (for instance) should be tailored from your
subscriptions only, channels you stated to be interested in.
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