When updating by dnf to F28, process fails saying that nss-pem has an
inferior architecture (I have both i686 and 64 packages). Any idea??
users mailing list -- users@lists.fedoraproject.org
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:52 GMT+02:00 Antonio M :
> When updating by dnf to F28, process fails saying that nss-pem has an
> inferior architecture (I have both i686 and 64 packages). Any idea??
users mailing list -- users@lists.fedoraproject.org
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after updating f27 to F28, I note that gnome-terminal doesn't start on my
two systems. I had to install tilix to have a working terminal
Antonio Montagnani
Linux Fedora 27(Workstation)
da/from Gmail
users mailing list -- users@lists.fedoraproject.or
ng your system upgrade."
> This flag fixed that error for me.
> -
> *Regards,*
> *John Quirke*
> On 1 May 2018 at 19:26, Antonio M wrote:
>> this is the full output
>> dnf system-upgrade download --refresh --releasever=28
I updated both my systems:
I note that some menus are in english (activities instead of attivita' -
italian) Poweroff instead of spegni, and the sytems ask me to change name
of some folders...(that I denied)
What is the component to blame??
Antonio Montagnani
Linux Fedora 28 Workstation
another example is date: today it is mercoledì in Italy not Wednesday :-)
Antonio Montagnani
Linux Fedora 28 Workstation
da/from Gmail
2018-05-02 8:13 GMT+02:00 Antonio M :
> I updated both my systems:
> I note that some menus are in english (activities instead of attivita
It seems that langpack-it was not updated/installed . Is solves also the
issue abour localization
Antonio Montagnani
Linux Fedora 28 Workstation
da/from Gmail
2018-05-02 7:56 GMT+02:00 Antonio M :
> after updating f27 to F28, I note that gnome-terminal doesn't start on my
> two sys
is this application needed by Franta??
Antonio Montagnani
Linux Fedora 28 Workstation
da/from Gmail
2018-05-03 17:33 GMT+02:00 Todd Zullinger :
> Franta Hanzlík wrote:
> > I want to upgrade my Fedora 19 serve
works for me.
uname -a
Linux fujitsu 4.16.10-300.fc28.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon May 21 14:41:48 UTC 2018
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[root@fujitsu antonio]# rpm -qa google-chrome-stable
Antonio Montagnani
Linux Fedora 28 Workstation
da/from Gmail
Suddenly I cannot connect to my localhost: a couple of days ago connecting
to Cups admin page by using http://localhost:631 worked as expected,
tonight I get "page not found".
--2018-06-06 23:06:41--
Connessione a riuscito: Connessio
My host file. localhost
::1localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6
System is Fedora 28 fully updated
Antonio Montagnani
Linux Fedora 28 Workstation
da/from Gmail
2018-06-06 23:10 GMT+02:00 Antonio M :
> Suddenly I cannot connect to my localh
18-06-06 23:28 GMT+02:00 Ed Greshko :
> On 06/07/18 05:10, Antonio M wrote:
> >
> > Suddenly I cannot connect to my localhost: a couple of days ago
> connecting to Cups
> > admin page by using http://localhost:631 worked as expected, tonight I
> get "page
> > n
on my two systems the remote laptop is not working any more while the
desktop is running fine...and suddenly I can't print from the remote
Antonio Montagnani
Linux Fedora 28 Workstation
da/from Gmail
2018-06-06 23:44 GMT+02:00 Antonio M :
> # systemctl status httpd
> ● ht
MT+02:00 Rick Stevens :
> On 06/06/2018 02:10 PM, Antonio M wrote:
> >
> > Suddenly I cannot connect to my localhost: a couple of days ago
> > connecting to Cups admin page by using http://localhost:631 worked as
> > expected, tonight I get "page not found".
> >
/dbus dbus://
Antonio Montagnani
Linux Fedora 28 Workstation
da/from Gmail
2018-06-07 0:00 GMT+02:00 Ed Greshko :
> On 06/07/18 05:14, Antonio M wrote:
> > localhost
> > ::1localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6
> >
> > System i
00:01 fujitsu cupsd[891]: [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0,
used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENC>
giu 07 00:00:01 fujitsu cupsd[891]: [Client 1] Writing IPP response,
ipp_state=IPP_STATE_DATA, old wused=0, new wused=0
Antonio Montagnani
Linux Fedora 28 Workstation
Please see y message from my other account.Sorry for the noise
Il Gio 7 Giu 2018, 00:40 Rick Stevens ha scritto:
> On 06/06/2018 03:05 PM, Antonio M wrote:
> > systemctl status cups.service
> > ● cups.service - CUPS Scheduler
> >Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/
# grep "Listen" /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock
Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock
No Listen to 631 I suppose that I have to edit as
Listen localhost:631
Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock
Antonio Montagnani
Linux Fedora 28 Workstation
da/from Gmail
2018-06-07 4:18 GMT+02:00
no, no idea.maybe a shutdown during editing that file?? Just an idea...
Antonio Montagnani
Linux Fedora 28 Workstation
da/from Gmail
2018-06-07 7:34 GMT+02:00 Ed Greshko :
> On 06/07/18 13:17, Antonio M wrote:
> > # grep "Listen" /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
yes, it seems that cups is working now. Funny as I filed a bug last night
on this subject but this morning it was not non my list of bugzilla.
Antonio Montagnani
Linux Fedora 28 Workstation
da/from Gmail
2018-06-07 9:28 GMT+02:00 Ed Greshko :
> On 06/07/18 13:43, Antonio M wr
as Adobe Reader cannot be fully replaced by evince or other application, I
note that if I start Acroread and I use the File/open menu, it doesn't
work. Using acroread name_of_file in a terminal it works. Any idea? sorry
for the off-topic
Antonio Montagnani
Linux Fedora 28 Workstation
da/from Gmail
even with the new user Acrobat carshes in the same way. Not sure, but I
think that Adobe isnot supporting Acrobat reader any longer.
Tnx for help
Antonio Montagnani
Linux Fedora 28 Workstation
da/from Gmail
2018-06-29 20:56 GMT+02:00 stan :
> On Thu, 28 Jun 2018 22:23:00 +0200
> Ant
I am surprised to hear that Adobe works, I mean in my case it crashes as
soon as I use the File/open option both on an Intel machile and an AMD
machine. It worls if I run it from a terminal >acroread name_of_file.pdf.
And I followed same instructions
Antonio Montagnani
Linux Fedora 28 Workstatio
I checked in koij.fedoraproject and I didnt't find kerenl headers in
4.7.11. Is it correct??
Antonio Montagnani
Linux Fedora 28 Workstation
da/from Gmail
users mailing list -- users@lists.fedoraproject.org
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I am using Ufraw+Gimp to work on my photo.
I have been using a Pentax 1stDs for a long time, but I bought a new kx.
Today I went to an historical car race in Monza and surprise, PEF file
coming from the new camera are mismanaged, in particular red is
completely missing, therefore all colours are wr
2010/6/24 Adel ESSAFI :
> Hi list
> I have no experience with video processing on linux. I have tried kdenlive
> but the experience is not concluent.
> I want to ask if it is possible to make simple video editing automatically
> with line command. More precisely, I want to add a test or an image
2010/6/26 Michael Hannon :
> Greetings. I hope this doesn't distract anyone from the discussion of top
> posting, but I'm getting a dependency problem when doing a yum update on a
> freshly-installed, f13, x86_64 system.
> Basically, it appears that some of the gnome applications require a versi
I am using a network printer (NRG-MP-C3300) and I am noting that I can
choose format of paper (A3-A4) when printing from openoffice but when
I print from some application (Firefox, Eye of Gnome) I have only the
default format option (i.e. format choice is greyed).
Is this the correct behaviour?? or
2010/7/13 Tim :
> On Tue, 2010-07-13 at 09:12 +0200, Antonio M wrote:
>> I am using a network printer (NRG-MP-C3300) and I am noting that I can
>> choose format of paper (A3-A4) when printing from openoffice but when
>> I print from some application (Firefox, Eye of G
A friend of mine has installed F12 (that has been fully updated) on
her AMD system with Radeon graphic card, but she js experiencing some
freezes randomly.
So she added some option to grub and situation greatly improved, but
sometimes during operation system locks
When I start cheese on a fresh installation, we have only multiple
photos option available, we cannot change to 0 in number of photos and
photo interval.
Sometimes, cheese gets crazy with continuos fire and we hear laughing.
Is it really crazy?? :-)
Webcam is a Pixart Imaging Inc, ID 093a:2510 and
2010/3/6 barry yu :
> I have to copy the link of a webradio and then fire up VLC, select
> open location from clipboard to play the desire audio clip. If I just
> brow the website with Firefox and then click on the play now button,
> it won't work at all. When I check the Tools->Add-ons->Plugins,
2010/3/7 David Christopher Chipman :
> Emerson French wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It has been several years (literally) since I have had major sound problems
>> under Linux, since sound support has gotten much better. However, my sound
>> recently stopped working, and I'm mystified. I'm using an HP Pavilio
2010/3/7 Barry Yu :
> On 03/06/2010 08:20 AM, Antonio M wrote:
>> 2010/3/6 barry yu:
>>> I have to copy the link of a webradio and then fire up VLC, select
>>> open location from clipboard to play the desire audio clip. If I just
>>> brow the website w
I installed F12 on a desktop of a friend of mine.
She is experiencing freezing in particular during upgrades
Today during upgrades she got:
[r...@lella Lella]# yum-complete-transaction
Plugin caricati:presto, refresh-packagekit
No unfinished transactions left.
[r...@lella Lella]# yum clean all
2010/3/10 NoSpaze :
> Am Mittwoch, den 10.03.2010, 16:15 +0100 schrieb Antonio M:
>> [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
>> '/var/cache/yum/i386/12/fedora/01a9150327554e6d65132266f7b065a5d107b4efb7afa78012fa3ffcc6f517e9-primary.sqlite.bz2'
> My two cents
When I try to print only some pages of any application (evince,
oowriter,etc.) and I say to print for example pages 31-33, nothing is
printed same when I want to print current page
What is the component to be blamed???
Antonio Montagnani
Skype : amontag52
SIP: antoniomon...@ekiga.net
I am using Fedora 12 (and 13) installed on an external USB hard disk.
Sometimes the disk powers off and Fedora stalls until power is restored...
Is it a bug in the kernel???
Antonio Montagnani
Skype : amontag52
SIP: antoniomon...@ekiga.net
users mailing list
2011/6/9 Kalpa Welivitigoda :
> Today I installed Fedora 15 on my Acer Aspire 4736g laptop. It was a
> fresh install. Now my screen seems a bit stretched and the font is
> also not that clear. I couldn't get GNOME 3 running, it is the fail
> safe mode. Any help to solved these two issues,
> 1) Sc
ggio originale
>>>>>Da: callka...@gmail.com
>>>>>Data: 9-giu-2011 13.16
>>>>>A: "Community
>> support for Fedora users"
>>>> Re: Fedora
>> 15 with Acer Asp
2011/6/9 Kalpa Welivitigoda :
> On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 6:32 PM, Antonio M
> wrote:
> xorg-x11-drv-r128-6.8.1-9.fc15.i686
> xorg-x11-drv-mga-1.4.13-6.fc15.i686
> xorg-x11-drv-hyperpen-
> xorg-x11-drv-intel-2.15.0-3.fc15.i6
2011/6/13 Lawrence E Graves :
> Fedora 15 is still flushing my printer.
> --
> Lawrence E Graves
a lot of informations from your post ;-)
I doubt that anybody can help youat least make and model of
printer, I suggest
Antonio Montagnani
Skype : amontag52
SIP: antoniomon...@ekiga.net
2011/7/5 Maurizio Marini :
> As far as i have understood, in f15 there no openoffice and there is
> libreoffice in place
> i am planning to upgrade f14 to f15, is it better uninstalling
> openoffice and let preupgrade to install libreoffice? or si better let him to
> do the work?
> -m.
> --
> use
2011/7/6 JB :
> Abu Attar Musharih gmail.com> writes:
>> Dear List,
>> I connect to the internet via wireless. There are two available
>> connections, the first one is set up by myself (insert IP etc), the
>> other is automatically found by the network manager.
>> The problem is, the
2011/8/31 Hiisi :
> On 31 August 2011 20:51, Bruno Wolff III wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 14:03:39 +0200,
>> "antonio.montagn...@alice.it" wrote:
>>> How can I report the full set of
>>> messages? (If not copying by hand??)
>> It is relatively common for people to take a picture of t
2011/9/26 Tim :
> On Mon, 2011-09-26 at 06:45 +, g wrote:
>> when posting to tech support;
>> }> To: Community support for Fedora users
>> }> Cc: Fedora List
>> please use one or other address, not both.
>> proper address is;
>> users@lists.fedoraproject.org
> Actu
It was a long time since my last burn.tonight I wanted to burn a
CD-RW but I could not as I could not erase it.
I was using K3B or Brasero, and NautilusI could burn a standard CD
Running a fully updated F13 with
Antonio Montagnani
Skype : amontag52
SIP: antoni
2010/9/10 Antonio M :
> It was a long time since my last burn.tonight I wanted to burn a
> CD-RW but I could not as I could not erase it.
> I was using K3B or Brasero, and NautilusI could burn a standard CD
> Running a fully updated F13 with
Is this wireless USB adapter working out of the box in Fedora?? any
Antonio Montagnani
Skype : amontag52
SIP: antoniomon...@ekiga.net
users mailing list
To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
I have two F14 systems (a fresh installation and un updated system).
I shot pictures with my camera as raw files (format is dgn or PEF),
then I import them to my systems.
On the fresh system I can see thumbnails (previews) of raw files, on
the updated system no previews are available.
Digging in
2011/2/14 Antonio M :
> I have two F14 systems (a fresh installation and un updated system).
> I shot pictures with my camera as raw files (format is dgn or PEF),
> then I import them to my systems.
> On the fresh system I can see thumbnails (previews) of raw files, on
> the
2011/2/14 Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak :
> On 02/13/2011 04:22 PM, antonio montagnani wrote:
>> I m using Fedora for photo manipulation with Gimp.
>> When I open a folder containing raw files I don't see thumbnails of
>> pictures on one of my system while on the other I can see them (Jpeg,
>> Pef and D
I have two similar computers, more or less with the same configuration
(i.e. also same name of folders)
On one computers folders are shared through the network, on the other
one I see the shared folder, but when I click on it I get "Impossible
to show folder content-Permissions are not sufficient"
2011/2/21 Antonio M :
> I have two similar computers, more or less with the same configuration
> (i.e. also same name of folders)
> On one computers folders are shared through the network, on the other
> one I see the shared folder, but when I click on it I get "Impossible
> to
2011/2/21 Antonio M :
> 2011/2/21 Antonio M :
> this is the result of testing samba:
> smbclient -L Acer -U antonio
> Enter antonio's password:
> Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.5.6-71.fc14]
2011/2/28 antonio.montagn...@alice.it :
> Suddenly, when I boot my laptop (That is getting IP from a DHCP), I see smb
> and
> nmb services up, but whe I log in I see that nmb is dead!!! I have to restart
> it manually and then my shares are shown
> No idea why and what to look for
> debugging.
2011/2/28 Antonio M :
> 2011/2/28 antonio.montagn...@alice.it :
>> Suddenly, when I boot my laptop (That is getting IP from a DHCP), I see smb
>> and
>> nmb services up, but whe I log in I see that nmb is dead!!! I have to restart
>> it manually and then my shares are
2011/2/28 Antonio M :
> 2011/2/28 Antonio M :
>> 2011/2/28 antonio.montagn...@alice.it :
>>> Suddenly, when I boot my laptop (That is getting IP from a DHCP), I see smb
>>> and
>>> nmb services up, but whe I log in I see that nmb is dead!!! I have to
2011/4/5 Burkhard Plache :
> Hello,
> I am trying to install F14 from DVD on an empty Laptop.
> After inserting the DVD, I get the menu:
> 1) Install a new system or upgrade an existing system
> 2) Install system with basic video driver
> 3) Rescue installed system
> 4) Boot from local drive
2011/4/12 Stephen P Molnar :
> Is it possible to install Fedora on an USB External Hard Drive?
> --
> users mailing list
> users@lists.fedoraproject.org
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/users
> Guidelines: http://fedoraproject
2011/4/12 Stephen P Molnar :
> Two more questions:
> 1. How is the MBR affected/changed? I ask because I want to do this first
> on the laptop that I use for consulting and I wouldn't want to mess it up.
> 2. Is the Fedora HD portable, that is can I run Eudora on another computer?
> Thanks i
2011/4/12 Stephen P Molnar :
> Many thanks.
> -Original Message-
> From: users-boun...@lists.fedoraproject.org
> [mailto:users-boun...@lists.fedoraproject.org] On Behalf Of Antonio M
> Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 10:33 AM
> To: Community support for Fedora users
2011/5/2 Tony Foster :
> On Thu, 2011-03-24 at 08:43 -0500, Steven Stern wrote:
>> On 03/24/2011 08:04 AM, Jim wrote:
>> > When will Firefox 4 be coming to Fedora 14 ?
>> It works very well. Download from mozilla.org and put it in ~/firefox.
>> Run it from there and set it to be your default bro
2011/5/30 Varuna Seneviratna :
> When Safely Remove Drive menu is clicked on the external Hard Drive
> FD15 gets stuck
> I have 350GB external Western Digital USB hard Drive.When I try to
> remove it from the system by executing Safely Remove Drive menu the
> fedora 15 system gets stuck.The process
After F14 installation, I note that moving images now are flashing on
some web pages
For example, have a look at http://www.campingmonterosa.com
I checked on other Os's and they are fine.
Where is the bug??
Antonio Montagnani
Skype : amontag52
SIP: antoniomon...@ekiga.net
users mailing li
On one of my systems, if Selinux is targeted I cannot access to
graphical session, as password would be wrong (all users and root)
As soon as Selinux=0 at boot time system works fine.System is fully updated
I cannot find a related bug in bugzilla...
Antonio Montagnani
Skype : amontag52
I have a fresh installation of Fedora 14...
Both VLC an Xine can play avi files, but Totem doesn't work (It can
play mp3 files)
What am I missing??
Antonio Montagnani
Skype : amontag52
SIP: antoniomon...@ekiga.net
users mailing list
To unsubscribe or cha
2010/12/20 Zoltan Hoppar :
> Hi,
> Did you added rpmfusion repos? This is needed to trigger the automatic
> decoder installation.
> Z
> 2010/12/20 Antonio M :
>> I have a fresh installation of Fedora 14...
>> Both VLC an Xine can play avi files,
2010/12/20 Zoltan Hoppar :
> The problem I think that you have manually installed these key
> decoders. Therefore, the chain is not complete. I basically do
> nothing, just try to open many video files at first, and the rest is
> done by the installer.
I removed all plugins included xvidcore...a
I am trying to make a Huawei1692 dongle work in F12. But when I use
usb_modeswitch device is not switched to modem mode and I get the
attached output.
Any hint?? It was working fine with same conf file in F11. Tnx
I have usb_modeswitch-1.0.5-1.fc12.i686 installed, but I see that
1.0.7 is available on usb_modeswitch website.
How can I submit the request for un update???
Antonio Montagnani
Skype : antoniomontag
SIP: antoniomon...@ekiga.net
users mailing list
To unsubscrib
2010/1/16 Jim :
> On 01/16/2010 12:44 AM, Chris Smart wrote:
>> 2010/1/16 Jim:
>>> How do I verify that.
>>> --
>> Can you browse the Internet directly? Or do you need to configure a
>> proxy server in your web browser?
>> -c
> I'm using Konqueror as a Browser and it can't get out on t
2010/1/15 antonio montagnani :
> Robert G. (Doc) Savage ha scritto / said the following il giorno/on
> 15/01/2010 17:24:
>> On Fri, 2010-01-15 at 09:57 +0100, Antonio M wrote:
>>> I have usb_modeswitch-1.0.5-1.fc12.i686 installed, but I see that
>>> 1.0.7 is avail
I upgraded a F11 to F12 using the DVD.
Afterwards, I upgraded all packages (with the exception of the kernel,
that is a separate issue!!).
When I reboot and I log as a standard user, I don't have the icons for
computer, trah, and home on my desktop.Furthermore any item in
Resource menu seems not to
2010/1/18 Patrick O'Callaghan :
> On Mon, 2010-01-18 at 12:49 +0100, Antonio M wrote:
>> I upgraded a F11 to F12 using the DVD.
>> Afterwards, I upgraded all packages (with the exception of the kernel,
>> that is a separate issue!!).
>> When I reboot and I log as a
2010/1/18 Patrick O'Callaghan :
> On Mon, 2010-01-18 at 12:49 +0100, Antonio M wrote:
>> I upgraded a F11 to F12 using the DVD.
>> Afterwards, I upgraded all packages (with the exception of the kernel,
>> that is a separate issue!!).
>> When I reboot and I log as a
2010/1/18 Antonio M :
> 2010/1/18 Patrick O'Callaghan :
>> On Mon, 2010-01-18 at 12:49 +0100, Antonio M wrote:
>>> I upgraded a F11 to F12 using the DVD.
>>> Afterwards, I upgraded all packages (with the exception of the kernel,
>>> that is a separate i
upgrading this morning is broken when trying to upgrade mesa-drivers
09:29:44 : ERROR: Dependency resolving completed with errors
09:29:44 : ERROR: Dipendenza mancante: libdrm >= 2.4.17-1 è
necessario per il pacchetto mesa-libGL-7.7-2.fc12.i686 (updates)
Antonio Montagnani
Skype : antoniomo
2010/1/19 Robert P. J. Day :
> i'm assuming this is temporary:
> # yum update
> ...
> mesa-libGL-7.7-2.fc12.x86_64 from updates has depsolving problems
> --> Missing Dependency: libdrm >= 2.4.17-1 is needed by package
> mesa-libGL-7.7-2.fc12.x86_64 (updates)
> rday
> --
2010/1/19 Robert P. J. Day :
> On Tue, 19 Jan 2010, Antonio M wrote:
>> 2010/1/19 Robert P. J. Day :
>> >
>> > i'm assuming this is temporary:
>> >
>> > # yum update
>> > ...
>> > mesa-libGL-7.7-2.fc12.x86_64 from updates h
I made a fresh install on an USB disk, then I updated all system, and
I rebooted.
When I get the graphic login screen I enter the password, but I can't
get in, while it works fine in text mode.
Any hint???
Antonio Montagnani
Skype : antoniomontag
SIP: antoniomon...@ekiga.net
users mail
2010/1/29 Anoop :
> On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 10:39 PM, Antonio M
> wrote:
>> I made a fresh install on an USB disk, then I updated all system, and
>> I rebooted.
>> When I get the graphic login screen I enter the password, but I can't
>> get in, while it works fi
2010/1/29 Frank Cox :
> On Fri, 2010-01-29 at 19:16 +0100, Antonio M wrote:
>> I get the login screen of gnome, I choose an
>> user, I enter teh password, but I can't get in and I get again the
>> gnome login screen...
> If you can log in from text mode
2010/1/29 Frank Cox :
> On Fri, 2010-01-29 at 21:07 +0100, Antonio M wrote:
>> it works in runlevel 3, I can log in as any user (root included) and
>> issue a startx from any user
> Anything interesting in /var/log/secure when you try to login through
> gdm?
> --
2010/1/31 Prabhakar Pandey :
> i used fedora 8 but later some of you told that fedora 8 is not that good
> and i should try f12 or f11 .
> so can anybody tell me which one should i install f11 or f12 ??
> and it would be nice if u tell me how to install various media players and
> all in it coz
2010/1/31 Steven Stern :
> On 01/31/2010 12:51 PM, Perhaps Perhaps wrote:
>> Please, how do I listen to WBGO on RhythmBox? Thank you.
> I tried to add http://www.wbgo.org/listennow/wbgo.m3u, but it crashes
> the player. I'm filing a bugzilla.
> It will work if you use this URL for the new
I am helping a friend of mine to set up his machine with Fedora 12
1) we installed by DVD and it was o.k
2) after rebooting we set up the user
3) we started to upgrade with latest updates (but at the moment we
have not yet upgraded kernel) with Package kit
4) we are experiencing system locks very o
I added this option in grub, you can try it at boot-time, then modify the
grub configuration file.It might work
2014-03-18 13:48 GMT+01:00 Ed Greshko :
> On 03/18/14 11:18, CS_DBA wrote:
> > Hi All;
> >
> > I have Fedora 20 installed on a Lenovo W540. I cannot con
not working here
2014-05-13 11:14 GMT+02:00 Ed Greshko :
> On 05/13/14 15:46, Joachim Backes wrote:
> > Since some (??) firefox version (my current version is
> > firefox-29.0-5.fc20.x86_64) favicons don't work. I'm sure that in some
> > earlier firefox versions they were supported. This iss
Fedora 18 is EOL so I suppose that you will get no answer
2014-05-29 17:12 GMT+02:00 David Carpio :
> Hello everybody:
> A month ago when I start Fedora I have the same problem the system shows
> me this message:
> Process /usr/cupsd was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
> And I cannot enter t
I am using a Picostation to repeat the resort's wireless network, from A
SSID to B SSID. I am using DD-Wrt software, but sometimes on Fedora (but
also on Ubuntu on another machine) I lose the connection (a question mark
replaces the wireless icon) and I have to switch off and the switch on the
Ralf, do you mean that I could unmount my filesystems from inside the root
window and proceed with e2fsck?
2015-09-05 7:59 GMT+02:00 Ralf Corsepius :
> On 09/05/2015 07:31 AM, antonio montagnani wrote:
> do you mean that I could run e2fsck from inside the root shell?
> Yes.
> I
>> gu
you have to wait 41.9-6 otherwise sqile updates are required. Pick it in
2015-09-27 13:35 GMT+02:00 Hossein Aghaie :
> yes, me too, i have this problem :
> http://paste.fedoraproject.org/271950/33536921/
> On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 2:51 PM, Michael Schwendt
> wrote:
>> On Sun, 27 S
I note that if I have personal file sharing on it works properly only if
password is disabled, otherwise I get an http error.
My boxes are pretty standard Fedora 22.
Antonio Montagnani
Skype : amontag52
Linux Fedora 22 (Twenty-two)
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which update killed all my sshd.service on all my systems?? I had to
re-enable them on my networkany idea??
Antonio Montagnani
Skype : amontag52
Linux Fedora 22 (Twenty-two)
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my systems are fully updated F22's latest updates are two hours old
2015-10-12 13:49 GMT+02:00 Ed Greshko :
> On 10/12/2015 07:22 PM, Antonio M wrote:
> > which update killed all my sshd.service on all my systems?? I had to
> re-enable them on my networkany idea??
and openssh was updated last October 9... now I am running 6.9p1-9.fc22
2015-10-12 13:56 GMT+02:00 Antonio M :
> my systems are fully updated F22's latest updates are two hours old
> 2015-10-12 13:49 GMT+02:00 Ed Greshko :
>> On 10/12/2015 07:22 PM, Antonio M w
openssh and similar were last updated on October 9. as already written in a
I had to issue systemctl enable sshd.service and everything went o.k.
2015-10-12 14:13 GMT+02:00 Ed Greshko :
> On 10/12/2015 07:56 PM, Antonio M wrote:
> > my systems are fully updated F22's
upgraded one of my friends' laptops this morning and got same problem...
2015-10-13 14:28 GMT+02:00 Michael D. Setzer II :
> I don't think it always happens. I have a classroom with 20 i7 machines
> that I
> upgraded to Fedora 22 a short time ago. I have one main machine, and have
> scripts that
...then I have no entry list in my Grub menu!!! no idea how to proceed
before re-installation of Windows and Fedora
Antonio Montagnani
Skype : amontag52
Linux Fedora 22 (Twenty-two)
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