Re: [Undeliverable: Re: Mailing lists and Discourse]

2022-10-28 Thread Sam Varshavchik
Samuel Sieb writes: This is the problem. The server either doesn't like the SPF policy or the received message fails the SPF policy. Maybe the mailing list admins will have to add to the list of hidden senders. I run very stringent SPF checks, and to my knowledge I have no issues

Re: i915 Unstable

2022-10-28 Thread Ken Smith via users
Felix Miata wrote: Ken Smith via users composed on 2022-10-26 13:05 (UTC+0100): This machine has a KabbyLake processor (Intel Core i5-7200U 2.50GHz), 8G memory, an Intel i915 (HD Graphics 620) GPU and SSD storage. I've read on various forums that this combination of CPU/GPU can be problemat

Re: i915 Unstable

2022-10-28 Thread Roger Heflin
The dmesg in the dump where it starts having issues is often enough to have an idea. On Fri, Oct 28, 2022, 9:09 AM Ken Smith via users <> wrote: > > > Felix Miata wrote: > > Ken Smith via users composed on 2022-10-26 13:05 (UTC+0100): > > > >> This machine has a Kabb

How do I rebuild Grub/Boot/initramfs from a Live USB?

2022-10-28 Thread Jake D
Hello all. I need some help. Firstly: Please forgive the formatting - I'm new to this medium and not sure what the accepted conventions are, the HyperKitty interface is ...very basic. Also please forgive the length, I just don't know how to make it shorter without losing potentially relevant

Re: Fwd: [Undeliverable: Re: Mailing lists and Discourse]

2022-10-28 Thread George N. White III
On Thu, Oct 27, 2022 at 10:43 PM Tim via users <> wrote: > > Gmail seems to have a problem with mailing lists. Heck knows why, it > ought to know how they work, by now. The problem being that when you > post through through the list, *it* is not an authorised sender

Re: How do I rebuild Grub/Boot/initramfs from a Live USB?

2022-10-28 Thread Samuel Sieb
On 10/28/22 11:31, Jake D wrote: I’ve managed to chroot (a very dumb word) thru a LiveUSB session, with the following commands: It's better not to call things dumb without understanding. It's short for CHange ROOT, which does what it says. cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1p6 fedora_crypt m

Re: How do I rebuild Grub/Boot/initramfs from a Live USB?

2022-10-28 Thread Go Canes
On Fri, Oct 28, 2022 at 2:32 PM Jake D wrote: > I’ve managed to chroot (a very dumb word) thru a LiveUSB session, with the > following commands: > > >>cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1p6 fedora_crypt > >>mount /dev/mapper/fedora_crypt /mnt/ -t btrfs -o subvol=root > >>mount /dev/mapper/fedora_cryp

Re: How do I rebuild Grub/Boot/initramfs from a Live USB?

2022-10-28 Thread Jake D
> What does "ls -l /dev/mapper/fedora_crypt" show? Do I run this from...'within' the 'chroot' thing, or just in the live USB after i do 'luks open'? > That's one of the possible places for it to write the files. Did it > find the right place? If not, you'll have to specify the file yourself.

Re: How do I rebuild Grub/Boot/initramfs from a Live USB?

2022-10-28 Thread Jake D
> Stab in the dark - within the chroot jail maybe it knows about the > mounted *tree* but it doesn't know about the mounts themselves? In > other words, by doing the mounts outside of the chroot, you are > updating /etc/mnttab in the "Live USB" environment, but /etc/mnttab in > the chroot environ

Re: How do I rebuild Grub/Boot/initramfs from a Live USB?

2022-10-28 Thread Patrick O'Callaghan
On Fri, 2022-10-28 at 18:31 +, Jake D wrote: > Firstly:  Please forgive the formatting - I'm new to this medium and > not sure what the accepted conventions are, the HyperKitty interface > is ...very basic. HyperKitty is a web front-end for what is really a mailing list. Most people here acces

Re: How do I rebuild Grub/Boot/initramfs from a Live USB?

2022-10-28 Thread Samuel Sieb
On 10/28/22 12:26, Jake D wrote: What does "ls -l /dev/mapper/fedora_crypt" show? Do I run this from...'within' the 'chroot' thing, or just in the live USB after i do 'luks open'? within the chroot. That's one of the possible places for it to write the files. Did it find the right place

Re: Fwd: [Undeliverable: Re: Mailing lists and Discourse]

2022-10-28 Thread Tim via users
On Fri, 2022-10-28 at 15:40 -0300, George N. White III wrote: > I use gmail for lists.  I'm still using Yahoo for lists. When I first started using mailing lists, yahoo was the biggest source of spam coming into them, so I figured they deserved to be the recipient. And they seem better at not fa

Re: How do I rebuild Grub/Boot/initramfs from a Live USB?

2022-10-28 Thread Chris Murphy
On Fri, Oct 28, 2022, at 2:31 PM, Jake D wrote: > Hello all. > > I need some help. My opinion: This is probably easier in a live discussion on IRC or Matrix. There's just too much back and forth required. But the absolute easiest thing to do is mount the encrypted btrfs, make a backup of the

Re: How do I rebuild Grub/Boot/initramfs from a Live USB?

2022-10-28 Thread Jake D
> Do you have any initramfs files in /boot? Not at present, Like I said, it was wiped > Yes. You need to find out which kernel version(s) you have installed in > order to run the following command. I'm sorry, which command? dnf upgrade kernel? Is that also inside chrrot ? > First try "dnf u

Re: How do I rebuild Grub/Boot/initramfs from a Live USB?

2022-10-28 Thread Jake D
> HyperKitty is a web front-end for what is really a mailing list. Most > people here access the list via a standard mailer rather than the web > interface, which (IMHO) gives better results, including proper quoting. I 'm not really sure what a "standard mailer" is or what you mean by 'mailing

Re: How do I rebuild Grub/Boot/initramfs from a Live USB?

2022-10-28 Thread Jake D
> My opinion: This is probably easier in a live discussion on IRC or Matrix. > There's > just too much back and forth required. Are these different forums? I just googled 'Fedora matrix 'and I'm getting a lot of very varied hits > But the absolute easiest thing to do is mount the encrypted bt

Re: How do I rebuild Grub/Boot/initramfs from a Live USB?

2022-10-28 Thread Go Canes
On Fri, Oct 28, 2022 at 3:31 PM Jake D wrote: > > Stab in the dark - within the chroot jail maybe it knows about the > > mounted *tree* but it doesn't know about the mounts themselves? In > > other words, by doing the mounts outside of the chroot, you are > > updating /etc/mnttab in the "Live USB

Re: How do I rebuild Grub/Boot/initramfs from a Live USB?

2022-10-28 Thread Patrick O'Callaghan
On Fri, 2022-10-28 at 20:21 +, Jake D wrote: > > > HyperKitty is a web front-end for what is really a mailing list. > > Most > > people here access the list via a standard mailer rather than the > > web > > interface, which (IMHO) gives better results, including proper > > quoting. > > I 'm n

Re: How do I rebuild Grub/Boot/initramfs from a Live USB?

2022-10-28 Thread Samuel Sieb
On 10/28/22 13:14, Jake D wrote: Then you're probably done. This much damage is difficult to repair without some knowledge about what you're doing. I'm curious about all the issues you were having because that's unusual. Did you ask here about those issues? Thats disappointing. I didnt reali

Re: How do I rebuild Grub/Boot/initramfs from a Live USB?

2022-10-28 Thread Jonathan Billings
On Oct 28, 2022, at 14:32, Jake D wrote: > > Hello all. > > I need some help. > > Firstly: Please forgive the formatting - I'm new to this medium and not sure > what the accepted conventions are, the HyperKitty interface is ...very basic. > Also please forgive the length, I just don't know

Re: How do I rebuild Grub/Boot/initramfs from a Live USB?

2022-10-28 Thread Tim via users
On Fri, 2022-10-28 at 20:27 +, Jake D wrote: > I really can't believe that these Linux systems are so fragile and > the ONLY option is to start over, is there nothing like Resotre > Points in windows? Hmm, hahaha, is this a troll?   Was there anything ever more self-destructive than Windows?

Re: How do I rebuild Grub/Boot/initramfs from a Live USB?

2022-10-28 Thread Jake D
> That's funny. Randomly delete some system files and the boot partition > and ask a new user to fix it. Good luck. Almost always, even for not > new users, any serious windows problem is solved by reinstalling the system. This is demonstrably not true, but also not relevant and I have no i

Re: How do I rebuild Grub/Boot/initramfs from a Live USB?

2022-10-28 Thread Jake D
No, it's not a troll. Thank-you for your otherwise completely irrelevant , unsolicited and entirely unhelpful opinion piece. I'm sorry for not realising Windows upsets you so much and is therefore inferior, and for daring to ask if Linux has similar recovery functionality, after being told th

Re: How do I rebuild Grub/Boot/initramfs from a Live USB?

2022-10-28 Thread Jake D
> Well the good news is that if it is booting to a grub prompt, it is most > likely not a > problem with the EFI volume, because it is booting into grub. You just need > to regenerate > the contents of the /boot volume, which most importantly needs a kernel, an > initrd and > some grub configu

Re: How do I rebuild Grub/Boot/initramfs from a Live USB?

2022-10-28 Thread Samuel Sieb
On 10/28/22 16:07, Jake D wrote: Case in point being you own choice to ignore my request to clarify the scatter-shot of previously mentioned commands, in favor of going on a tangent about how "well, all my laptops work", as if all you're really interested in is invalidating me for asking in

Re: How do I rebuild Grub/Boot/initramfs from a Live USB?

2022-10-28 Thread Slade Watkins via users
On 10/28/22 4:27 PM, Jake D wrote: > I really can't believe that these Linux systems are so fragile and the ONLY > option is to start over Wanted to hop in here real fast and say: Pop!_OS, which is my primary distro (with Fedora being my secondary), has the option to go into recovery (has a small

Re: How do I rebuild Grub/Boot/initramfs from a Live USB?

2022-10-28 Thread Tim via users
On Fri, 2022-10-28 at 23:09 +, Jake D wrote: > No, it's not a troll. It does appear otherwise. > Thank-you for your otherwise completely irrelevant , unsolicited and > entirely unhelpful opinion piece. NB: I responded to you in EXACTLY the same way as your opening post. Go back and read

Re: How do I rebuild Grub/Boot/initramfs from a Live USB?

2022-10-28 Thread Samuel Sieb
On 10/28/22 21:54, Slade Watkins via users wrote: On 10/28/22 4:27 PM, Jake D wrote: I really can't believe that these Linux systems are so fragile and the ONLY option is to start over Wanted to hop in here real fast and say: Pop!_OS, which is my primary distro (with Fedora being my secondary