(replying to myself)
> So after backing up "/etc/systemd/journald.conf", ... After those
three edits,
> I can save and reboot, or did I miss something?
I did the back-up and the edits. I noted current stats on '/', /var/,
and /var/log/, re-booted, and looked again and the stats. No differenc
(addressed to everyone)
(responding to Joe)
> So run bleachbit with gksudo ... That way, you can clean up parts of
your system
> that your regular user can't write to. HTH, HAND.
What are other list members' experiences with bleachbit run as root or a
non-root admin. user? Are the space gains
On 10/22/2019 11:18 AM, home user wrote:
What are other list members' experiences with bleachbit run as root or a
non-root admin. user? Are the space gains worth the time and effort?
Has it caused problems by deleting things that shouldn't be deleted, or
changing things inappropriately? Is it
On 10/23/19 12:55 AM, home user wrote:
> My "work" system" ...
I see this as individual preferences.
Yes, of course, but that *wasn't* the point. You listed how you use your
system. I was simply contrasting
my usage pattern and how much information is contained v.s. space taken
As for ind
(responding to Ed)
> Yes, of course, but that *wasn't* the point. ...
My apologies. Now I see what you were saying.
I worked for 17 years on the "AWIPS"(*) project, in which logging was
split into different files based on date and application. It was an
excellent, easy to use (both in programm