On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 4:08 AM, Aaron Konstam wrote:
I don't agree. No beginning programmer ( I mean one who has never
> programmed before) will learn C from K&R. Or at least I this it will be
> very difficult.
Might be!
Parshwa Murdia
users mailing list
On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 4:11 AM, Aaron Konstam wrote:
Most people who think they understand C++ will be humbled by listening
> to its developer explain how it can be used.
Parshwa Murdia
users mailing list
To unsubscribe or change subsc
On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 4:15 AM, Aaron Konstam wrote:
As someone who taught about programming languages for 30 years I can tell
> you it would be pretty hard to go from C++ to Lisp or
> scheme without some serious coaching.
You might be correct but why I said because of C++ having zillion of o
On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 4:22 AM, Aaron Konstam wrote:
There are C++ implementations where C++ is processed to C but the
> language it self can have a compiler that does not use C.
Parshwa Murdia
users mailing list
To unsubscribe or change su
On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 8:13 AM, Tim wrote:
And I still have my book for the SDK-85 to prove it... And my pocket
> fold-out cheat-sheet for the CPU OP codes ;-)
> Breadboarding our own CPU, RAM, I/O, etc.
> Mind you, when it comes to compiling OP codes in your head, then
> punching hex int
On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 8:20 AM, Marvin Kosmal wrote:
Punch Card
> Hollerith code
> hehe
> Marvin
Parshwa Murdia
users mailing list
To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 8:38 AM, Tim wrote:
I wonder if kids will build their own MP3 players, the way we built a
> crystal radio set? ;-)
> --
> [...@localhost ~]$
Future only could tell that.
Parshwa Murdia
users mailing list
To unsubscri
On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 8:46 AM, James McKenzie
Again, more books that I have read. I had or have their Javascript for
> Programmers book. Not needed for a good course on programming.
> However, their C++ book is great.
> Their C book is a mixed bag in the current edition, but I had a p
On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 10:04 AM, Tim wrote:
Hot quite, here it is:
> http://i55.tinypic.com/2whp10j.jpg
Parshwa Murdia
users mailing list
To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 6:07 AM, Hugh Caley wrote:
May I suggest that people do not use this forum as a type of chat client?
> Replies of "Yes." and "Great." are not useful to a public discussion and
> make for really huge archive lists and digests.
> Hugh
Correct Hugh, but I hope you woul
On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 6:15 AM, Joe Zeff wrote:
Especially when they either top post or quote the entire message,
> including large quantities of text that has nothing to do with their reply.
Really. But some reason is there and you know about it being a programing
On Wed, 2010-12-22 at 16:45 -0600, Aaron Konstam wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-12-22 at 23:42 +0530, Parshwa Murdia wrote:
> >
> > I suggested it for that reason, you can use c++ very easily as
> > if it
> > was C and this allows for a much easier transition in the
> > futu
--- Parshwa Murdia wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 6:07 AM, Hugh Caley
> wrote:
> May I suggest that people do not use this forum as
> a type of chat client?
> > Replies of "Yes." and "Great." are not useful to a
> public discussion and
> > make for really huge archive lists and digests.
On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 8:56 AM, Temlakos wrote:
> I've tried several times to install the Adobe-provided .rpm on a new F14
> installation, without result.
> What must I do--take the tarball?
Well, for me, yes.
I'm still on F13 (although I think I'll have time to upgrade, maybe,
over the winte
On Wed, 2010-12-22 at 16:52 -0600, Aaron Konstam wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 00:10 +0530, Parshwa Murdia wrote:
> > On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 4:09 PM, les wrote:
> >
> > Since C++ is a preprocessor to C, how does it run circles
> > around C?
> > Just asking.
> >
On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 13:13 +1030, Tim wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-12-22 at 15:54 -0500, Matthew Saltzman wrote:
> > Bah. Real Programmers don't use FORTRAN, either!
> >
> > http://johnreece.com/wordpress/2006/07/10/real-programmers-dont-use-fortran-either/
> And I still have my book for the SDK-85
Hi fedora users!
Today is a very important day for me because the new version of one
of my web projects has been released, it's name is Calyphrox and is
a webproxy that is powered by Google App Engine. Calyphrox let you
to anonimyze your web browsing, by filtering your real information; By
using c
On 12/23/2010 08:58 AM, Parshwa Murdia wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 2:39 AM, Joe Zeff wrote:
> There's also a copy of that story at FOLDOC. The first computer I ever
>> programmed was an IBM 1620, Mod 2, with 20,000 individually addressable
>> BCD digits, already obsolete in the late '60s w
>> Not quite, here it is:
>> http://i55.tinypic.com/2whp10j.jpg
Parshwa Murdia:
> Great.
Did you actually read the card?
[...@localhost ~]$ uname -r
Don't send private replies to my address, the mailbox is ignored. I
read messages from the public lists.
On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 4:53 PM, Tim wrote:
> >> Not quite, here it is:
> >> http://i55.tinypic.com/2whp10j.jpg
> >
> Parshwa Murdia:
> > Great.
> Did you actually read the card?
> --
> [...@localhost ~]$
I first saw that and then tries, ultimately could not. Seems great as how
>> Did you actually read the card?
Parshwa Murdia:
> I first saw that and then tries, ultimately could not. Seems great as
> how wonderful the technology has become!
Punch cards, including the ones drawn on in lead pencil, are the
ultimate long term st
I am a student of computer science .
Now we are learning the design of OS . We study Unix and do some
homework on linux .
I know some good books about with OS . May you guys can suggest more
What i want to know nowis how to build a small OS (every
things is done by myself or
On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 11:08 +0900, 夜神 岩男 wrote:
> --- Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> > On Wed, 2010-12-22 at 16:28 -0600, Aaron Konstam
> > wrote:
> > However, under F14 the junk
> > > folder displays a number that represents the
> > number of messages in the
> > > junk folder when the program i
On Wed, 2010-12-22 at 16:37 -0800, Hugh Caley wrote:
> May I suggest that people do not use this forum as a type of chat
> client? Replies of "Yes." and "Great." are not useful to a public
> discussion and make for really huge archive lists and digests.
> Hugh
I'd also like to add t
On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 03:19 -0600, Manuel Escudero wrote:
> Hi fedora users!
> Today is a very important day for me because the new version of one
> of my web projects has been released, it's name is Calyphrox and is
> a webproxy that is powered by Google App Engine. Calyphrox let you
> to anoni
On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 21:09 +0800, xinyou yan wrote:
> I am a student of computer science .
> Now we are learning the design of OS . We study Unix and do some
> homework on linux .
> I know some good books about with OS . May you guys can suggest more
> What i want to know nowis
On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 11:08 +0900, 夜神 岩男 wrote:
> --- Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> > On Wed, 2010-12-22 at 16:28 -0600, Aaron Konstam
> > wrote:
> > However, under F14 the junk
> > > folder displays a number that represents the
> > number of messages in the
> > > junk folder when the program is
On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 13:31 +0530, Parshwa Murdia wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 4:11 AM, Aaron Konstam
> wrote:
> Most people who think they understand C++ will be humbled by
> listening
> to its developer explain how it can be used.
> Really!
Yeah, r
On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 08:55 -0600, Aaron Konstam wrote:
> > And on that note, is trash behaving that way for you as
> > well?
> No. On my machines Trash has no number next to its name.
Same here. I misspoke in my earlier reply (I just meant to say that
Trash works correctly).
users maili
On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 09:52 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 11:08 +0900, 夜神 岩男 wrote:
> > --- Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> >
> > > On Wed, 2010-12-22 at 16:28 -0600, Aaron Konstam
> > > wrote:
> > > However, under F14 the junk
> > > > folder displays a number that repre
Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
>I'd also like to add that this entire thread seems to me to be
>off-topic. There are plenty of forums for discussing programming and
>programming languages, but this is list is for discussion of Fedora and
>as far as I can see not a single message in the thread has an
On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 8:02 PM, Patrick O'Callaghan
> I'd also like to add that this entire thread seems to me to be
> off-topic. There are plenty of forums for discussing programming and
> programming languages, but this is list is for discussion of Fedora and
> as far as I can
On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 08:11 -0700, James Mckenzie wrote:
> Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> >
> >I'd also like to add that this entire thread seems to me to be
> >off-topic. There are plenty of forums for discussing programming and
> >programming languages, but this is list is for discussion of Fedora
On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 10:02 PM, William Case wrote:
I would just like to add an observation. I have been a member of this
> Fedora Users site for 5 years. I have noticed that at some point after
> the release of a new version of Fedora a long OT thread develops.
> Usually after 6 weeks to 2 m
I don't know what to make of this. The prefailure rate seems to be going
down. Is this good or bad? The system is about 5 years old, so the disk
should be nearing the end of its lifetime.
Dec 23 10:28:43 mooch smartd[1863]: Device: /dev/sda [SAT], SMART
Prefailure Attribute: 7 Seek_Error_Rate cha
23.12.2010 18:43, Steven Stern kirjoitti:
> I don't know what to make of this. The prefailure rate seems to be
> going down. Is this good or bad? The system is about 5 years old, so
> the disk should be nearing the end of its lifetime.
> Dec 23 10:28:43 mooch smartd[1863]: Device: /dev/sda [SAT]
On Wed, 22 Dec 2010, David Liguori wrote:
> Not in terms of executable file size or speed of execution. I took a
> course in high performance scientific computing. An experiment we
> performed was to write a program for the sum of three huge arrays,
> repeated for larger and larger arrays, until
On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 22:01 +0530, Parshwa Murdia wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 8:02 PM, Patrick O'Callaghan
> wrote:
> Agreed.
> >
> > I'd also like to add that this entire thread seems to me to be
> > off-topic. There are plenty of forums for discussing programming and
> > programming langu
2010/12/23 Patrick O'Callaghan
> On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 03:19 -0600, Manuel Escudero wrote:
> > Hi fedora users!
> >
> > Today is a very important day for me because the new version of one
> > of my web projects has been released, it's name is Calyphrox and is
> > a webproxy that is powered by Goo
On Thu, 23 Dec 2010 11:41:53 -0600
Manuel Escudero wrote:
> in a few hours the app will start working as it should...
Unfortunately, this means that your application will never achieve a
significant user base, regardless of how good it may be.
MELVILLE THEATRE ~ Melville Sask ~ http://www.me
On 12/23/2010 7:32 AM, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> If the topic was "which languages are well-supported in Fedora", or even
> "what is the most appropriate language for systems programming in Linux"
> I wouldn't think twice about it, but the original question was so
> general in scope that at firs
On 12/23/2010 11:37 AM, Patrick Kobly wrote:
> After reading through the whole thread, I have to admit I was starting
> to lean towards OP being a script attempting to pass the Turing test.
Yes. Especially after he (or it) started replying to every post in this
thread, even if it were only one w
On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 11:43 AM, Joe Zeff wrote:
> On 12/23/2010 11:37 AM, Patrick Kobly wrote:
>> After reading through the whole thread, I have to admit I was starting
>> to lean towards OP being a script attempting to pass the Turing test.
> Yes. Especially after he (or it) started replying
> "Steven" == Steven Stern writes:
Steven> On 12/19/2010 06:37 AM, Colin Paul Adams wrote:
>> This only started happening a couple of days ago:
>> My wife's desktop, and my laptop, connect to our broadband modem
>> via wifi. We find that now (as opposed to earlier in t
Colin Paul Adams wrote:
> But I can't find a way to install it.
Does it not have a web-based user interface?
Open Firefox:
http://[router ip here]
Most, if not all, consumer grade wireless routers have a web-based
users mailing list
To unsubscribe or
I did the stupidest thing I could as to forget that I was running on
battery while installing FreeBSD on a free (1st) partition. and I found
the laptop shutting down when it was too late.
After this event smartctl consistently reports Read Failure starting on
LBA 26203589, Current_Pending_Secto
Some of you might remember Kororaa from back in the day. Well after
switching to Fedora a year and a half or so ago (and loving it), I've
re-created Kororaa as a KDE Fedora Remix (inspired by Omega, so thanks
Rahul). I've just released an installable beta version of the x86_64
Live DVD (1.5GB) via
Trash folder will not expunge. Something made the ~.evolution/Trash go
away. I put one back, but it's not working. Is this a link from
elsewhere. Anyone else had this problem?
Rod McCown
Unix System Administrator
Fishermen Chapter
Christian Motorcyclist Association
"Jesus is the Reason
I'm using gnome shell for the desktop, I have my window preference to select
a window when the mouse moves over it, and also enabled "Raise selected
windows after an interval".
I find that, recently, as I've been updating and installing updates, this
has gotten flaky. Occasionally, moving a mo
On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 17:39 -0600, Rod McCown wrote:
> Trash folder will not expunge. Something made the ~.evolution/Trash go
> away. I put one back, but it's not working. Is this a link from
> elsewhere. Anyone else had this problem?
What do you mean you "put one back"? Trash is a virtual folder.
Dear Fellow Fedora Users,
Is there a way that one can do what the webpage do offline:
and instead of outputting to PDF, be able to look at a tex source file?
I found a program called PmathGen 0.1.0 as source, but I don't know how to make
it do the same?
On Thu, 23 Dec 2010 22:36:46 +, Juan R. de Silva wrote:
> I did the stupidest thing I could as to forget that I was running on
> battery while installing FreeBSD on a free (1st) partition. and I found
> the laptop shutting down when it was too late.
> After this event smartctl consistently
On 12/23/10, Juan R. de Silva wrote:
> I did the stupidest thing I could as to forget that I was running on
> battery while installing FreeBSD on a free (1st) partition. and I found
> the laptop shutting down when it was too late.
This shouldn't have caused hard disk drive damage; modern hardwar
This is the last thing it says:
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> Internal error: Could not resolve keysym XF86TouchpadOn
> Internal error: Could not resolve keysym XF86TouchpadOff
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
There are no errors in Xorg.0.log. Th
Without the .evolution/Trash folder, I get this error; 'Error trying to
expunge .#evolution/Trash'
When I created a Trash folder the error went away, but then it doesn't
do anything.
Rod McCown
Unix System Administrator
Fishermen Chapter
Christian Motorcyclist Association
"Jesus is the Reason
This afternoon I downloaded a kernel update for F14 and rebooted. I
found I had no network access and could not manually bring up the
interfaces using ifconfig. After considerable thrashing I booted off a
nearby Ubuntu 10.10 and the network access is ok. So I take it that
that conclusi
--- On Thu, 12/23/10, Dave Stevens wrote:
> From: Dave Stevens
> Subject: both nics down after F14 kernel update
> To: "Community support for Fedora users"
> Date: Thursday, December 23, 2010, 6:20 PM
> Hi,
> This afternoon I downloaded a kernel update for F14 and
> rebooted. I
> found I
On 24/12/10 11:27, Antonio Olivares wrote:
> Dear Fellow Fedora Users,
> Is there a way that one can do what the webpage do offline:
> http://www.mathteachertools.com/
> and instead of outputting to PDF, be able to look at a tex source file?
> I found a program called PmathGen 0.1.0 as
On Thu, 23 Dec 2010 18:20:13 -0800
Dave Stevens wrote:
> Hi,
> This afternoon I downloaded a kernel update for F14 and rebooted. I
> found I had no network access and could not manually bring up the
> interfaces using ifconfig. After considerable thrashing I booted off
> a nearby Ubuntu 10
In F14 there is only one dialog for adjusting mouse pointer speed, and
it adjusts both mouse and touchpad pointer speed.
when I set it to give good results with my mouse, the touchpad is too
slow. if I reset it to work well with the touchpad the mouse is too
jumpy, i.e., too fast for easy con
On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 19:35 -0600, Rod McCown wrote:
> Without the .evolution/Trash folder, I get this error; 'Error trying to
> expunge .#evolution/Trash'
> When I created a Trash folder the error went away, but then it doesn't
> do anything.
[Please don't top-post on this list. See the Guidel
On 12/23/10 5:25 AM, Tim wrote:
> Tim:
>>> Did you actually read the card?
> http://i55.tinypic.com/2whp10j.jpg
I hated those cards.
However, you are correct that punch cards should last for at least 100
years. A lot longer than magnetic tape, CD and DVD media.
James McKenzie
users m
On Thu, 23 Dec 2010 21:42:16 -0500
fred smith wrote:
> In F14 there is only one dialog for adjusting mouse pointer speed, and
> it adjusts both mouse and touchpad pointer speed.
The new xinput system can adjust all different pointers separately,
but I don't think any gui controls have caught up.
On Thu, 23 Dec 2010 19:47:59 -0700
James McKenzie wrote:
> However, you are correct that punch cards should last for at least 100
> years. A lot longer than magnetic tape, CD and DVD media.
Depends on which one you leave out in the rain :-).
users mailing list
On 12/24/10, Andras Simon wrote:
> This is the last thing it says:
> The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> > Internal error: Could not resolve keysym XF86TouchpadOn
> > Internal error: Could not resolve keysym XF86TouchpadOff
> Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X
On Thu, 23 Dec 2010 19:47:59 -0700
James McKenzie wrote:
> On 12/23/10 5:25 AM, Tim wrote:
> > Tim:
> >>> Did you actually read the card?
> > http://i55.tinypic.com/2whp10j.jpg
> >
> I hated those cards.
> However, you are correct that punch cards should last for at least
> 100 years. A l
On Thu, 23 Dec 2010 20:04:22 -0500, Ted Roche wrote:
> On 12/23/10, Juan R. de Silva wrote:
>> I did the stupidest thing I could as to forget that I was running on
>> battery while installing FreeBSD on a free (1st) partition. and I found
>> the laptop shutting down when it was too late.
On 12/23/2010 09:20 PM, Dave Stevens wrote:
> Hi,
> This afternoon I downloaded a kernel update for F14 and rebooted. I
> found I had no network access and could not manually bring up the
> interfaces using ifconfig. After considerable thrashing I booted off a
> nearby Ubuntu 10.10 and the
Once upon a time, James McKenzie said:
> However, you are correct that punch cards should last for at least 100
> years. A lot longer than magnetic tape, CD and DVD media.
Good tape types (such as DLT) are rated for at least 25 years of shelf
life. DLT is also nice in that the latest (and unfo
On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 09:57:41PM -0500, Tom Horsley wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Dec 2010 21:42:16 -0500
> fred smith wrote:
> > In F14 there is only one dialog for adjusting mouse pointer speed, and
> > it adjusts both mouse and touchpad pointer speed.
> The new xinput system can adjust all differe
Juan R. de Silva gmail.com> writes:
> ...
Do you see the same SMART errors under your other distros ?
1. see if BIOS has harddisk self-test (read; read-write)
2. check your hd manufacturer's web site for diagnostics/repair utility
3. $ man hdparm
# hdparm -I /dev/sd?
study it
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