On Thu, 2010-12-23 at 03:19 -0600, Manuel Escudero wrote:
> Hi fedora users!
> Today is a very important day for me because the new version of one
> of my web projects has been released, it's name is Calyphrox and is
> a webproxy that is powered by Google App Engine. Calyphrox let you
> to anonimyze your web browsing, by filtering your real information; By
> using calyphrox you browse the web like you're on a Google Computer
> with Google's IP and data, not yours. it also has a encrypted connection
> feature and full compatibility with most pages. By browsing with Calyphrox
> you also get more speed while surfing the web and it has some additional
> features like URL shortener & Expander, a Whois service, Free domains
> service, a Sandboxing service for suspicious sites and of course, an IP
> Checker.

Nice idea, pity that it doesn't scale:

This Google App Engine application is temporarily over its serving
quota. Please try again later.


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