We will eventually only have Java clients.
For your specific question: javaapi.SimpleConsumer and
consumer.SimpleConsumer - there are some arguments that contain
scala-specific constructs. E.g., scala maps which cannot be created in
Java. This is why we expose a javaapi variant which takes Java
so there will be both scala and java clients? or will scala users simply
import the java libraries (which is after all not too bad)
2015-02-22 16:30 GMT-08:00 Guozhang Wang :
> Alex,
> Before 0.8 Kafka is written in Scala, and in 0.8.2 we are re-writing the
> clients in Java for better clients
Before 0.8 Kafka is written in Scala, and in 0.8.2 we are re-writing the
clients in Java for better clients adoption while the server is still under
Scala. The plan after the Java clients also includes migrating the common
utils / error code / request formats to Java that will be used for bo
Hi All,
Why does the Kafka codebase contain both Scala and Java code? There are
even some cases where the same class (i.e. javaapi.SimpleConsumer and
kafka.consumer.SimpleConsumer). Is it just to allow a Scala developer to
write Scala and a Java developer to use Java? We are trying to use the