
Before 0.8 Kafka is written in Scala, and in 0.8.2 we are re-writing the
clients in Java for better clients adoption while the server is still under
Scala. The plan after the Java clients also includes migrating the common
utils / error code / request formats to Java that will be used for both
clients and servers.


On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 3:35 PM, Alex Melville <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Why does the Kafka codebase contain both Scala and Java code? There are
> even some cases where the same class (i.e. javaapi.SimpleConsumer and
> kafka.consumer.SimpleConsumer). Is it just to allow a Scala developer to
> write Scala and a Java developer to use Java? We are trying to use the
> SimpleConsumer to gather more in-depth information about the partitions on
> a topic, and the documentation is fragmented and consequently it's unclear
> whether we have to use one of either Scala or Java, or if we have complete
> freedom to choose either (none of us have programmed in Scala, so we're
> inclined to choose the Java one).
> Functionally are both the scala and java codebases the same?
> Thanks in advance,
> Alex Melville

-- Guozhang

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