> Thanks,
> Snehalata
> --
> From: "Neha Narkhede"
> Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 8:14 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: How to get topic offset infornation
>> Do you want offset information to ch
I can fetch messages from kafka(in cluster mode)
from particular offset?
From: "Neha Narkhede"
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 8:14 PM
Subject: Re: How to get topic offset infornation
Do you want offset info
Do you want offset information to check how much your consumer is lagging
or is there something else you are trying to achieve? You can use the
ConsumerOffsetChecker tool to see how many messages your high level
consumer is lagging behind by.
On Apr 30, 2013 3:44 AM, "Snehalata Nagaje
I am using kafka 0.8 version .
I want to get topic offset information earlier and latest offset available
in topic. I was able to get this using simpleconsumer API getOffseBefore.
But I am using high level API to connect since I want to connect to kafka
cluster using external zookeeper