Hi Harsha
Many thanks for responding.
As suggested, I have attempted to start kafka manually (which appeared to
work), seconds later, a check of its status, and it is not running:
[kafka@vortex01 ~]$ /usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin/kafka start
Starting Kafka succeeded with PID=104483.
Mark, Can you try running the /usr/hdp/current/kafka-
broker/bin/kafka start manually as user Kafka and also do you see jars
under kafka-broker/libs/kafka_*.jar . Can you try asking the question
here as well http://hortonworks.com/community/forums/forum/kafka/
Thanks, Harsha
On Sun, Oct 4, 2
Hi Kafka List
This is my first posting to this list, and I am relatively new to Kafka so
please accept my bear with me!
Ambari Stack HDP-2.2
I have been using Kafka on a small (4 node) VM cluster running CentOS 6.6
successfully for many months.