Mark,       Can you try running the /usr/hdp/current/kafka-
broker/bin/kafka start manually as user Kafka and also do you see jars
under kafka-broker/libs/kafka_*.jar . Can you try asking the question
here as well
Thanks, Harsha

On Sun, Oct 4, 2015, at 01:49 AM, Mark Whalley wrote:
> Hi Kafka List


> This is my first posting to this list, and I am relatively new to
> Kafka so please accept my bear with me!


> Ambari Stack HDP-2.2

> Kafka

> Zookeeper


> I have been using Kafka on a small (4 node) VM cluster running CentOS
> 6.6 successfully for many months.


> Following a recent cluster reboot, Kafka now refuses to work.


> From Ambari, all services start, then within seconds, Kafka Broker
> stops with a “Kafka Broker process: Connection refused”


> /var/log/kafka/kafka.err reports: “Error: Could not find or load main
> class kafka.Kafka”


> All other services appear to be working fine.


> The Ambari’s configuration reports that nothing has changed in the
> configuration since May (Kafka was working until just over a week
> ago).  This is a development cluster, so I cannot guarantee
> nothing outside
 Ambari / Kafka has changed.


> I have done the usual Google searching, and followed many threads over
> the past few days, but have drawn a blank.


> Any thoughts where I should start to look?



> Regards

> Mark


> -----------------------------------

> Mark Whalley

> Principal Consultant

> Actian | Services

> Accelerating Big Data  2.0

> O +44 01753 559 569

> M +44 07764 290 733


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