Re: Yammer Metrics not included in 0.8.0?

2013-04-30 Thread Jun Rao
We are pulling metrics and zkclient from maven into local ivy now ( All needed jars for clients can be found in a dependency fat jar. Alternatively, if you run ./sbt release-tar or ./sbt release-zip, you will find all needed jars in the tar or zip f

CfP 2013 Workshop on Middleware for HPC and Big Data Systems (MHPC'13)

2013-04-30 Thread MHPC 2013
we apologize if you receive multiple copies of this message === CALL FOR PAPERS 2013 Workshop on Middleware for HPC and Big Data Systems MHPC '13 as part of Euro-Par 2013, Aachen, Germany =

Yammer Metrics not included in 0.8.0?

2013-04-30 Thread Chris Curtin
Hi, I pulled 0.8.0 head at 3 pm eastern 4/30, did the sbt update; sbt package; sbt assembly-package-dependency and my code won't compile. It is missing the Yammer Metrics libraries. Last pull was about 45 days ago and they were stored in core\lib\metrics-* Do I now need to pull them myself?

FYI: Error when starting broker after 0.8.0 startup

2013-04-30 Thread Chris Curtin
Hi, If you get the following errors, check your file and find all the 'zk.' and change to 'zookeeper.' I know the change was posted yesterday, but here is the error in case someone missed that email. [2013-04-30 15:24:31,165] FATAL Fatal error during KafkaServerStable startup.

Re: How to get topic offset infornation

2013-04-30 Thread Neha Narkhede
To get the earliest and latest offset for a particular topic partition, you can use the GetOffsetShell tool. Thanks, Neha On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 7:52 AM, Snehalata Nagaje wrote: > Hi Neha, > > I want to get largest and earliest offset available in topic, to check how > many messages are consum

Re: Kafka message order

2013-04-30 Thread David Arthur
Message order is guaranteed for a given partition, messages are read by the consumer in a FIFO manner. You say partitioning based on topic. Do you mean you are using the default HashPartitioner with the topic name as the routing key? If this is the case, then all of your messages will be going

Re: Producer / Consumer - connection management

2013-04-30 Thread Neha Narkhede
> Basically, who and how is managing network disconnection / outage ? Short answer is that the producer is responsible for retrying connection establishment and it automatically does so when the network connection to the broker fails. There is a connection retry interval that you can use. Once tha

Re: How to get topic offset infornation

2013-04-30 Thread Snehalata Nagaje
Hi Neha, I want to get largest and earliest offset available in topic, to check how many messages are consumed by client. I do not want to set auto.commit.enable to true. So that I can client API which is connecting to cluster will have better control over offset. And also is there any way

Re: How to get topic offset infornation

2013-04-30 Thread Neha Narkhede
Do you want offset information to check how much your consumer is lagging or is there something else you are trying to achieve? You can use the ConsumerOffsetChecker tool to see how many messages your high level consumer is lagging behind by. Thanks, Neha On Apr 30, 2013 3:44 AM, "Snehalata Nagaje

Re: Kafka message order

2013-04-30 Thread Neha Narkhede
Kafka does not have per topic quotas to limit bandwidth usage yet. is filed to look into this feature. What you can limit per topic is size on disk. Does that answer your question ? Thanks, Neha On Apr 30, 2013 2:58 AM, "Arjun Harish" wrote: > Hi >

How to get topic offset infornation

2013-04-30 Thread Snehalata Nagaje
Hi, I am using kafka 0.8 version . I want to get topic offset information earlier and latest offset available in topic. I was able to get this using simpleconsumer API getOffseBefore. But I am using high level API to connect since I want to connect to kafka cluster using external zookeeper

Kafka message order

2013-04-30 Thread Arjun Harish
Hi I have a kafka cluster partitioned based on message topic. My question is if one of the topics get a lot of messages than usual (i mean a lot to use up a lot of resources) and one of the other topics is coming at normal rate, does kafka ensure that the messages in the latter topic reach the con

Re: Kafka Web Console

2013-04-30 Thread Samir Madhavan
Sure Swapnil, I'll do that. On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 1:43 PM, Swapnil Ghike wrote: > Hi Samir, > > has been filed for this > purpose. We haven't made substantial progress yet, but seems like Guy was > working on it. Would you mind putting a comment

Re: Kafka Web Console

2013-04-30 Thread Swapnil Ghike
Hi Samir, has been filed for this purpose. We haven't made substantial progress yet, but seems like Guy was working on it. Would you mind putting a comment on the JIRA? Thanks, Swapnil On 4/30/13 12:18 AM, "Samir Madhavan" wrote: >Hi, > >Wanted

Kafka Web Console

2013-04-30 Thread Samir Madhavan
Hi, Wanted to know if Kafka had web console to see what are the existing topics. How many messages have been received by the producer, How many have been consumed by a consumer or anything else for monitoring. Regards, Samir