From: Wulf Kaiser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2005 7:54 AM
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Certificate Import into Apache 2.2.0
Dear All,
I have a perhaps simple but nonetheless serious problem. I have build,
installed and configured an Apache 2.
I'm not an expert in anyway regarding certs or openssl and I'm assuming
you've compiled apache with ssl support and the cert you're talking about
is a server cert, you could probably try to edit your httpd.conf and
httpd-ssl.conf file. The httpd-ssl.conf file is located in conf/extra and
Dear All,
I have a perhaps simple but nonetheless serious problem. I have build,
installed and configured an Apache 2.2.0 under Solaris 9, and i have a valid
certificate file in .p7b format from the DFN CA.
But: How can i import this into Apache?
T.i.A, yours
Wulf Kaiser
IT Services
Web Develop