I'm not an expert in anyway regarding certs or openssl and I'm assuming
you've compiled apache with ssl support and the cert you're talking about
is a server cert, you could probably try to edit your httpd.conf and
httpd-ssl.conf file. The httpd-ssl.conf file is located in conf/extra and
you can add the path to your cert and/or key in there. In httpd.conf, you
would uncomment the include line that deals with the httpd-ssl.conf file.
The line to uncomment would be:
Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
If that doesn't work, you probably want to convert your .p7b cert to
something like PEM format and edit those conf files to point to the PEM
cert. Unfortunately, I don't know much about .pb7 format as the only
formats I've dealt with are .p12 and .pem certs.
Again, I'm assuming you're talking about a server cert and not a CA cert.
Vincent J.
On Sun, 18 Dec 2005 22:54:15 -0800, Wulf Kaiser
Dear All,
I have a perhaps simple but nonetheless serious problem. I have build,
installed and configured an Apache 2.2.0 under Solaris 9, and i have a
certificate file in .p7b format from the DFN CA.
But: How can i import this into Apache?
T.i.A, yours
Wulf Kaiser
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