Chat sound notification

2018-11-12 Thread aaron.hepp
It seems currently that the chat sound notification (new message) is only played if the chat panel is minimized (undocked position). Is there a way to get the chat notification to play all the time? In our use chat is a large portion so the room setting is: so it never goes into the undocked pos

OM5 possible enhancements

2018-11-01 Thread aaron.hepp
Since it is being worked on now just a few possible enhancements for the next major release if they are achievable to further improve the product over its current base. In Administration: Allow selection of what gets used as the display name Currently when the user enters the

RE: OM 5

2018-10-08 Thread aaron.hepp
Sounds like you clicked on the wrong demo The link for the OM5 demo is: You can see by the security settings flash is not running on this version. From: Stefan Kühl Sent: Monday

RE: Imports with different databases

2018-09-21 Thread aaron.hepp
Just checked with my production system using MySQL and a new install and the purged data was imported. So it was not due to different database types. It imports purged data. From: Sent: Friday, September 21, 2018 3:25 PM To: Subject: Imports

Imports with different databases

2018-09-21 Thread aaron.hepp
I just stood up a new "official Release" server to do some testing. But since I am doing this on a local Windows box I just used the built in Derby database. Well I have back-up from my production box which uses MySQL. Upon importing from my running server I notice that it imported the "purged" d

user passwords in database

2018-09-21 Thread aaron.hepp
Since running OM I have had users register directly to OM and that was their frontend to login. I have now implemented a new front end CSM that requires a login process; each user will use a created invitation link to access the rooms inside OM (no more direct login to OM for users). My question

WB user switching

2018-08-15 Thread aaron.hepp
Not sure if it is possible but is there a way to allow users to switch WBs themselves without giving them permission to change the WB. With multiple WBs open in a room, the users are only allowed to view the WB being manipulated by the person in control. Was wondering if there was a way to give t

RE: Conference Room creation update error

2018-08-08 Thread aaron.hepp
I just did the latest snapshot and the import worked as expected using the UI. I would say I had a corrupted back-up was the reason for the failure of placing profiles in the right area. I can confirm the whiteboard issue is resolved when creating a new WB an image will be uploaded. But now I

RE: Conference Room creation update error

2018-08-06 Thread aaron.hepp
Ok looks like the error can be reproduced with the demo as well. When the room is 1st entered on a fresh reboot the white board is present and you can upload a file to that. But if you close the original WB and then open a new WB you cannot upload a file to the WB. It remains blank. I have at

RE: Conference Room creation update error

2018-08-06 Thread aaron.hepp
Ok. If they are skipped on import then no need to delete the dB object. I just noticed when the backup was ran they were still listed, was the only reason for the delete. If you/someone has the latest snapshot running (revision 3f2c95f) can they test something for me. I am currently running

RE: Conference Room creation update error

2018-08-04 Thread aaron.hepp
Yes looks like the room crashing has been resolved. Thank you for the prompt fix. The profile image I am referring to is the default profile image that is located at /webapps/Openmeetings/images/profile.* But I see why the issue. Looks like the default image format was changed from .jpg to .

RE: Conference Room creation update error

2018-08-03 Thread aaron.hepp
Looks like my 1st attachment did not have the complete debug in it. Attached is the full log. Looks like also whatever is causing this error is also what is causing the import not to work properly. I use a different profile.jpg image for default users (located at /webapps/openmeetings/images/p

Conference Room creation update error

2018-08-03 Thread aaron.hepp
Looks like an old error is back. I just installed the latest nightly build and now get thrown to the internal error page if you try to update and existing conference room or when you type the first letter for a new room name. Looks like the old error where even if the user was granted admin acces

RE: Problem with x264 compile

2018-07-05 Thread aaron.hepp Subject: Re: Problem with x264 compile Hello Alvaro and Aaron.hepp, thanks for your answers. It is possible then that it could be because I am behind a proxy or because some URLs are blocked for Cuba. For example, this instruction in the script can not be executed either hg clone https

RE: Problem with x264 compile

2018-07-04 Thread aaron.hepp
I have never had a problem just running the built ffmpeg out of the repository. The output below is from a clean server just to show which packages will be installed. aahepp@ubuntu-server:~$ sudo apt-get install ffmpeg Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state i

RE: Re[2]: AOM 4.0.4 Delete user - Purged

2018-06-26 Thread aaron.hepp
If you want to purge from the listing you have to go in an manually delete the entry from the DB itself. Careful using this as you can render your system non-useable if you delete the wrong objects: For MySQL use the following commands: mysql -u -p (if using installation guide use

RE: Send on Enter default action

2018-05-25 Thread aaron.hepp
JIRA created. Reasoning was that the chat was used for short communications (1-2 sentence versus paragraph responses) so it would be more useful to have the default mapping set to ENTER over the CTRL+ENTER. I could be mistaken and other users have a use more so for paragraphs then 1 to 2 sente

RE: Send on Enter default action

2018-05-25 Thread aaron.hepp
Oh I knew that was there. But is there a way to set the default to be the "send on enter" without them needing to click on the button. The hurdle is new users that come into the rooms do not know about the button, so it requires an admin to explain. As users are coming in and hitting enter to

Send on Enter default action

2018-05-25 Thread aaron.hepp
While I know there is a button to convert to "Send on Enter" is there a way to change that for default? While some would prefer to CTRL+Enter to send, the ones that use the chat for 1 line responses and no needs for paragraphs, it makes it difficult to walk new users to know where to click.

RE: private messages in OM

2018-05-21 Thread aaron.hepp
Jira created - 1888 -Original Message- From: Maxim Solodovnik [] Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2018 11:01 PM To: Openmeetings user-list Subject: Re: private messages in OM Hello Aaron, "reply" button seems to be missing :( Could you please file JIRA? On Sat, May 19,

private messages in OM

2018-05-18 Thread aaron.hepp
Not sure if I am missing it or not but in the private message section is there not a "reply or reply to" button so you can answer the persons PM? You get email notification that you received a new private message, but that email comes from the system so you cannot reply to them.

RE: Link opening in OM chat

2018-05-16 Thread aaron.hepp
It looks like you are correct. Upgraded to a more recent version and the links now resolve to a new tab. I should have upgraded and checked prior. From: Maxim Solodovnik [] Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 11:23 PM To: Openmeetings user-list Subject: Re: Link openi

RE: error adding file to Whiteboard

2018-05-10 Thread aaron.hepp
Jira created. -Original Message- From: Maxim Solodovnik [] Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 1:29 AM To: Aaron Hepp Cc: Openmeetings user-list Subject: Re: error adding file to Whiteboard Hello Aaron, could you please file the JIRA? should be easy to fix Accor