Subject: Re: Cannot log in correctly OM 3.0.1 with IE8-9-10
We have tested using IE 10 and 11 and it seems to work as expected.
Have no Windows machine right now
Can anybody double check on Windows?
On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 9:42 PM, Côté, Bryan
mailto:bryan.c...@fadq.qc.ca>> wrot
On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 9:42 PM, Côté, Bryan
mailto:bryan.c...@fadq.qc.ca>> wrote:
I’ve just installed the release OM 3.0.1 in Debian Wheezy 64.
When I try to log in with Chrome or Firefox all looks ok….menu, droplist,etc.
But when I’m trying to log in with any version of IE it doesn’t work
4 9:47 AM
To: Openmeetings user-list
Subject: Re: Cannot log in correctly OM 3.0.1 with IE8-9-10
We have tested using IE 10 and 11 and it seems to work as expected.
Have no Windows machine right now
Can anybody double check on Windows?
On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 9:42 PM, Côté, Bryan
I've just installed the release OM 3.0.1 in Debian Wheezy 64.
When I try to log in with Chrome or Firefox all looks okmenu, droplist,etc.
But when I'm trying to log in with any version of IE it doesn't work.
It log in, but the menu it's not on the top of the page but at the left and I