I've just installed the release OM 3.0.1 in Debian Wheezy 64.

When I try to log in with Chrome or Firefox all looks ok....menu, droplist,etc.

But when I'm trying to log in with any version of IE it doesn't work.

It log in, but the menu it's not on the top of the page but at the left and I 
cannot click any link.

Anybody has this problem?

I tried with IE 8 , 9 and 10.


Bryan Côté
Technicien en informatique

Direction des ressources informationnelles
La Financière agricole du Québec
1400, boulevard de la Rive-Sud
Saint-Romuald (Québec) G6W 8K7
Tél. : 418 838-5614, poste 6204


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