I subscribed to all jira notifications :)
Why I think it per-user setting: I personally sending using ctrl+enter. And
I'm using these keys no matter the message length
Making default configurable is good idea :)
WBR, Maxim
(from mobile, sorry for the typos)
On Sat, May 26, 2018, 00:26 wrote:
JIRA created.
Reasoning was that the chat was used for short communications (1-2 sentence
versus paragraph responses) so it would be more useful to have the default
mapping set to ENTER over the CTRL+ENTER. I could be mistaken and other users
have a use more so for paragraphs then 1 to 2 sente
I was thinking per-user setting is enough :(
please file JIRA
Will try to address it
On Fri, May 25, 2018 at 11:58 PM, wrote:
> Oh I knew that was there. But is there a way to set the default to be the
> "send on enter" without them needing to click on the button.
> The hurdle is new users t
Oh I knew that was there. But is there a way to set the default to be the
"send on enter" without them needing to click on the button.
The hurdle is new users that come into the rooms do not know about the button,
so it requires an admin to explain.
As users are coming in and hitting enter to
Hello Aaron,
Yep there is per-user option: click on "multi-line" button and choose
send method :)
On Fri, May 25, 2018 at 9:35 PM, wrote:
> While I know there is a button to convert to “Send on Enter” is there a way
> to change that for default? While some would prefer to CTRL+Enter to send,
While I know there is a button to convert to "Send on Enter" is there a way
to change that for default? While some would prefer to CTRL+Enter to send,
the ones that use the chat for 1 line responses and no needs for paragraphs,
it makes it difficult to walk new users to know where to click.