Hi Maxim,
sorry for the late response.
Do you think it is necessary to change the current configuration behavior?
As far as I see, there are 4 options:
1. do it like now (.flv, .avi and .mp4)
2. anything without .flv and .avi
3. anything without .flv
4. anything without .avi
This could work w
Ahh I see. So it looks like I would need a dedicated server to run
Openmeetings on, or can it be installed on shared hosting ?
On 07/04/2016 05:30 PM, Juan Carrera wrote:
To use OpenMettings from Moodle you need three elements:
1. OpenMeetings (http://openmeetings.apache
To use OpenMettings from Moodle you need three elements:
1. OpenMeetings (http://openmeetings.apache.org/)
2. Moodle: https://moodle.org/
3. Moodle - OpenMeetings integration plugin:
All elements have to be compatible so you have to choose corre
'..Openmetings app versión '
Is this not the moodle module ? Is there something else I need to
On 07/04/2016 03:02 PM, Juan Carrera wrote:
Openmetings app versión
Hi Daniel,
Moodle's openmetings plugin last versión is and it will work
with Moodle 3.1. But, Which Openmetings app versión are you using? You
are not telling us.
El 03/07/16 a las 16:22, Daniel Baker escribió:
> Hi Walter,
> Where can I get the openmeetings 3.1.1 moodle modu