Hi Daniel,

Moodle's openmetings plugin last versión is and it will work
with Moodle 3.1. But, Which Openmetings app versión are you using? You
are not telling us.


El 03/07/16 a las 16:22, Daniel Baker escribió:
> Hi Walter,
> Where can I get the openmeetings 3.1.1 moodle module ?
> Moodle.org  only have
> https://moodle.org/plugins/mod_openmeetings
> Thanks,
> Dan
> On 07/03/2016 02:48 AM, Walter Neumann wrote:
>> Hi Daniel,
>> you wrote, that you have installed openmeetings That will not
>> work with this Moodle modul, because it is designed for openmeetings
>> 3.1.x. So I would you recommand to install openmeetings 3.1.1
>> Walter
>> Am 2016-07-02 um 17:14 schrieb Daniel Baker:
>>> I installed the OpenMeeting plugin through the Moodle plugin
>>> directory.  I also tried installing it through  a zip file.
>>> This is the details of the OpenMeetings zip readme  :
>>> ##Requirements##
>>> PHP 5.4 or later, OpenMeetings 3.1.1 or later and Moodle 3.0 or later.
>>> ##Versions##
>>> OpenMeetings: 3.1.x
>>> Moodle: 3.0
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dan
>>> On 06/30/2016 10:09 PM, Daniel Baker wrote:
>>>> How can I find out that information for you ?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Dan
>>>> -------- Forwarded Message --------
>>>> Subject: Re: Moodle module not installing
>>>> Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2016 08:54:15 +0200
>>>> From: Walter Neumann <wal...@buerostudio-neumann.at>
>>>> Reply-To: user@openmeetings.apache.org
>>>> To: user@openmeetings.apache.org
>>>> There are different versions of moodle modul. Openmeetings 2.x.x needs
>>>> another version then 3.x.x. Witch version of moodle modul do you use?
>>>> Am 2016-06-29 um 11:41 schrieb Daniel Baker:
>>>>> Second time I tried it came back with more info :
>>>>> Fault (Service error)
>>>>> Request OpenMeetings! OpenMeetings Service failed and no response was
>>>>> returned. Additioanl info:
>>>>> Could not login User to OpenMeetings, check your OpenMeetings Module
>>>>> Configuration
>>>>> On 06/29/2016 04:38 PM, Daniel Baker wrote:
>>>>>> Moodle  3.1
>>>>>> OpenMeeting
>>>>>> ERROR:
>>>>>> Request OpenMeetings! OpenMeetings Service failed and no response
>>>>>> was
>>>>>> returned. Additioanl info:
>>>>>> array ( 'url' =>
>>>>>> 'http://localhost:5080/openmeetings/services/user/login?&user=kam270&pass=xxxxxxxxxxxx',
>>>>>> 'content_type' => NULL, 'http_code' => 0, 'header_size' => 0,
>>>>>> 'request_size' => 0, 'filetime' => -1, 'ssl_verify_result' => 0,
>>>>>> 'redirect_count' => 0, 'total_time' => 0.000144,
>>>>>> 'namelookup_time' =>
>>>>>> 4.7E-5, 'connect_time' => 0, 'pretransfer_time' => 0,
>>>>>> 'size_upload' =>
>>>>>> 0, 'size_download' => 0, 'speed_download' => 0, 'speed_upload' => 0,
>>>>>> 'download_content_length' => -1, 'upload_content_length' => -1,
>>>>>> 'starttransfer_time' => 0, 'redirect_time' => 0, 'certinfo' =>
>>>>>> array (
>>>>>> ), 'primary_ip' => '', 'redirect_url' => '', )
>>>>>> On 06/27/2016 05:19 PM, Walter Neumann wrote:
>>>>>>> Does openmeetings running correct?
>>>>>>> Which version from
>>>>>>>   * openmeetings
>>>>>>>   * moodle
>>>>>>>   * moodle module
>>>>>>> do you use?
>>>>>>> Walter
>>>>>>> Am 2016-06-27 um 11:07 schrieb Daniel Baker:
>>>>>>>> Sorry to bring this up again but I never  was able to resolve
>>>>>>>> this.
>>>>>>>> Has anybody managed to install the openmeeting  module in
>>>>>>>> moodle on
>>>>>>>> Godaddy  shared web hosting. ?
>>>>>>>> Thanks for the  advice.
>>>>>>>> Dan

Logotipo del servicio de informática y comunicaciones. Universidad Zaragoza

*Juan Ramón Carrera Marcén * *
Área de aplicaciones*

Residencia de profesores
Pedro Cerbuna 12, 50009 Zaragoza
Tel. (34) 876553689
carre...@unizar.es <mailto:carre...@unizar.es>


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