Re: Not able to Assign Watermark in Flink 1.11

2020-08-27 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Anuj Jain, You need to provide the type parameter when calling WatermarkStrategy.forBoundedOutOfOrderness like this: bookingFlowConsumer.assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(WatermarkStrategy.forBoundedOutOfOrderness(Duration.ofMinutes(15)) Regards, Roman On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 6:49 AM aj wrote:

Re: FileSystemHaServices and BlobStore

2020-08-28 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hello Alexey, I think you need FileSystemBlobStore as you are implementing HA Services, and BLOBs should be highly available too. However, I'm a bit concerned about the direction in general: it essentially means re-implementing ZK functionality on top of FS. What are the motivation and the use cas

Re: FileSystemHaServices and BlobStore

2020-08-31 Thread Khachatryan Roman
gt; Thanks, > Alexey > -- > *From:* Alexey Trenikhun > *Sent:* Friday, August 28, 2020 11:31 AM > *To:* Khachatryan Roman > *Cc:* Flink User Mail List > *Subject:* Re: FileSystemHaServices and BlobStore > > Motivation is to have k8s HA setup without extra component - Zookeep

Re: Best way to resolve bottlenecks with Flink?

2020-09-25 Thread Khachatryan Roman
The closest thing is the backpressure status which you mentioned. >From there, you can troubleshoot specific subtasks by inspecting their metrics. There is no health summary in Flink at the moment. Regards, Roman On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 5:35 AM Dan Hill wrote: > My job has very slow throughput

Re: Flink being used in other open source projects?

2020-09-27 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi, Apache Beam [1] and Zeppelin [2] can use Flink. I don't think there are Flink setups used by open-source projects. [1] [2] Regards, Roman On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 6:05

Re: Hiring Flink developers

2020-09-27 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Please use user mailing list for questions related to the use of Flink. See [1] for the other lists. [1] Regards, Roman On Sun, Sep 27, 2020 at 8:29 AM Dan Hill wrote: > I'm looking to hire Flink developers (full time or contractors) to wo

Re: Reading from HDFS and publishing to Kafka

2020-09-27 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi, 1. Yes, StreamingExecutionEnvironment.readFile can be used for files on HDFS 2. I think this is a valid concern. Besides that, there are plans to deprecate DataSet API [1] 4. Yes, the approach looks good I'm pulling in Aljoscha for your 3rd question (and probably some clarifications on others

Re: Network issue leading to "No pooled slot available"

2020-10-08 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Dan Diephouse, >From the logs you provided indeed it looks like 1 causes 2 => 3 => 4, where 2 is a bug. It's unclear though where the interruption is ignored (Flink/Hadoop FS/S3 client). What version of Flink are you using? Regards, Roman On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 11:16 PM Dan Diephouse wrote

Re: How can I increase the parallelism on the Table API for Streaming Aggregation?

2020-10-08 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Felipe, Your source is not parallel so it doesn't make sense to make local group operator parallel. If the source implemented ParallelSourceFunction, subsequent operators would be parallelized too. Regards, Roman On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 5:00 PM Felipe Gutierrez <>

Re: Network issue leading to "No pooled slot available"

2020-10-08 Thread Khachatryan Roman
me the interruption is being ignored in the Hadoop / S3 >>> layer. I was looking at the defaults and (if I understood correctly) the >>> client will retry 20 times. Which would explain why it never gets >>> cancelled... >>> >>> On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 1:27 AM Khach

Re: NoResourceAvailableException

2020-10-08 Thread Khachatryan Roman
I assume that before submitting a job you started a cluster with default settings with ./bin/ Did you submit any other jobs? Can you share the logs from log folder? Regards, Roman On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 11:03 PM Alexander Semeshchenko wrote: > >

Re: akka.framesize configuration does not runtime execution

2020-10-19 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Yuval, I'm also wondering why do you have such a big metadata file. Probably, you could reduce it by decreasing "state.backend.fs.memory-threshold" (if you didn't do so already) [1]. [1]

Re: Un-ignored Parsing Exceptions in the CsvFormat

2020-10-19 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hey Austin, I think you are right. The problematic row contains an odd number of delimiters in which case skipFields will return -1, which in turn leads to an exception. I opened a bug ticket to fix it. Regards, Roman On Fri, Oct 16, 2020 at 8:

Re: Building Flink on VirtualBox VM failing

2020-10-19 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hey, One reason could be that a resource-intensive test was killed by oom killer. You can inspect /var/log/kern.log for the related messages in your VM. Regards, Roman On Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 5:57 PM Juha Mynttinen wrote: > > Hey, > > I'm trying to build Flink and failing. I'm running Ubuntu

Re: ZooKeeper connection SUSPENDING

2020-10-19 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi, AFAIK, the features discussed in the threads you mentioned are not yet implemented. So there is no way to avoid Job restarts in case of ZK rolling restarts. I'm pulling in Till as he might know better. Regards, Roman On Fri, Oct 16, 2020 at 7:45 PM Kenzyme wrote: > Hi, > > Related to > ht

Re: NoResourceAvailableException

2020-10-19 Thread Khachatryan Roman
; Alexander > > On Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 6:13 PM Khachatryan Roman < >> wrote: > >> Hi, >> Thanks for sharing the details and sorry for the late reply. >> You can check the number of free slots in the task manager in the web UI ( >&g


2020-10-19 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi, Can you explain what "EMR cluster crashed" means in the 2nd scenario? Can you also share: - yarn.application-attempts in Flink - in Yarn - number of EMR master nodes (1 or 3) - EMR version? Regards, Roman On Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 8:22 AM Averell wrote:

Re: how to print for result1 in this code

2020-10-19 Thread Khachatryan Roman
To print the result you can create a POJO class matching your projected fields and use it on line 38 instead of String.class. For example: Table result1 ="content, content.hashCode() as h1, hashCode(content) as h2"); tableEnv.toDataSet(result1, HashCodeSelect.class).print(); public

Re: Building Flink on VirtualBox VM failing

2020-10-20 Thread Khachatryan Roman
a lot of CPU, > essentially leaving less CPU available to the actual test code. By using > htop I can also see the garbage collection related threads eating CPU. This > doesn't seem right. I think it'd make sense to run the tests with less > parallelism to better utilize the C


2020-10-20 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hello Averell, I don't think ZK data is stored on a master node. And Flink JM data is stored usually on DFS - according to "high-availability.storageDir" [1] In either case, for Flink to be HA, Yarn should also be HA. And I think this is not the case with a single master node. Please consider mu

Re: Building Flink on VirtualBox VM failing

2020-10-20 Thread Khachatryan Roman
would be to change ' > -Xms256' to ' -Xms2048' (ms to match mx) so that the JVM would allocate > right away 2048mb (when it starts). If there's not enough memory, the tests > would fail immediately (JVM couldn't start). The tests would probably fail > anyways

Re: Un-ignored Parsing Exceptions in the CsvFormat

2020-10-26 Thread Khachatryan Roman
27;m happy to propose a fix if someone is able to assign the ticket to me. > > Best, > Austin > > On Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 6:56 AM Khachatryan Roman < >> wrote: > >> Hey Austin, >> >> I think you are right. The problematic row c

Re: Building Flink on VirtualBox VM failing

2020-10-28 Thread Khachatryan Roman
0kB, shmem-rss:0kB >> >> Regards, >> Juha >> >> El mié., 21 oct. 2020 a las 10:04, Juha Mynttinen (< >>>) escribió: >> >>> Hi, >>> >>> You're right, I thought about this also after writing the last

Re: NoResourceAvailableException

2020-10-28 Thread Khachatryan Roman
was canceled. > In the screenshot appeared that was never assigned taskmanager for the job > operator. > I've put the 3 logs( from each node) here. > > Thanks and Best Regards. > Alex > > > On Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 5:47 PM Khachatryan Roman < > khachatryan.r

Re: IllegalStateException Printing Plan

2020-11-17 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hello, Can you share the full program? getExecutionPlan call is probably misplaced. Regards, Roman On Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 8:26 AM Rex Fenley wrote: > Hello, > > I have the following code attempting to print the execution plan for my > job locally. The job runs fine and Flink UI displays so I

Re: How to convert Int to Date

2020-11-17 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hello, Do both of the types you use have the same nullability? For a primitive int, the documentation you referred to says: "Output only if type is not nullable". Regards, Roman On Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 7:49 AM Rex Fenley wrote: > Hello, > > I'm using the Table API and I have a column which is

Re: why not flink delete the checkpoint directory recursively?

2020-11-17 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi, I think Robert is right, state handles are deleted first, and then the directory is deleted non-recursively. If any exception occurs while removing the files, it will be combined with the other exception (as suppressed). So probably Flink failed to delete some files and then directory removal

Re: Flink 1.11.2 could not create kafka table source on EMR.

2020-11-17 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi, Please verify that: 1. kafka-connector is indeed in the fat jar (e.g. by "jar vtf your-program.jar | grep KafkaDynamicTableFactory") 2. kafka-connector version matches the version of Flink distribution on EMR. Regards, Roman On Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 6:47 AM Fanbin Bu wrote: > Hi, > > I cou

Re: Event time issues when Kinesis consumer receives batched messages

2020-12-08 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Randal, Can you share the code for the 1st approach (FlinkKinesisConsumer.setPeriodicWatermarkAssigner))? I think the 2nd approach (flatMap) can be improved by partitioning the stream the same way kinesis does (i.e. same partition key). Regards, Roman On Mon, Dec 7, 2020 at 2:44 PM Randal Pi

Re: Event time issues when Kinesis consumer receives batched messages

2020-12-08 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Thanks, Randal, Yes, I think the only way is to partition the stream the same way as kinesis does (as I wrote before). Regards, Roman On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 1:38 PM Randal Pitt wrote: > Hi Roman, > > We're using a custom watermarker that uses a histogram to calculate a "best > fit" event time

Re: How long will keyed state exist if no TTL given?

2020-12-08 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Marco, Yes, if TTL is not configured then the state will never expire (will stay forever until deleted explicitly). Regards, Roman On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 5:09 PM Marco Villalobos wrote: > After reading > > >

Re: what are the valid dimensions for lookup.cache.ttl?

2020-12-08 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Marco, You can find the list of the supported time units in TimeUtils javadoc [1]: DAYS: "d", "day" HOURS: "h", "hour" MINUTES: "min", "minute" SECONDS: "s", "sec", "second" MILLISECONDS: "ms", "milli", "millisecond" MICROSECONDS: "µs", "micro", "microsecond" NANOSECONDS: "ns", "nano", "nanosec

Re: Recommendation about RocksDB Metrics ?

2020-12-08 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Kien, I am pulling in Yun who might know better. Regards, Roman On Sun, Dec 6, 2020 at 3:52 AM Truong Duc Kien wrote: > Hi all, > > We are thinking about enabling RocksDB metrics to better monitor our > pipeline. However, since they will have performance impact, we will have to > be select

Re: can taskmanager listen on all interfaces, like jobmanager?

2020-12-08 Thread Khachatryan Roman
I believe it was solved in 1.11 by FLINK-15911 [1] I tried setting taskmanager.rpc.port to 1 for 1.12 and got tcp6 0 0 :::1:::*LISTEN 13768/java [1] Regards, Roman On Tue, Dec 8, 2020

Re: flink sql read hive table throw java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1024

2020-12-18 Thread Khachatryan Roman
The stacktrace looks similar to However, it should be fixed in the version used in your setup. Jingsong Li can you take a look at this error? Regards, Roman On Thu, Dec 17, 2020 at 3:57 PM house-张浩 <> wrote: > when i use pyflink

Re: Flink eventTIme问题

2020-12-18 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Jiazhi, Could you share table definitions and both queries? Regards, Roman On Fri, Dec 18, 2020 at 4:39 AM ゞ野蠻遊戲χ wrote: > Hi all > When I use SQL with UDTF, when I call the tableEnv.sqlQuery () > method, I throw the following error: Rowtime attributes must not be in the > input rows

Re: Snowflake access through JDBC

2020-12-18 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hello, Unfortunately, this driver is not currently supported by the Table API [1]. You can implement a dialect for it [2] and construct JdbcTableSource [3] manually. Alternatively, you can switch to the DataStream API and use JdbcInputFormat [4] which doesn't require dialect. I'm also pulling in

Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-147: Support Checkpoints After Tasks Finished

2021-01-07 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Thanks for starting this discussion (and sorry for probably duplicated questions, I couldn't find them answered in FLIP or this thread). 1. Option 1 is said to be not preferable because it wastes resources and adds complexity (new event). However, the resources would be wasted for a relatively sho

Re: Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-147: Support Checkpoints After Tasks Finished

2021-01-10 Thread Khachatryan Roman
tChannel.onBuffer() is called > with > EndOfPartition) and then taking snapshot for the input channels, as the > normal unaligned checkpoints does for the InputChannel side. Then > we would be able to ensure the finished tasks always have an empty state. > > I'll also optimi

Re: Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-147: Support Checkpoints After Tasks Finished

2021-01-11 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Yun, > b) With unaligned checkpoint enabled, the slower cases might happen if the downstream task processes very slowly. I think UC will be the common case with multiple sources each with DoP > 1. IIUC, waiting for EoP will be needed on each subtask each time one of it's source subtask finishe

Re: Uncaught exception in FatalExitExceptionHandler causing JM crash while canceling job

2021-01-15 Thread Khachatryan Roman
I think you're right Till, this is the problem. In fact, I opened a duplicating jira ticket in parallel :) I hope we can fix it in the next version of 1.12. Regards, Roman On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 2:09 PM Till Rohrmann wrote: > Thanks for reporting and analyzing this issue Kelly. I think you ar

Re: Setting different timeouts for savepoints and checkpoints

2021-01-16 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Rex, Unfortunately not: the same timeout value is used both for savepoints and checkpoints. Regards, Roman On Sat, Jan 16, 2021 at 9:42 AM Rex Fenley wrote: > Hello, > > I'm wondering if there's a way to set different timeouts for savepoints > and checkpoints. Our savepoints can take a num

Re: Setting the operator-id to measure percentile latency over several jobs

2020-03-05 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Felipe, Please find the answers to your questions below. > Each "operator_subtask_index" means each instance of the parallel physical operator, doesn't it? Yes. > How can I set a fixed ID for the "operator_id" in my code so I can identify quickly which operator I am measuring? You are using th

Re: Writing retract streams to Kafka

2020-03-05 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Gyula, Could you provide the code of your Flink program, the error with stacktrace and the Flink version? Thanks., Roman On Thu, Mar 5, 2020 at 2:17 PM Gyula Fóra wrote: > Hi All! > > Excuse my stupid question, I am pretty new to the Table/SQL API and I am > trying to play around with it i

Re: Savepoint Location from Flink REST API

2020-03-20 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hey Aaron, You can use /jobs/:jobid/savepoints/:triggerid to get the location when the checkpoint is completed. Please see Meanwhile, I've

Re: Some question about flink temp files

2020-03-20 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Reo, Please find the answers to your questions below. > 1, what is the usage of this tmp files? These files are used by Flink internally for things like caching state locally, storing jars and so on. They are not intended for the end-user. > 2, Is there have any mechanism of flink to manage th

Re: MongoSink

2020-05-11 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Aissa, What is BSONWritable you pass from map to sink? I guess it's not serializable which causes Flink to use kryo, which fails. Regards, Roman On Sun, May 10, 2020 at 10:42 PM Aissa Elaffani wrote: > Hello Guys, > I am trying to sink my data to MongoDB, But i got some errors. I am > shar

Re: Broadcast state vs data enrichment

2020-05-11 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Manas, The approaches you described looks the same: > each operator only stores what it needs. > each downstream operator will "strip off" the config parameter that it needs. Can you please explain the difference? Regards, Roman On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 8:07 AM Manas Kale wrote: > Hi, > I

Re: Blink Planner fails to generate RowtimeAttribute for custom TableSource

2020-05-11 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Yuval, Thanks for reporting this issue. I'm pulling in Timo and Jark who are working on the SQL component. They might be able to help you with your problem. Regards, Roman On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 9:10 AM Yuval Itzchakov wrote: > Hi, > While migrating from Flink 1.9 -> 1.10 and from the old

Re: Testing jobs locally agains secure Hadoop cluster

2020-05-11 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Őrhidi, Can you please provide some details about the errors you get? Regards, Roman On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 9:32 AM Őrhidi Mátyás wrote: > Dear Community, > > I'm having troubles testing jobs against a secure Hadoop cluster. Is that > possible? The mini cluster seems to not load any secur

Re: Flink Memory analyze on AWS EMR

2020-05-11 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Jacky, Did you try it without -XX:LogFile=${FLINK_LOG_PREFIX}.jit ? Probably, Flink can't write to this location. Also, you can try other tools described at Regards, Roman On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 5

Re: Not able to implement an usecase

2020-05-11 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Jaswin, Currently, DataStream API doesn't support outer joins. As a workaround, you can use coGroup function [1]. Hive is also not supported by DataStream API though it's supported by Table API [2]. [1]

Re: Need suggestion on Flink-Kafka stream processing design

2020-05-11 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Hemant, As I understand, each protocol has a distinct set of event types (where event type == metrics type); and a distinct set of devices. Is this correct? > Based on data protocol I have 4-5 topics. Currently the data for a single event is being pushed to a partition of the kafka topic(produ

Re: Not able to implement an usecase

2020-05-12 Thread Khachatryan Roman
> Get Outlook for Android <> > > ------ > *From:* Khachatryan Roman > *Sent:* Tuesday, May 12, 2020 1:49:10 AM > *To:* Jaswin Shah > *Cc:* > *Subject:* Re: Not able to implement an usecase > >

Re: Broadcast state vs data enrichment

2020-05-12 Thread Khachatryan Roman
an event message arrives, this operator will append config1, config2 > and config3 to it. Operator 1 will extract and use config1, and output a > message that has config1 stripped off. > > I hope that helps! > > Perhaps I am being too pedantic but I would like to know if the

Re: Need suggestion on Flink-Kafka stream processing design

2020-05-12 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Influx) as well. > > Thanks, > Hemant > > On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 2:08 AM Khachatryan Roman < >> wrote: > >> Hi Hemant, >> >> As I understand, each protocol has a distinct set of event types (where >> event type == me

Re: Rest Api body size

2020-06-02 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi White, Did you try to increase rest.client.max-content-length [1]? [1] Regards, Roman On Mon, Jun 1, 2020 at 8:01 AM snack white wrote: > Hi, > When I usi

Re: Connection unexpectedly closed by remote task manager

2020-06-02 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi, Can you check if there are any failures on task manager mention in error message (ip-10-210-5-104.ap-south-1.compute.internal/ Regards, Roman On Tue, Jun 2, 2020 at 10:18 AM ApoorvK wrote: > I have a flink job running on version 1.8.2 with parallelism of 12, I took > t

Re: User / Job Manager (permissions) for Flink

2020-06-02 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi David, One option is Ververica Platform which has a notion of Namespaces: I guess Konstantin can tell you more about it. Disclaimer: I work for a company that develops this product. Regards, Roman On Tue, Jun 2, 2020 at 5:37 PM Davi

Re: Unable to run basic WordCount example program from flink tutorial

2020-06-02 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Dear Tom, This is likely a scala version issue. Can you post your pom.xml? Regards, Roman On Tue, Jun 2, 2020 at 6:34 PM Tom Burgert wrote: > Dear all, > > I am trying to set up flink and after hours I still fail to make a simple > program run even though I follow every recommended step in th

Re: Checkpoint failed because of TimeWindow cannot be cast to VoidNamespace

2020-07-02 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Thanks for reporting this. Looks like the window namespace was replaced by VoidNamespace in state entry. I've created to further investigate it. Regards, Roman On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 10:52 AM Si-li Liu wrote: > I'm using flink 1.9 on Mesos and

Re: Checkpoint failed because of TimeWindow cannot be cast to VoidNamespace

2020-07-02 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Thanks for the clarification. Can you also share the code of other parts, particularly MyFunction? Regards, Roman On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 12:49 PM Si-li Liu wrote: > Rocksdb backend has the same problem > > Khachatryan Roman 于2020年7月2日周四 下午6:11写道: > >> Thanks for reporting

Re: Heartbeat of TaskManager timed out.

2020-07-02 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Thanks, Ori >From the log, it looks like there IS a memory leak. At 10:12:53 there was the last "successfull" gc when 13Gb freed in 0.4653809 secs: [Eden: 17336.0M(17336.0M)->0.0B(2544.0M) Survivors: 40960.0K->2176.0M Heap: 23280.3M(28960.0M)->10047.0M(28960.0M)] Then the heap grew from 10G to 2

Re: Checkpoint failed because of TimeWindow cannot be cast to VoidNamespace

2020-07-02 Thread Khachatryan Roman
rContext: Evictor.EvictorContext): Unit = {} > > override def evictAfter(elements: JIterable[TimestampedValue[RawLog]], >size: Int, >window: TimeWindow, >evictorContext: Evictor.EvictorContext): Unit = { > val iter =

Re: Parquet data stream group converter error

2020-07-03 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi, > MessageType schema = reader.getFooter().getFileMetaData().getSchema(); The first thing I'd suggest is to verify that the file contains a valid schema and can be read by some other program, e.g. parquet-tools schema or cat [1]. Regards, Roman On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 11:36 PM Jesse Lord wro

Re: Checkpoint failed because of TimeWindow cannot be cast to VoidNamespace

2020-07-03 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Jul 3, 2020 at 6:38 AM Si-li Liu wrote: > Hi, Thanks for your help. > > The checkpoint configuration is > > checkpoint.intervalMS=30 > checkpoint.timeoutMS=30 > > The error callstack is from JM's log, which happened in every cp. > Currently I don't have

Re: Error --GC Cleaner Provider -- Flink 1.11.0

2020-07-13 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Murali Pusala, Thanks for reporting this issue. Looks like JavaGcCleanerWrapper should use getDeclaredMethod instead of getMethod to find Reference.tryHandlePending. @Andrey, can you confirm this? Regards, Roman On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 4:42 AM Murali Krishna Pusala <

Re: PyFlink Table API - "A group window expects a time attribute for grouping in a stream environment."

2020-07-13 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Manas, Do you have the same error if you replace .group_by("five_sec_window, monitorId") \ with .group_by("five_sec_window") \ ? Regards, Roman On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 11:16 AM Manas Kale wrote: > Hi, > I have the following piece of code (for pyFlink v1.11) : > > t_env.from_pat

Re: Flink DataSet Iterate updating additional variable

2020-07-13 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Antonio, Please take a look at broadcast variables: Regards, Roman On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 3:49 PM Antonio Martínez Carratalá <> wrote: > Hello > > I'm trying to implement the

Re: Flink DataSet Iterate updating additional variable

2020-07-14 Thread Khachatryan Roman
be > propagated too, is this possible in some way? > > Thanks > > On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 8:47 PM Khachatryan Roman < >> wrote: > >> Hi Antonio, >> >> Please take a look at broadcast variables: >>

Re: Per-job mode job restart and HA configuration

2020-08-03 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Suchithra, Yes, you need to pass these parameters to in Kubernetes job definition. I'm pulling in Patrick as he might know this subject better. Regards, Roman On Mon, Aug 3, 2020 at 12:24 PM V N, Suchithra (Nokia - IN/Bangalore) <> wrote: > Hello,

Re: Flink Kafka consumer SimpleStringSchema [Deprecated]

2020-08-03 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Vijay, The javadoc for org.apache.flink.streaming.util.serialization.SimpleStringSchema says you should Use org.apache.flink.api.common.serialization.SimpleStringSchema instead. Regards, Roman On Mon, Aug 3, 2020 at 5:31 PM Vijayendra Yadav wrote: > Hi Team, > > >

Re: Kafka transaction error lead to data loss under end to end exact-once

2020-08-04 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Lu, Yes, this error indicates data loss (unless there were no records in the transactions). Regards, Roman On Mon, Aug 3, 2020 at 9:14 PM Lu Niu wrote: > Hi, > > We are using end to end exact-once flink + kafka and encountered belowing > exception which usually came after checkpoint failur

Re: Kafka transaction error lead to data loss under end to end exact-once

2020-08-05 Thread Khachatryan Roman
gt; the fix on roadmap? Thanks! > > Best > Lu > > On Tue, Aug 4, 2020 at 1:24 PM Khachatryan Roman < >> wrote: > >> Hi Lu, >> >> Yes, this error indicates data loss (unless there were no records in the >> transactions

Re: Jobmanager stopped because uncaught exception

2021-02-08 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi, The open issue you mentioned (FLINK-21053) is about preventing potential issues in the future. The issue you are experiencing is most likely FLINK-20992 as Yang Wang said. So upgrading to 1.12.2 should solve the problem. Regards, Roman On Mon, Feb 8, 2021 at 9:05 AM Lei Wang wrote: > I se

Re: Kafka connector doesn't support consuming update and delete changes in Table SQL API

2021-02-08 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi, AFAIK this should be supported in 1.12 via FLINK-19568 [1] I'm pulling in Timo and Jark who might know better. Regards, Roman On Mon, Feb 8, 2021 at 9:14 AM meneldor wrote: > Any help please? Is there a way to use the "Last row" from a de

Re: question on ValueState

2021-02-08 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi, I think Yun Tang is right, HeapStateBackend doesn't (de)serialize the value on update. As for "value()", it may (de)serialize it and return a copy if there is an ongoing async snapshot in progress (to protect from modifications). This shouldn't happen often though. Regards, Roman On Mon, Fe

Re: Cannot connect to queryable state proxy

2021-02-08 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi ChangZhuo, Queryable state is exposed on the same address as the TM RPC. You can change this address by modifying [1]. However, I'm not sure if setting it to or localhost will not break connectivity with the other components. [1]

Re: Enabling allowNonRestoredState when resuming from a savepoint causes ClassNotFoundException

2021-02-08 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi, I'm pulling Yun Tang who is familiar with StateBackends and RocksDB in particular. >From what I see, the 2nd snapshot (sp2) is built using the same set of states obtained from the starting savepoint/checkpoint (sp1) to write its metadata. This metadata includes serializers snapshots, includin

Re: Connecting Pyflink DDL to Azure Eventhubs using Kafka connector

2021-02-08 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi, Could you provide the exception stack trace? Regards, Roman On Mon, Feb 8, 2021 at 3:46 PM joris.vanagtmaal <> wrote: > I'm trying to read data from my eventhub in Azure, but i end up with the > Flink error message 'findAndCreateTableSource failed' > > using F

Re: Sliding Window Count: Tricky Edge Case / Count Zero Problem

2021-02-08 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi, Probably another solution would be to register a timer (using KeyedProcessFunction) once we see an element after keyBy. The timer will fire in windowIntervalMs. Upon firing, it will emit a dummy element which will be ignored (or subtracted) in the end. Upon receiving each new element, the func

Re: BroadcastState dropped when data deleted in Kafka

2021-02-23 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi, Deletion of messages in Kafka shouldn't affect Flink state in general. Probably, some operator in your pipeline is re-reading the topic and overwrites the state, dropping what was deleted by Kafka. Could you share the code? Regards, Roman On Tue, Feb 23, 2021 at 7:12 AM bat man wrote: > H

Re: Julia API/Interface for Flink

2021-02-23 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi, AFAIK there is no direct support for Julia in Flink currently. However, you may try to call Python from Julia using either Statefun Python SDK [1] or PyFlink [2]; or implement a remote Statefun module [3]. [1]

Re: Flink custom trigger use case

2021-02-23 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Diwakar, I'm not sure I fully understand your question. If event handling in one window depends on some other windows than TriggerContext.getPartitionedState can not be used. Triggers don't have access to the global state (only to key-window scoped state). If that's what you want then please co

Re: User program failures cause JobManager to be shutdown

2019-12-05 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Dongwon, I wasn't able to reproduce your problem with Flink JobManager 1.9.1 with various kinds of errors in the job. I suggest you try it on a fresh Flink installation without any other jobs submitted. Regards, Roman On Thu, Dec 5, 2019 at 3:48 PM Dongwon Kim wrote: > Hi Roman, > > We're

Re: How does Flink handle backpressure in EMR

2019-12-05 Thread Khachatryan Roman
@Michael, Could you please describe your topology with which operators being slow, back-pressured and probably skews in sources? Regards, Roman On Thu, Dec 5, 2019 at 6:20 PM Nguyen, Michael <> wrote: > Thank you for the response Roman and Piotrek! > > @Roman - can

Re: User program failures cause JobManager to be shutdown

2019-12-06 Thread Khachatryan Roman
;> >> On Fri, Dec 6, 2019 at 3:59 AM Robert Metzger >> wrote: >> >>> Hi Dongwon, >>> >>> what is your main() method / client doing when it's receiving wrong >>> program parameters? Does it call System.exit(), or something like that? >>

Re: What S3 Permissions does StreamingFileSink need?

2019-12-06 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hey Li, > my permissions is as listed above As I understand it, it's a terraform script above. But what are the actual permissions in AWS? And it also makes sense to make sure that they are associated with the right role and role with user. > Maybe I need to add the directory level as a resource?

Re: [Help] Anyone know where I can find performance test result?

2020-02-10 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Xu Yan, Do you mean flink-benchmarks repo? Regards, Roman On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 4:18 AM 闫旭 wrote: > Hi there, > > I am just exploring the apache flink git repo and found the performance > test. I have already test on my local machine, I’m wondering if we got > online result? > > Thanks >

Re: [Help] Anyone know where I can find performance test result?

2020-02-10 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 10:10 AM 闫旭 wrote: > Yes, it’s the one > > On Feb 10, 2020, at 5:08 PM, Khachatryan Roman < >> wrote: > > Hi Xu Yan, > > Do you mean flink-benchmarks repo? > > Regards, > Roman > > > On Mon, Feb 10, 2

Re: Flink connect hive with hadoop HA

2020-02-10 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi, Could you please provide a full stacktrace? Regards, Roman On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 2:12 PM sunfulin wrote: > Hi, guys > I am using Flink 1.10 and test functional cases with hive intergration. > Hive with 1.1.0-cdh5.3.0 and with hadoop HA enabled.Running flink job I can > see successful co

Re: Exactly once semantics for hdfs sink

2020-02-10 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Vishwas, Yes, Streaming File Sink does support exactly-once semantics and can be used with HDFS. Regards, Roman On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 5:20 PM Vishwas Siravara wrote: > Hi all, > I want to use the StreamingFile sink for writing data to hdfs. Can I > achieve exactly once semantics with thi

Re: Flink Minimal requirements

2020-02-10 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Kristof, Flink doesn't have any specific requirements. You can run Flink on a single node with just one core. The number of threads is dynamic. However, you'll probably want to configure memory usage if the default values are greater than what the actual machine has. Regards, Roman On Mon,

Re: Exactly once semantics for hdfs sink

2020-02-12 Thread Khachatryan Roman
.) 05:19 > To:Khachatryan Roman > Cc:user > Subject:Re: Exactly once semantics for hdfs sink > > Hi Khachatryan, > Thanks for your reply. Can you help me understand how it works with hdfs > specifically , even a link to a document will help. > > > Best, > Vishwas > > O

Re: How to determine average utilization before backpressure kicks in?

2020-02-25 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi Morgan, Regarding backpressure, it can be caused by a number of factors, e.g. writing to an external system or slow input partitions. However, if you know that a particular resource is a bottleneck then it makes sense to monitor its saturation. It can be done by using Flink metrics. Please see

Re: How to determine average utilization before backpressure kicks in?

2020-02-25 Thread Khachatryan Roman
aturation of certain buffers (looking into this now, however, i am not > too familiar with flink internals)? It doesn't have to be extremely > precise. Any hints would be greatly appreciated. > > Regards, > M. > > On 25.02.20 13:34, Khachatryan Roman wrote: > > Hi

Re: state schema evolution for case classes

2020-02-25 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi ApoorvK, I understand that you have a savepoint created by Flink 1.6.2 and you want to use it with Flink 1.8.2. The classes themselves weren't modified. Is that correct? Which serializer did you use? Regards, Roman On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 8:38 AM ApoorvK wrote: > Hi Team, > > Earlier we ha

Re: Getting when upgraded to 1.10

2020-02-25 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi John, Seems like this is another instance of Could you please provide the full stacktrace? Regards, Roman On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 10:48 PM John Smith wrote: > Hi. Just upgraded to 1.10.0 And getting the bellow error when I deploy my > tasks.

Re: Map Of DataStream getting NullPointer Exception

2020-02-25 Thread Khachatryan Roman
As I understand from code, streamMap is a Java map, not Scala. So you can get NPE while unreferencing the value you got from it. Also, the approach looks a bit strange. Can you describe what are you trying to achieve? Regards, Roman On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 5:47 PM aj wrote: > > I am trying be

Re: Timeseries aggregation with many IoT devices off of one Kafka topic.

2020-02-25 Thread Khachatryan Roman
Hi, I think conceptually the pipeline could look something like this: env .addSource(...) .keyBy("device_id") .window(SlidingEventTimeWindows.of(Time.minutes(15), Time.seconds(10))) .trigger(new Trigger { def onElement(el, timestamp, window, ctx) = { if (window.start == TimeWin

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