
Deletion of messages in Kafka shouldn't affect Flink state in general.
Probably, some operator in your pipeline is re-reading the topic
and overwrites the state, dropping what was deleted by Kafka.
Could you share the code?


On Tue, Feb 23, 2021 at 7:12 AM bat man <tintin0...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have 2 streams one event data and the other rules. I broadcast the rules
> stream and then key the data stream on event type. The connected stream is
> processed thereafter.
> We faced an issue where the rules data in the topic got deleted because of
> Kafka retention policy.
> Post this the existing rules data also got dropped in the broadcast state
> and the processing stopped.
> As per my understanding the rules which were present in broadcast state
> should still exist even if the data was deleted in Kafka as the rules dats
> was already processed and stored in state map.
> PS: I’m reusing the rules stream as broadcast later in processing as well.
> Could this be an issue?
> Thanks,
> Hemant

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