Hi Vijay,
thanks for sharing the code. To my knowledge the only way to access the
state of one job in another job right now is Queryable State, which in
this case seems impractical. Why do you want to perform the apply
functions in separate Flink jobs?
In the same job I would just perform all agg
HI Konstantin,
Please find a snippet of my code:
DataStream < String > stream = env
.addSource(new FlinkKafkaConsumer08 < > ("data", new
SimpleStringSchema(), properties));
// Create a keyed stream from the kafka data stream
KeyedStream, Tuple> pojo =
stream.map(new JsonDeseriali
Hi Vijay,
can you elaborate a little bit on what you would like to achieve? Right now, I
am not sure what aspect of the window you want to reference
(WindowState,Timers, State in the Windowfunction,...).
sent from my phone. Plz excuse brevity and tpyos.
Konstantin Knau
I have a use case were I need to build a global window with custom trigger.
I would like to reference this window across my flink jobs. Is there a
possibility that the global window can be referenced?
Vijay Raajaa GS