Hi Vijay,

can you elaborate a little bit on what you would like to achieve? Right now, I 
am not sure what aspect of the window you want to reference 
(WindowState,Timers, State in the Windowfunction,...).



sent from my phone. Plz excuse brevity and tpyos.
Konstantin Knauf *konstantin.kn...@tngtech.com * +49-174-3413182
TNG Technology Consulting GmbH, Betastr. 13a, 85774 Unterföhring
Geschäftsführer: Henrik Klagges, Christoph Stock, Dr. Robert Dahlke

---- G.S.Vijay Raajaa schrieb ----

>I have a use case were I need to build a global window with custom trigger.
>I would like to reference this window across my flink jobs. Is there a
>possibility that the global window can be referenced?
>Vijay Raajaa GS

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