Sent: Monday, December 11, 2017 10:13 AM
To: user@flink.apache.org
Subject: How to deal with dynamic types
I am trying some initial samples with flink. I have one doubt regarding data
types. Flink support data types Tuple(max 25 fields), Java POJOs, Primitive
types, Regular classes etc
For truly dynamic class you would need a custom TypeInformation or
TypeDeserializationSchema and store the fields on some kind of Map. Maybe something could be done with inheritance if records that always
share the same fields could be deserialized to some specific class with
I am trying some initial samples with flink. I have one doubt regarding
data types. Flink support data types Tuple(max 25 fields), Java POJOs,
Primitive types, Regular classes etc.,
In my case I do not have fixed type. I have meta data with filed names &
its types. For ex., (Id:int, Name:Strin