We’ve been using genericRecords with custom serializers to do exactly this. We 
need to run the same flink pipeline for 10s of thousands of different schemas 
for our use cases and code gening or building that many different jars just 
isn’t practical.

From: madan [mailto:madan.yella...@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2017 10:13 AM
To: user@flink.apache.org
Subject: How to deal with dynamic types


I am trying some initial samples with flink. I have one doubt regarding data 
types. Flink support data types Tuple(max 25 fields), Java POJOs, Primitive 
types, Regular classes etc.,
In my case I do not have fixed type. I have meta data with filed names & its 
types. For ex., (Id:int, Name:String, Salary:Double, Dept:String,... etc). I do 
not know the number of fields, its names or types till I receive metadata. In 
these what should be the source type I should go with? Please suggest. Small 
example would be of great help.

Scenario trying to solve :

Input :
            Metadata : {"id":"int", 
            Data file :   csv data file with above fields data

Output required is : Calculate average of salary by department wise.

Thank you,

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