You can take use of the configuration “pipeline.global-job-parameters” [1] to
pass your custom configs all the way into the UDF. For example you can execute
this in SQL client:
SET pipeline.global-job-parameters=black_list_path:/root/list.properties;
Then you can get the value “/root/list.
"/config/list.properties"); in udf.
Best regards,
发件人: "wang" <24248...@163.com>
收件人: "User" , "user-zh"
发送时间: 星期三, 2022年 5 月 11日 下午 2:44:20
主题: How can I set job parameter in flink sql
Hi dear engineer,
I want to override the fun
收件人: "User" , "user-zh"
发送时间: 星期三, 2022年 5 月 11日 下午 2:44:20
主题: How can I set job parameter in flink sql
Hi dear engineer,
I want to override the function open() in my UDF, like:
public class BlackListConvertFunction extends ScalarFunction {
Hi dear engineer,
I want to override the function open() in my UDF, like:
public class BlackListConvertFunction extends ScalarFunction {
public void open(FunctionContext context) throws Exception {
String path = context.getJobParameter("black_list_path",
Hi dear engineer,
I want to override the function open() in my UDF, like:
In open() function, I want to fetch the configred value "black_list_path", then
simply print that value out. And I config this value in ./sql-client.sh console:
SET black_list_path = /root/list.properties