Hi, AFAK, you can't get the parameter setted via Flink SQL client in udf. If you still want to get the parameters in your udf, you can use the following code to set the parameter:
env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment parameter = new HashMap<String, String>(); parameter .put(" black_list_path ", "xxxx") env.getConfig.setGlobalJobParameters(Configuration.fromMap(m)) Then, you can get the parameter using context.getJobParameter("black_list_path", "/config/list.properties"); in udf. Best regards, Yuxia 发件人: "wang" <24248...@163.com> 收件人: "User" <user@flink.apache.org>, "user-zh" <user...@flink.apache.org> 发送时间: 星期三, 2022年 5 月 11日 下午 2:44:20 主题: How can I set job parameter in flink sql Hi dear engineer, I want to override the function open() in my UDF, like: public class BlackListConvertFunction extends ScalarFunction { @Override public void open(FunctionContext context) throws Exception { String path = context.getJobParameter("black_list_path", "/config/list.properties"); System.out.println(path); } public Double eval(String scores) { // some logics return 0.0; } } In open() function, I want to fetch the configred value "black_list_path", then simply print that value out. And I config this value in ./sql-client.sh console: SET black_list_path = /root/list.properties Then I run this UDF, but what printed is /config/list.properties (this is the default value as I set in context.getJobParameter("black_list_path", " /config/list/properties ")) , not /root/list.properties which I set in ./sql-client.sh console. So could you please show me the correct way to set black_list_path is sql ? Thanks so much! Thanks && Reards, Hunk