yarn because of memory exceed. You
> mentioned the job fails in half an hour after starts, so I guess it exits
> the possibility that the task manager is killed by yarn.
> Best,
> Zhijiang
> --------------------------
> 发件人:杨力
> 发送时间
Hi Bill,
Can you provide more information, such as whether Checkpoint is enabled and
whether exact-once is specified, and whether there is back pressure
generated in the Flink web UI.
Here is a ticket that also gives feedback to this question. [1]
Stackoverflow has also been asked the same questio
发送时间:2018年9月7日(星期五) 13:09
主 题:Flink 1.6 Job fails with IllegalStateException: Buffer pool is destroyed.
Hi all,
I am encountering a weird problem when running flink 1.6 in yarn per-job
The job
Hi all,
I am encountering a weird problem when running flink 1.6 in yarn per-job
The job fails in about half an hour after it starts. Related logs is
attached as an imange.
This piece of log comes from one of the taskmanagers. There are not any
other related log lines.
No ERROR-level log