and then submit the job with
TableResult StatementSet.execute()
izual 于2020年11月2日周一 上午11:28写道:
Hi, community:
We used flink 1.9.1, both SQL and DataStream API to support multiple sinks
for product envs.
For example, tableEnv.sqlUpdate("INSERT INTO dest1 S
Hi, community:
We used flink 1.9.1, both SQL and DataStream API to support multiple sinks
for product envs.
For example, tableEnv.sqlUpdate("INSERT INTO dest1 SELECT ...") and
table.toAppendStream[Row].addSink(new RichSinkFunction[Row]
{...}).name("dest2"), and env.execute() to submit t
-01-21 15:54:56, "Tzu-Li (Gordon) Tai" wrote:
>Hi Izual,
>Thanks for reporting this! I'm also forwarding this to the user mailing
>list, as that is the more suitable place for this question.
>I think the usability of the State Processor API in Scala is indeed
ood way how you could retain the
column names. :(
On 28/07/2020 10:26, izual wrote:
Hi, Community:
I met some field name errors when try to convert in Table and DataStream.
flink version: 1.9.1
First, init a datastream and convert to table 'source', regi
Hi, Community:
I met some field name errors when try to convert in Table and DataStream.
flink version: 1.9.1
First, init a datastream and convert to table 'source', register a
tablefunction named 'foo'
val sourceStream = env.socketTextStream("", 8010)
.map(line => line.toInt)
ound when the result does not change?
At 2020-04-28 10:53:34, "Jark Wu" wrote:
Hi izual,
In such case, I think you should try COUNT DISTINCT instead of COUNT.
DISTINCT will help to deduplicate, so no matter how many times you received
id=1, the region count should always 3.
1min can resolve your issue.
If not, maybe you need to change your dimension table, making it return the
count directly instead
of return the details.
izual 于2020年4月27日周一 下午5:06写道:
I implements my DimTable by extends `LookupTableSource`[1], which stores data
id=1 -> (SH, BJ, SD)
I implements my DimTable by extends `LookupTableSource`[1], which stores data
id=1 -> (SH, BJ, SD)
id=2 -> (...)
and then extends `TableFunction` to return the value corresponding to the
lookup keys,and maybe return multi rows, for example, when lookupkeys is id=1,
then in the `TableFun
, but Flink should have split it into many shorter methods
(see TableConfig#maxGeneratedCodeLength). By default Flink will split methods
longer than 64KB into shorter ones.
izual 于2020年4月23日周四 下午6:34写道:
I add 4 complicated sqls in one job, and the job looks running well.
I add 4 complicated sqls in one job, and the job looks running well.
But when I try to add 5th sql,the job failed at the beginning。
And throws errors info below:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not instantiate generated class
We have two output sinks, and the order assurance is achieved by code like this:
recorder_2 = foo(record)
So when sink2 receives the record_2, record must be existed in sink1, then we
can seek corresponding value of rec
which will use the equality condition fields as the lookup keys.
However, nested fields can't be lookup keys for now.
Is that possible to have a top-level fields as the join key in your case?
On Wed, 25 Mar 2020 at 18:08, izual wrote:
Hi, Community:
I defined a di
Hi, Community:
I defined a dim table(tblDim) with schema :
|-- dim_nested_fields: ROW<`id` INT, `product_name` STRING>
and the part of SQL is : JOIN ... ON leftTable.`nested_field`.id =
which will throw an exception like:
Exception in thread "main" o
Hi community:SQL contains aggregate functions, GROUP BY, etc,will generate a
RetractStream, which type is DataStream[(Boolean, Row)].
It's not allowed to write to Kafka because kafka table is based on
If I only need to write ADD message to Kafka, is it possible to achieve
I followed docs[1] and SideOutputITCase.scala(unittest case from flink-master),
but encountered an Exception:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: OutputTag must not be null.
code snippet implemented by Scala
private final val backupOutputTag = OutputTag[String]("backup")
Sry for wrong post.
> This can probably be confirmed by looking at the exception stack trace.
> Can you post a full copy of that?
I missed the history jobs, but I think u r right.
When I debug the program to find reason, came into these code snippet.
TypeSerializerSchemaCompatibility result
16 matches
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