Hi, community:

  We used flink 1.9.1, both SQL and DataStream API to support multiple sinks 
for product envs.

  For example, tableEnv.sqlUpdate("INSERT INTO dest1 SELECT ...") and 
table.toAppendStream[Row].addSink(new RichSinkFunction[Row] 
{...}).name("dest2"), and env.execute() to submit the DAG together, and result 
will sink to dest1 or dest2 or both.

  Now I try to update flink to 1.11.2, according to [1]-Attention,use 
tableEnv.execute() instead of env.execute(), but only get the result of 
`sqlUpdate`, and result of `DataStream.addSink` is missed.

  1. How to get both the results in mixed SQL/DataStream use cases, maybe 
change all RichSinkFunction into a UpsertTable works. Is there another simple 
way to do this?

  2. It seems like env.getExecutionPlan only returns DAG of DataStream API now, 
so how to get the whole DAG like env.getExecutionPlan() in 1.9.1.

  Thanks for ur reply.

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