Re: Flink using Oozie in Kerberized cluster

2019-10-06 Thread Srivastava,Rajat
Thanks for your response! We are doing something very similar, building a fat jar, uploading it to HDFS, and using shell action to run the application. The issue we are having however is running the application on a Kerberized cluster in yarn-cluster mode. We get the following error: ERROR org

Re: Finding the Maximum Value Received so far in a Stream

2019-10-06 Thread Komal Mariam
Thank you for your help all. I understand now and made the changes. Since I needed return the entire object that contained the max value of X, I used reduce instead of max.

[ANNOUNCE] Weekly Community Update 2019/40

2019-10-06 Thread Konstantin Knauf
Dear community, happy to share this week's community update including Flink 1.9.1, unaligned checkpoints, a new type inference system for UDFs in the Table API and a bit more. Enjoy. Flink Development == * [releases] The vote for *Flink 1.9.1 RC1* has timed out without a vote. I gues