Counters values are less than expected [1.0.6 - Java/Pelops]

2012-07-19 Thread
Hi all, I have a problem with counters I'd like to solve before going in production. When a user write a comment in my platform I increase a counter (there is a counter for each user) and I write a new column in the user specific row. Everything worked fine but yesterday I noticed that the column

R: Re: Counters values are less than expected [1.0.6 - Java/Pelops]

2012-07-23 Thread
Ogg: Re: Counters values are less than expected [1.0.6 - Java/Pelops] Nothing jumps out, can you reproduce the problem ? If you can repo it let us know and the RF / CL. Good luck. -Aaron MortonFreelance Developer@aaronmorton On 20/07/201

Generic questions over Cassandra 1.1/1.2

2012-11-25 Thread
Hi all, I'm in production with cassandra since version 0.6 then upgraded to 0.7 and finally to 1.0. If I look at my schema now it's "senseless" to be on 1.0 but many things changed from 0.6 ... secondary indexes, counters, expiring columns and more. Now I am going to write a new application using

R: Re: Generic questions over Cassandra 1.1/1.2

2012-11-25 Thread
Aaron first of all thanks for your precious help everytime Some resources for CQL 3, it may match your needs. If not you can still use Thrift through your favourite client...There have been a few articles on the DS blog talk at the conference by Eric htt

Re: Generic questions over Cassandra 1.1/1.2

2012-11-26 Thread
>> Aaron first of all thanks for your precious help everytime …. >Thanks for using Cassandra since version 0.6 :) ahahah :-) >There are two types of CQL 3 tables, regular ones and those that use "COMPACT STORAGE". Regular CQL 3 tables are not visible to Thrift as they store some extra data tha

R: Re: Generic questions over Cassandra 1.1/1.2

2012-11-26 Thread
Da: > The error message is indeed somewhat misleading and I've just committed a fix > to return a better message. But at the end of the day, the > limitation is > that ORDER BY is just not supported with 2ndary indexes. mmm this is not good news for the model I just designe

Migrate a model from 0.6

2014-05-16 Thread
Hi all, more than a years ago I wrote a comment for migrating an old schema to a new model. Since the company had other priorities we didn't realize, and now I'm trying to upgrade my 0.6 data-model to the newest 2.0 model. The DB contains mainly comments written by users on companies. Comments

Clustering order and secondary index

2014-05-16 Thread
Hi all, I'm trying to migrate my old project born with Cassandra 0.6 and grown with 0.7 /1.0 to the latest 2.0. I have an easy question for you all: query using only secondary indexes do not respect any clustering order? Thanks

backend query of a Cassandra db

2014-05-30 Thread
Hello, I have a working cluster of Cassandra that performs very well on a high traffic web application. Now I need to build a backend web application to query Cassandra on many non indexed columns ... what is the best way to do that? Apache hive? Pig? Cassandra 2 Thanks

Moving a CF between keyspaces

2011-05-30 Thread
Hi all, for some reason I have a CF in a Keyspace and I need to duplicate this CF and its content into another keyspace Is there any best practice to do it or I need to read/write all rows? Best regards Carlo

R: Re: AntiEntropy?

2011-07-12 Thread
>From "Cassandra the definitive guide" - Basic Maintenance - Repair Running nodetool repair causes Cassandra to execute a Major Compaction [...] AntiEntropyService implements the Singleton pattern and defines the static Differencer class as well, which is used to compare two trees. If it finds a

R: Re: Re: AntiEntropy?

2011-07-12 Thread
>The book is wrong, at least by current versions of Cassandra (I'm >basing that on the quote you pasted, I don't know the context). To be sure that I didn't misunderstand (English is not my mother tongue) here is what the entire "repair paragraph" says ... Basic Maintenance There are a few tasks

R: Re: Re: Re: AntiEntropy?

2011-07-13 Thread
>Da: >Data: 13/07/2011 5.07 >A: , "" >Ogg: Re: Re: Re: AntiEntropy? > >> To be sure that I didn't misunderstand (English is not my mother tongue) here >> is what the entire "repair paragraph" says ... >

R: Re: Re: Re: Re: AntiEntropy?

2011-07-13 Thread
>Note that if GCGraceSeconds is 10 days, you want to run repair often >enough that there will never be a moment where there is more than >exactly 10 days since the last successfully completed repair >*STARTED*. >When scheduling repairs, factor in things like - what happens if >repair fails? Who ge

Too many open files during Repair operation

2011-07-19 Thread
Hi all. In production we want to run nodetool repair but each time we do it we get the too many open files error. We've increased the number of available FD for Cassandra till 8192 but still we get the same error after few seconds. Should I increase it more? WARN [Thread-7] 2011-07-19 12:34:00,

2800 file descriptors?

2011-07-20 Thread
Hi all, I wonder if is normal that Cassandra (5 nodes, 0.75) has more than 2800 fd open and growing. I still have the problem that during repair I get into the "too many open files" Best regards

R: Re: 2800 file descriptors?

2011-07-20 Thread
> For the "too many open files" issue, maybe you could try: ulimit -n 5000 > && . Ok, thanks for the tip but I get this error running nodetool repair and not during cassandra execution. I however wonder if this is normal or not ... in production do you get similar numbers? Isn't it too much? b

My "nodetool" in Java

2011-07-20 Thread
Hi all, I'd like to build something like "nodetool" to show the status of the ring (nodes up-down, info on single node) all via JAVA. Do you have any tip for this? (I don't want to run the nodetool through java and capture the output ...). I have really no idea on how to do it ... :-)

R: Re: My "nodetool" in Java

2011-07-21 Thread You could probably call that directly from your code. > >On Jul 20, 2011, at 3:18 PM, wrote: > >> Hi all, >> I'd like to build something like "nodetool" to show the status of the ring >> (nodes up-down, info on single

Can not repair

2011-07-21 Thread
Hi all, I can't get the repair in my production. We are out since 6 months but before we did not perform any delete do we didn't need to run repair. Now we are out since 2 weeks with a new version of our software that performs delete but we can not get the nodetool repair working, The first prob

Counters and Top 10

2011-12-14 Thread
Hi all, I'm using Cassandra in production for a small social network (~10.000 people). Now I have to assign some "credits" to each user operation (login, write post and so on) and then beeing capable of providing in each moment the top 10 of the most active users. I'm on Cassandra 0.7.6 I'd like

R: Re: Counters and Top 10

2011-12-25 Thread
n of the TimeUUID). The >> value would be the TimeUUID of the user. >> >> By default columns will be sorted and you can perform a slice to get the top >> 10. >> >> 2011/12/14 >> >>> Hi all, >>> I'm using Cassandra in

Migration from 0.7 to 1.0

2012-01-04 Thread
Hi, I'm going to migrate from Cassandra 0.7 to 1.0 in production and I'd like to know the best way to do it ... "Upgrading from version 0.7.1+ or 0.8.2+ can be done with a rolling restart, one node at a time. (0.8.0 or 0.8.1 are NOT network-compatible with 1.0: upgrade to the most recent 0.8 r

R: Re: Migration from 0.7 to 1.0

2012-01-05 Thread
eers -Aaron MortonFreelance Developer@aaronmorton On 5/01/2012, at 2:47 AM, wrote:Hi, I'm going to migrate from Cassandra 0.7 to 1.0 in production and I'd like to know the best way to do it ... "Upgrading from version 0.7.1+ o

Schema clone ...

2012-01-09 Thread
Hi, I have create a new dev-cluster with cassandra 1.0 -- I would like to have the same CFs that I have in the 0.7 one but I don't need data to be there, just the schema. Which is the fastest way to do it without making 30 "create column family ..." Best regards, Carlo

R: Re: Schema clone ...

2012-01-09 Thread
.com Data: 09/01/2012 11.33 A: , "" Ogg: Re: Schema clone ... Try show schema in the CLI. Cheers -Aaron MortonFreelance Developer@aaronmorton On 9/01/2012, at 11:12 PM, wrote:Hi, I have create a

R: Re: Schema clone ...

2012-01-10 Thread
f the 0.7 nodes and spin up a temp 1.0 machine them, then use the command. or* See if your cassandra client software can help. Hope that helps. -Aaron MortonFreelance Developer@aaronmorton On 9/01/2012, at 11:41 PM, wrote:I was

R: Re: AW: How to control location of data?

2012-01-10 Thread
In each node of the ring has a unique Token which representing the node's logical position in the cluster. When you perform an operation on a row is calculated a token based on this row ... the node-token "closest" to the row-token will store the data (and also the RF-1 remaining nodes) -- thi

R: Re: Schema clone ...

2012-01-11 Thread
at 10:20 PM, wrote: * Grab the system sstables from one of the 0.7 nodes and spin up a temp 1.0 machine them, then use the command. Probably I'm still sleeping but I can't get what I want! :-( I've copied the SSTables of a node to my own computer

R: Cassandra is not storing values correctly.

2012-05-04 Thread
When I store some values in a certain column these values are only stored when cassandra is running. What do you mean? When i restart cassandra the values that i stored are misteriously gone Are you sure that your cluster is ok? And that you are not writing columns' TTL? And also the old valu

CL1 and CLQ with 5 nodes cluster and 3 alives node

2013-07-18 Thread
Hi all, I'm experiencing some problems after 3 years of cassandra in production (from 0.6 to 1.0.6) -- for 2 times in 3 weeks 2 nodes crashed with OutOfMemory Exception. In the log I can read the warn about the few heap available ... now I'm increasing a little bit my RAM, my Java Heap (1/4 of t

R: Re: CL1 and CLQ with 5 nodes cluster and 3 alives node

2013-07-22 Thread
--- >Aaron Morton >Cassandra Consultant >New Zealand > >@aaronmorton > > >On 19/07/2013, at 5:02 PM, wrote: > >> Hi all, >> I'm experiencing some problems after 3 years of cassandra in production (from >> 0.

Data disappear immediately after reading?

2013-07-24 Thread
Hi all, I know the subject is not saying much but this is what I'm experiencing now with my cluster. After some years without any problem now I'm experiencing problems with counters but, the most serious problem, is data loss immediately after a read. I have some webservices that I use to query

R: Data disappear immediately after reading?

2013-07-24 Thread
Sorry I forgot to tell Apache Cassandra 1.07 on Ubuntu 10.04 The data that are disappearing are not Counters but common Rows >Messaggio originale >Da: >Data: 24/07/2013 22.34 >A: >Ogg: Data disappear immediately after reading? > >Hi all, >I

Refactoring old project

2013-09-27 Thread
Hi all, in my very old Cassandra schema (started with 0.6 -- so without secondary indexes -- and now on 1.0.6) I have a rating&review platform with about 1 million review. The core of the application is the review that a user can leave about a company. At the time I created many CF: Comments, U

Online shop with Cassandra

2013-10-09 Thread
Hi all, for an online shop owned by my company I would like to remove MySQL for everything concerning the frontend and use Cassandra instead. The site has more than a million visit each day but what we need to know is Products (deals) are divided for cities Each product can stay online for X time

Ring up but read fails ...

2011-01-23 Thread
Hi all, I build a java webapp using Cassandra as DB. At the startup the application creates a cassandra pool using the Pelops client ... it my dev and test environment everything works but in production I have some strange problems. So I built a JSP to check the status of Cassandra DB, doing noth

R: Re: Ring up but read fails ...

2011-01-23 Thread
> I've seen this when you leave a socket open and idle for a long time. The > connection times out. It could be the situation ... any idea about the solution?I create the pool once at startup and rely on this ... > Perhaps you use wrong transport in Thrift. Which version of cassandra you use? C

R: Re: R: Re: Ring up but read fails ...

2011-01-23 Thread
> Reconnect and try again? Sorry what do you mean by "Reconnect and try again?" -- You mean to shut down the old pool and create a new pool of connections?I don't have the possibility to handle the single connection using Pelops ... >From Dominic Williams Blog "To work with a Cassandra cluster,

Backend application for Cassandra

2011-02-14 Thread
Hi all, I've build a web application using Cassandra. Data are stored in order to be quickly red/sorted due to my web-app needs. Everything is working quite good. Now the big "problem" is that the "other side" of my company needs to create reports over these data and the query they need to do wou

Are row-keys sorted by the compareWith?

2011-02-18 Thread
Hi all, I created a CF in which i need to get, sorted by time, the Rows inside. Each Row represents a comment. I've created a few rows using as Row Key a generated TimeUUID but when I call the Pelops method "GetColumnsFromRows" I don't get the data back as I expect: rows are not sorted by Tim

R: Re: Are row-keys sorted by the compareWith?

2011-02-21 Thread
Sorry Dan, I just noticed I answer you and not to the group!Didn't want to bother, just mistake. Best Regards Carlo Messaggio originale Da: Data: 21/02/2011 4.23 A: , "" Ogg: Re: Are row-keys sorted by

I: Re: Are row-keys sorted by the compareWith?

2011-02-21 Thread
igration to Cassandra 0.7 ... as far as you know, in terms of written code, is it an heavy job? Best Regards Carlo Messaggio originale Da: On Saturday, 19 February 2011 at 8:16 AM, wrote:

WriteMultiColumns just write one column ... amazing!

2011-03-24 Thread
Hi all, I'm almost sure I'm just tired and I am doing something stupid however I can't understand this problem. In one Super Column Family I have just 2 rows, called ALL and INCREMENTAL. For some reason I sometimes need to duplicate a SuperColumn from the row ALL to the INCREMENTAL one ... very

R: WriteMultiColumns just write one column ... amazing!

2011-03-24 Thread
not been erased after the set timestamp. Best regards Carlo >Messaggio originale---- >Da: >Data: 24/03/2011 16.03 >A: >Ogg: WriteMultiColumns just write one column ... amazing! > >Hi all, >I'm almost sure I'm just tired and I am doing so

Filter on row iterator

2011-05-06 Thread
Hi all, I have a column family with about 300 rows. Rows name are of 2 categories: number (eg: 12345) e_number (eg: e_12345) is there any way to extract only rows that are numbers? For the moment I'm iterating over all rows with a KeyRange and filtering client-side but I don't like this solution

Sorting in Cassandra

2010-10-05 Thread
Hi, I need some help about sorting data in the right way from Cassandra. I have a SuperColumnFamily SCF: UserData { UserID (ROW) { SuperColumnKey1 { firstCol: value

R: Re: Sorting in Cassandra

2010-10-06 Thread
Aaron, first of all thanks for your time. 1. You cannot return just the super columns, you have to get their sub columns as well. The returned data is ordered, please provide and example of where it is not. I don't know what I did before but now I checked and data are sorted as I expected th

Client-side sorting

2010-10-09 Thread
Hi all, do you know any component for client-side sorting of cassandra structures? Like order groups of SuperColumn on the base of a value of SubColumn and similar operations? (ordering by asciitype/bytestype and so on) ... Do you know anything like this? I'd like to avoid DTO/VO pattern + Compara

R: Client-side sorting

2010-10-10 Thread
>Hi all, >do you know any component for client-side sorting of cassandra structures? Sorry, i forget. I' am using Java ...

TimeUUID makes me crazy

2010-10-18 Thread
I am getting crazy using TimeUUID in cassandra via Java. I've read the FAQ but it didn't help. Can I use a TimeUUID as ROW identifier? (if converted to string) I have a CF like this and SCF like these: TIMEUUID OPECID (ROW) { phone: 123 address: street xyz } String U

R: Re: TimeUUID makes me crazy

2010-10-19 Thread
I am using Pelops for Cassandra 0.6.x The error that raise isInvalidRequestException(why:UUIDs must be exactly 16 bytes) For the UUID I am using the UuidHelper class provided.

R: Indexes on Columns & SubColumns Clarification

2010-11-04 Thread
In each family, both CF and SCF, data are grouped by rows. Just to give an idea ... Super Column Family Name{ Row 1 { SuperColumn1 { Column1 Key: Column1 Value ... ColumnN Key: ColumnN Value} SuperColumn2 { Column1 Key: Column1 Value, ColumnN K