Hi all,
I created a CF in which i need to get, sorted by time, the Rows inside. Each 
Row represents a comment.

<ColumnFamily name="Comments" compareWith="TimeUUIDType" / >

I've created a few rows using as Row Key a generated TimeUUID but when I call 
the Pelops method "GetColumnsFromRows" I don't get the data back as I expect: 
rows are not sorted by TimeUUID.
I though it was probably cause of the random-part of the TimeUUID so I create 
a new CF ...

<ColumnFamily name="Comments2" compareWith="LongType" / >

This time I created a few rows using the java System.CurrentTimeMillis() that 
retrieve a long. I call again the "GetColumnsFromRows" and again the same 
results: data are not sorted!
I've read many times that Rows are sorted as specified in the compareWith but 
I can't see it. 
To solve this problem for the moment I've used a SuperColumnFamily with an 
UNIQUE ROW ... but I think this is just a workaround and not the solution.

<ColumnFamily name="Comments" type="Super" compareWith="TimeUUIDType"  
CompareSubcolumnsWith="BytesType"/ >

Now when I call the "GetSuperColumnsFromRow" I get all the SuperColumns as I 
expected: sorted by TimeUUID. Why it does not happen the same with the Rows? 
I'm confused.

TIA for any help.

Best Regards


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