Primary/secondary index question / best practices?

2012-12-11 Thread Stephen.M.Thompson
Hi folks - I'm doing an informal proof-of-concept with Cassandra and I've been getting some conflicting information about how my data layout should go. Perhaps somebody could point me in the right direction. I have a column family that will have billions of rows of data. The data do not have

RE: Primary/secondary index question / best practices?

2012-12-11 Thread Stephen.M.Thompson
Dean, thank you for your response. To the second half of the query, I'm a little concerned about the secondary index approach since the indexes that I want to create are columns with high entropy. For example, I would like to query by User name and IP address, values which are decidedly NOT

Best Java Driver for Cassandra?

2012-12-13 Thread Stephen.M.Thompson
There seem to be a number of good options listed ... FireBrand and Hector seem to have the most attractive sites, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. :) Can anybody make a case for one of the drivers over another, especially in terms of which ones seem to be most used in major implemen

Partition maintenance

2012-12-18 Thread Stephen.M.Thompson
Hi folks. Still working through the details of building out a Cassandra solution and I have an interesting requirement that I'm not sure how to implement in Cassandra: In our current Oracle world, we have the data for this system partitioned by month, and each month the data that are now 18-mo

RE: Partition maintenance

2012-12-18 Thread Stephen.M.Thompson
Michael - That is one approach I have considered, but that also makes querying the system particularly onerous since every column family would require its own query – I don’t think there is any good way to “join” those, right? Chris – that is an interesting concept, but as Viktor and Keith note,

Cassandra / Windows Server 2008

2013-01-04 Thread Stephen.M.Thompson
Hi folks - I have a Windows 2008 server that I'm trying to get Cassandra working on. I have disabled the Windows Firewall for the moment but I still cannot connect to the server. I have tried editing the cassandra.yaml to update the listen_address to the machine address as well as blank or com

RE: Cassandra / Windows Server 2008

2013-01-04 Thread Stephen.M.Thompson
Good suggestion ... I added as a JVM arg cassandra.bat and got exactly the same result though. Stephen Thompson Wells Fargo Corporation Internet Authentication & Fraud Prevention 704.427.3137 (W) | 704.807.3431 (C) UPCOMING PTO: JAN 14-18 This message may contai

Date Index?

2013-01-08 Thread Stephen.M.Thompson
Hi folks - Question about secondary indexes. How are people doing date indexes?I have a date column in my tables in RDBMS that we use frequently, such as look at all records recorded in the last month. What is the best practice for being able to do such a query? It seems like there could

RE: Date Index?

2013-01-09 Thread Stephen.M.Thompson
Thanks Aaron, that helps. So is there anything approaching a "consensus" of how to do something like this? You mention a custom index ... is there a good document on creating a custom index? Google doesn't show me much. Steve From: aaron morton [] Sent: Tuesday,

RE: Date Index?

2013-01-09 Thread Stephen.M.Thompson
OK ... I think I understand these. So the idea is that you would use the time as the column key? So when I might have something like this: | time=2013/01/03 08:19:01 | user=john | site=Chicago | time=2013/01/05 01:55:34 | user=john | site=Chicago | time=2013/01/09 16:21:42 | user=john | site


2013-01-31 Thread Stephen.M.Thompson
Hi folks, I'm trying to get a multimode setup working, which seems like it should be really simple from the documentation. ERROR 11:41:20,773 Fatal configuration error org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ConfigurationException: For input string: "85070591730234615865843651857942052864" at o

Not enough replicas???

2013-02-01 Thread Stephen.M.Thompson
I need to offer my profound thanks to this community which has been so helpful in trying to figure this system out. I've setup a simple ring with two nodes and I'm trying to insert data to them. I get failures 100% with this error: me.prettyprint.hector.api.exceptions.HUnavailableException: :

RE: Not enough replicas???

2013-02-04 Thread Stephen.M.Thompson
Hi Edward - thanks for responding. The keyspace could not have been created more simply: create keyspace KEYSPACE_NAME; According to the help, this should have created a replication factor of 1: Keyspace Attributes (all are optional): - placement_strategy: Class used to determine how r

RE: Not enough replicas???

2013-02-04 Thread Stephen.M.Thompson
Thanks Tyler ... so I created my keyspace to explicitly indicate the datacenter and replication, as follows: create keyspace KEYSPACE_NAME with placement_strategy = 'org.apache.cassandra.locator.NetworkTopologyStrategy' and strategy_options={DC28:2}; And yet I still get the exact same error

RE: Not enough replicas???

2013-02-04 Thread Stephen.M.Thompson
Sweet! That worked! THANK YOU! Stephen Thompson Wells Fargo Corporation Internet Authentication & Fraud Prevention 704.427.3137 (W) | 704.807.3431 (C) This message may contain confidential and/or privileged information, and is intended for the use of the addressee only. If you are not the addr

unbalanced ring

2013-02-05 Thread Stephen.M.Thompson
So I have three nodes in a ring in one data center. My configuration has num_tokens: 256 set and initial_token commented out. When I look at the ring, it shows me all of the token ranges of course, and basically identical data for each range on each node. Here is the Cliff's Notes version of

RE: unbalanced ring

2013-02-06 Thread Stephen.M.Thompson
Thanks Aaron. I ran the cassandra-shuffle job and did a rebuild and compact on each of the nodes. [root@Config3482VM1 apache-cassandra-1.2.1]# bin/nodetool status Datacenter: 28 == Status=Up/Down |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving -- Address Load Tokens Owns (ef

RE: unbalanced ring

2013-02-11 Thread Stephen.M.Thompson
Aaron, thanks for your feedback. .125 num_tokens: 256 # initial_token: .126 num_tokens: 256 #initial_token: .127 num_tokens: 256 # initial_token: This all looks correct. So when you say to do this with a "clean" setup, what are you asking me to do? Is it enough to blow away /var/lib/cassandr