Thanks Aaron. I ran the cassandra-shuffle job and did a rebuild and compact on each of the nodes.
[root@Config3482VM1 apache-cassandra-1.2.1]# bin/nodetool status Datacenter: 28 ============== Status=Up/Down |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving -- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack UN 1.7 GB 255 33.7% 3daab184-61f0-49a0-b076-863f10bc8c6c 205 UN 591.44 MB 256 99.9% 55bbd4b1-8036-4e32-b975-c073a7f0f47f 205 UN 112.28 MB 257 66.4% d240c91f-4901-40ad-bd66-d374a0ccf0b9 205 So this is a little better. At last node 3 has some content, but they are still far from balanced. If I am understand this correctly, this is the distribution I would expect if the tokens were set at 15/5/1 rather than equal. As configured, I would expect roughly equal amounts of data on each node. Is that right? Do you have any suggestions for what I can look at to get there? I have about 11M rows of data in this keyspace and none of them are exceptionally long ... it's data pulled from Oracle and didn't include any BLOB, etc. Stephen Thompson Wells Fargo Corporation Internet Authentication & Fraud Prevention 704.427.3137 (W) | 704.807.3431 (C) This message may contain confidential and/or privileged information, and is intended for the use of the addressee only. If you are not the addressee or authorized to receive this for the addressee, you must not use, copy, disclose, or take any action based on this message or any information herein. If you have received this message in error, please advise the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete this message. Thank you for your cooperation. From: aaron morton [] Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 3:41 PM To: Subject: Re: unbalanced ring Use nodetool status with vnodes The different load can be caused by rack affinity, are all the nodes in the same rack ? Another simple check is have you created some very big rows? Cheers ----------------- Aaron Morton Freelance Cassandra Developer New Zealand @aaronmorton On 6/02/2013, at 8:40 AM,<> wrote: So I have three nodes in a ring in one data center. My configuration has num_tokens: 256 set andinitial_token commented out. When I look at the ring, it shows me all of the token ranges of course, and basically identical data for each range on each node. Here is the Cliff's Notes version of what I see: [root@Config3482VM2 apache-cassandra-1.2.0]# bin/nodetool ring Datacenter: 28 ========== Replicas: 1 Address Rack Status State Load Owns Token 9187343239835811839 205 Up Normal 2.85 GB 33.69% -3026347817059713363 205 Up Normal 2.85 GB 33.69% -3026276684526453414 205 Up Normal 2.85 GB 33.69% -3026205551993193465 (etc) 205 Up Normal 1.15 GB 100.00% -9187343239835811840 205 Up Normal 1.15 GB 100.00% -9151314442816847872 205 Up Normal 1.15 GB 100.00% -9115285645797883904 (etc) 205 Up Normal 69.13 KB 66.30% -9223372036854775808 205 Up Normal 69.13 KB 66.30% 36028797018963967 205 Up Normal 69.13 KB 66.30% 72057594037927935 (etc) So at this point I have a number of questions. The biggest question is of Load. Why does the .125 node have 2.85 GB, .126 has 1.15 GB, and .127 has only 0.000069 GB? These boxes are all comparable and all configured identically. partitioner: org.apache.cassandra.dht.Murmur3Partitioner I'm sorry to ask so many questions - I'm having a hard time finding documentation that explains this stuff. Stephen