Re: Trying to save in cassandra with "SomeColumns"

2018-03-31 Thread Eric Stevens
You can fill in var-args with SomeColumns(myColumns:_*) style syntax. See for example: On Fri, Mar 30, 2018 at 6:15 PM Guillermo Ortiz wrote: > > The poblem is that I have a method from Spark to insert into Cassand

Re: Cassandra java driver linux encoding issue

2018-05-17 Thread Eric Stevens
What is the value returned from Charset.defaultCharset() on both systems? On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 5:00 AM rami dabbah wrote: > Hi, > > I am trying to query text filed from Cassandra using java driver see code > below. In windows it is working fine but in linux i am getting ?? > instead of Ch

Re: estimated number of keys vs ttl

2018-05-23 Thread Eric Stevens
I believe that key estimates won't immediately respond to expired TTL, Not until after compaction has completely dropped the records (which will include subtle logic related to gc_grace and partitions with data in multiple SSTables). On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 6:18 AM Rahul Singh wrote: > If the TT

Re: A quick question on unlogged batch

2018-11-01 Thread Eric Stevens
I know this is the official recommendation, and has been for a while. I highly recommend testing it for yourself though, as our own testing has shown that for _most_ versions of Cassandra (not all), unlogged batch meaningfully outperforms parallel execution of individual statements, especially at

Re: Multiple cluster for a single application

2018-11-07 Thread Eric Stevens
We are engaging in both strategies at the same time: 1) We call it functional sharding - we write to clusters targeted according to the type of data being written. Because different data types often have different workloads this has the nice side effect of being able to tune each cluster accordin

Re: Optimizing for connections

2018-12-21 Thread Eric Stevens
RE #2, some have had good results from having coordinator-only nodes: Assuming finite resources, it might be better to be certain you have good token awareness in your ap

Re: [EXTERNAL] Howto avoid tombstones when inserting NULL values

2018-12-27 Thread Eric Stevens
Depending on the use case, creating separate prepared statements for each combination of set / unset values in large INSERT/UPDATE statements may be prohibitive. Instead, you can look into driver level support for UNSET values. Requires Cassandra 2.2 or later IIRC. See: Java Driver: https://docs

Re: coordinator failure handling

2019-02-05 Thread Eric Stevens
This will depend on what driver you're using at the client. The Java driver, for example, has ways to configure each of the things you mentioned, with a variety of implementations you can choose from. There are also ways to provide your own custom implementation if you don't like the options avai

Re: Cassandra event notification on INSERT/DELETE of records

2016-05-24 Thread Eric Stevens
It sounds like you're trying to build a queue in Cassandra, which is one of the classic anti-pattern use cases for Cassandra. You may be able to do something clever with triggers, but I highly recommend you look at purpose-built queuing software such as Kafka to solve this instead. On Tue, May 24

Re: Too many keyspaces causes cql connection to time out ?

2016-05-24 Thread Eric Stevens
Large numbers of tables is generally recommended against. Each table has a fixed on-heap memory overhead, and by your description it sounds like you might have as many as 12,000 total tables when you start running into trouble. With such a small heap to begin with, you've probably used up most of

Re: Thrift client creates massive amounts of network packets

2016-05-24 Thread Eric Stevens
I'm not familiar with Titan's usage patterns for Cassandra, but I wonder if this is because of the consistency level it's querying Cassandra at - i.e. if CL isn't LOCAL_[something], then this might just be lots of little checksums required to satisfy consistency requirements. On Mon, May 23, 2016

Re: Thrift client creates massive amounts of network packets

2016-05-26 Thread Eric Stevens
the version. Given that it is a single node cluster for the time > being, would your remarks apply to that particular setup? > > > Thanks again! > Ralf > > > On 24.05.2016, at 19:18, Eric Stevens wrote: > > I'm not familiar with Titan's usage patterns for Ca

Re: Cassandra event notification on INSERT/DELETE of records

2016-05-26 Thread Eric Stevens
think this also is an anti-pattern. > > Regards, > Aaditya > > On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 12:45 PM, Mark Reddy > wrote: > >> +1 to what Eric said, a queue is a classic C* anti-pattern. Something >> like Kafka or RabbitMQ might fit your use case better. >> >> >&

Re: Too many keyspaces causes cql connection to time out ?

2016-05-26 Thread Eric Stevens
use except for very small databases. On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 11:54 AM Justin Lin wrote: > so i guess i have to 1) increase the heap size or 2) reduce the number of > keyspaces/column families. > > Thanks for you confirmation. > > On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 10:08 AM, Eric Stevens

Re: Internal Handling of Map Updates

2016-05-27 Thread Eric Stevens
If you aren't removing elements from the map, you should instead be able to use an UPDATE statement and append the map. It will have the same effect as overwriting it, because all the new keys will take precedence over the existing keys. But it'll happen without generating a tombstone first. If yo

Re: Per node limit for Disk Space

2016-05-30 Thread Eric Stevens
Those are rough guidelines, actual effective node size is going to depend on your read/write workload and the compaction strategy you choose. The biggest reason data density per node usually needs to be limited is due to data grooming overhead introduced by compaction. Data at rest essentially be

Re: Internal Handling of Map Updates

2016-06-01 Thread Eric Stevens
? > > On 27 May 2016 at 15:20, Eric Stevens wrote: > >> If you aren't removing elements from the map, you should instead be able >> to use an UPDATE statement and append the map. It will have the same effect >> as overwriting it, because all the new keys will take prec

Re: Internal Handling of Map Updates

2016-06-02 Thread Eric Stevens
sert on a row with a map will always > create tombstones :-( > > > > 2016-06-02 2:02 GMT+02:00 Eric Stevens : > >> From that perspective, you could also use a frozen collection which takes >> away the ability to append, but for which overwrites shouldn't gener

Re: Reason for Trace Message Drop

2016-06-15 Thread Eric Stevens
This is better kept to the User groups. What are your JVM memory settings for Cassandra, and have you seen big GC's in your logs? The reason I ask is because that's a large number of column families, which produces memory pressure, and at first blush that strikes me as a likely cause. On Wed, Ju

Re: Data lost in Cassandra 3.5 single instance via Erlang driver

2016-06-15 Thread Eric Stevens
As a side note, if you're inserting records quickly enough that you're potentially doing multiple in the same millisecond, it seems likely to me that your partition size is going to be too large at a day level unless your writes are super bursty: ((appkey, pub_date), pub_timestamp). You might need

Re: Cqlsh Questions

2016-06-15 Thread Eric Stevens
There's an effort to improve the docs, but while that's catching up, 3.0 has the latest version of the document you're looking for: On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 5:28 AM Steve Anderson wrote: > Couple of Cqlsh questions: > > 1) Why

Re: Reason for Trace Message Drop

2016-06-16 Thread Eric Stevens
re is a fixed memory cost per CF). Reconsider your data model, usually this many column families suggests dynamically creating CF's (eg to solve multi-tenancy). If your CF count will grow steadily over time at any appreciable rate, that's an anti-pattern. On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 2:40 AM V

Re: Performance impact on schema

2016-07-05 Thread Eric Stevens
If a given partition only ever contains one set of those columns, it probably makes no practical difference, though it suggests an unintuitive data model, so you might break it up just because it no longer seems to make sense to keep them together. If you really don't ever overlap your columns dur

Re: Issue in internode encryption in cassandra

2016-07-25 Thread Eric Stevens
Those ciphers are not available on Java 6, on the off chance that you're trying to run Cassandra on that (you'll run into other troubles). The more likely problem is that I think those ciphers are only available if you install the Unlimited Strength JCE policy files in your JVM on each node. Doub

Re: Re : Purging tombstones from a particular row in SSTable

2016-07-28 Thread Eric Stevens
Tombstones will not get removed even after gc_grace if bloom filters indicate that there is overlapping data with the tombstone's partition in a different sstable. This is because compaction can't be certain that the tombstone doesn't overlap data in that other table. If you're writing to one end

Re: Re : Purging tombstones from a particular row in SSTable

2016-07-29 Thread Eric Stevens
though. > > This still sounds very weird to me but I am glad you solved your issue > (temporary at least). > > C*heers, > --- > Alain Rodriguez - > France > > The Last Pickle - Apache Cassandra Consulting > http://www.thela

Re: Re : Purging tombstones from a particular row in SSTable

2016-07-29 Thread Eric Stevens
eading at all the whole partition (let's limit the example to a > single SSTable) ? > > On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 7:00 PM, Eric Stevens wrote: > >> > Sai was describing a timeout, not a failure due to the 100 K tombstone >> limit from cassandra.yaml. But I still might b

Re: Re : Purging tombstones from a particular row in SSTable

2016-07-30 Thread Eric Stevens
say nothing about iterating all cells in a single partition > if having a partition tombstone, I need to dig further > > > > > On Sat, Jul 30, 2016 at 2:03 AM, Eric Stevens wrote: > >> I haven't tested that specifically, but I haven't bumped into any >> p

Re: Merging cells in compaction / compression?

2016-08-04 Thread Eric Stevens
When you say merge cells, do you mean re-aggregating the data into courser time buckets? On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 5:59 AM Michael Burman wrote: > Hi, > > Considering the following example structure: > > CREATE TABLE data ( > metric text, > value double, > time timestamp, > PRIMARY KEY((metric), ti

Re: Return value of newQueryPlan

2016-09-02 Thread Eric Stevens
These sound like driver-side questions that might be better addressed to your specific driver's mailing list. But from the terminology I'd guess you're using a DataStax driver, possibly the Java one. If so, you can look at WhiteListPolicy if you want to target specific node(s). However aside fro

Re: Return value of newQueryPlan

2016-09-04 Thread Eric Stevens
to Java driver. > I used DCAwareRoundRobin, TokenAware Policy for application flow. > Would ask question1 on driver mailing list, If someone could help with > question 2. > > > > > > > > > > > On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 6:59 PM, Eric Stevens wrote: > >> Thes

Re: Finding records that exist on Cassandra but not externally

2016-09-11 Thread Eric Stevens
I might be inclined to include a generation ID in the partition keys. Keep a separate table where you upgrade the generation ID when your processing is complete. You can even use CAS operations in case you goofed up and generated two generations at the same time (or your processing time exceeds y

Re: Overhead of data types in cassandra

2016-09-11 Thread Eric Stevens
It's important to note that this answer differs quite significantly depending on whether you're talking about Cassandra < 3.0 or >= 3.0 DataStax has a good article on < 3.0: The Last Pickle has a g

Re: Using keyspaces for virtual clusters

2016-09-21 Thread Eric Stevens
Using keyspaces to support multi tenancy is very close to an anti pattern unless there is a finite and reasonable upper bound to how many tenants you'll support overall. Large numbers of tables comes with cluster overhead and operational complexity you will come to regret eventually. >and because

Re: Difference in token range count

2016-09-30 Thread Eric Stevens
What is your replication factor in this DC? On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 8:08 AM techpyaasa . wrote: > Hi , > > We have c*-2.0.17 with 3 data centers . Each data center has 9 nodes. vnodes > enabled in all nodes. > > When I ran -local repair(./nodetool -local repair keyspace_name1 > columnfamily_1

Re: Way to write to dc1 but keep data only in dc2

2016-10-03 Thread Eric Stevens
It sounds like you're trying to avoid the latency of waiting for a write confirmation to a remote data center? App ==> DC1 ==high-latency==> DC2 If you need the write to be confirmed before you consider the write successful in your application (definitely recommended unless you're ok with losing

Re: How to write a trigger in Cassandra to only detect updates of an existing row?

2016-10-04 Thread Eric Stevens
You would have to perform a SELECT on the row in the trigger code in order to determine if there was underlying data. Cassandra is in essence an append-only data store, when an INSERT or UPDATE is executed, it has no idea if there is already a row underlying it, and for write performance reasons i

Re: Running Cassandra in Integration Tests

2016-10-07 Thread Eric Stevens
If you happen to be using Scala, we recently released some tooling we wrote around using CCM for integration testing: You define clusters and nodes in configuration, then ask the service to go:

Re: Handle Leap Seconds with Cassandra

2016-11-03 Thread Eric Stevens
You're able to set the timestamp of the write in the client application. If you have a table which is especially sensitive to out of order writes and want to deal with the repeated second correctly, you could do slewing at your client application layer and be explicit with the timestamp for those s

Re: FW: Cassandra trigger to send notifications

2016-12-16 Thread Eric Stevens
You probably want to look at change data capture rather than triggers: Be aware that one of your criteria regarding operation order is going to be very difficult to guarantee due to eventual consistency. On Fri, Dec 16, 2016, 2:43 AM Matij

Re: Insert with both TTL and timestamp behavior

2016-12-28 Thread Eric Stevens
The purpose of timestamps is to guarantee out-of-order conflicting writes are resolved as last-write-wins. Cassandra doesn't really expect you to be writing timestamps with wide variations from record to record. Indeed, if you're doing this, it'll violate some of the assumptions in places such as

Re: WriteTimeoutException when doing paralel DELETE IF EXISTS

2017-01-20 Thread Eric Stevens
This question is probably better suited for the user@ group. It doesn't sound to me like you've uncovered a bug, but rather you're engaging in highly contentious paxos, which is rarely going to have a favorable outcome. Likely you're overwhelming your cluster (or more specifically the replicas fo

Re: Pluggable throttling of read and write queries

2017-02-22 Thread Eric Stevens
> We’ve actually had several customers where we’ve done the opposite - split large clusters apart to separate uses cases We do something similar but for a single application. We're functionally sharding data to different clusters from a single application. We can have different server classes fo

Re: Is it possible to recover a deleted-in-future record?

2017-03-08 Thread Eric Stevens
Those future tombstones are going to continue to cause problems on those partitions. If you're still writing to those partitions, you might be losing data in the mean time. It's going to be hard to get the tombstone out of the way so that new writes can begin to happen there (newly written data w

Re: To batch or not to batch: A question for fast inserts

2015-09-24 Thread Eric Stevens
> I side-tracked some punctual benchmarks and stumbled on the observations of unlogged inserts being *A LOT* faster than the async counterparts. My own testing agrees very strongly with this. When this topic came up on this list before, there was a concern that batch coordination produces GC pres

Re: To batch or not to batch: A question for fast inserts

2015-09-25 Thread Eric Stevens
tra hops, if you eliminate the > extra hops by token awareness then it just comes down to write size > optimization. > > On Sep 24, 2015, at 5:18 PM, Eric Stevens wrote: > > > I side-tracked some punctual benchmarks and stumbled on the > observations of unlogged inserts be

Re: To batch or not to batch: A question for fast inserts

2015-09-25 Thread Eric Stevens
r your cluster is the factor to focus on and however you > get there is fantastic. more replies inline: > > On Sep 25, 2015, at 1:24 PM, Eric Stevens wrote: > > > compaction usually is the limiter for most clusters, so the difference > between async versus unlogged batch e

Re: High read latency

2015-09-26 Thread Eric Stevens
Since you have most of your reads hitting 5-8 SSTables, it's probably related to that increasing your latency. That makes this look like your write workload is either overwrite-heavy or append-heavy. Data for a single partition key is being written to repeatedly over long time periods, and this w

Re: Duplicate records returned

2015-10-03 Thread Eric Stevens
Can you give us an example of the duplicate records that comes back? How reliable is it (i.e. is it every record, is it one record per read, etc)? By any chance is it just the `data` field that duplicates while the other fields change per row? > I don’t see duplicates in cqlsh. I've never seen t

Re: Cassandra Configuration VS Static IPs.

2015-10-05 Thread Eric Stevens
Basically your client just needs a route to talk to the IP being broadcast by each node. We do plenty in EC2 and we use the instance private IP in the broadcast address. If you are doing multi-datacenter in EC2 it gets a little harrier, where you need to use the public IP (but not necessarily ela

Re: Is replication possible with already existing data?

2015-10-07 Thread Eric Stevens
If you're at 1 node (N=1) and RF=1 now, and you want to go N=3 RF=3, you ought to be able to increase RF to 3 before bootstrapping your new nodes, with no downtime and no loss of data (even temporary). Effective RF is min-bounded by N, so temporarily having RF > N ought to behave as RF = N. If yo

Re: Realtime data and (C)AP

2015-10-11 Thread Eric Stevens
The DataStax Java driver is based on Netty and is non blocking; if you do any CQL work you should look into it. At ProtectWise we use it with high write volumes from Scala/Akka with great success. We have a thin Scala wrapper around the Java driver that makes it act more Scalaish (eg, Scala futur

Re: Cassandra mountable data store

2015-10-12 Thread Eric Stevens
You cannot busy throw bigger and bigger disks at a cluster that is accumulating data as it fills up. This is due to data grooming tasks that increase in cost as your data density per node increases (for example, compaction), as well as other factors that are impacted by data density (such as cache

Re: Accessing dynamic columns via cqlsh

2015-10-15 Thread Eric Stevens
If the columns are not dynamically named (as in "actionId" and "code") you should be able to add that to your CQL table definition with ALTER TABLE, and those columns should be available in the query results. If the columns *are* dynamically named, and you can't reasonably add every option to the


2015-10-15 Thread Eric Stevens
You probably could, but if I were you, I'd consider a tool built for that purpose, such as Zookeeper. It'd open up access to a lot of other great cluster coordination features. On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 8:47 AM Jan Algermissen wrote: > Hi, > > suppose I have two data centers and want to coordinat


2015-10-16 Thread Eric Stevens
seems a little overkill for just 1 feature though. LOCAL_SERIAL is > fine if all you want to do is keep a handful of keys up to date. > > There’s a massive cost in adding something new to your infrastructure, and > imo, very little gain in this case. > > On Oct 15, 2015, at 8:29 A

Re: Would we have data corruption if we bootstrapped 10 nodes at once?

2015-10-19 Thread Eric Stevens
It seems to me that as long as cleanup hasn't happened, if you *decommission* the newly joined nodes, they'll stream whatever writes they took back to the original replicas. Presumably that should be pretty quick as they won't have nearly as much data as the original nodes (as they only hold data

Re: Doubt regarding consistency-level in Cassandra-2.1.10

2015-11-02 Thread Eric Stevens
Serial consistency gets invoked at the protocol level when doing lightweight transactions such as CAS operations. If you're expecting that your topology is RF=2, N=2, it seems like some keyspace has RF=3, and so there aren't enough nodes available to satisfy serial consistency. See http://docs.da

Re: Doubt regarding consistency-level in Cassandra-2.1.10

2015-11-04 Thread Eric Stevens
increased as well; you >>> may need to increase your internal node-to-node timeouts . >>> >>> On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 8:01 PM, Ajay Garg >>> wrote: >>> >>>> Hi Eric, >>>> >>>> I am sorry, but I don't understand.

Re: Question for datastax java Driver

2015-11-05 Thread Eric Stevens
In short: Yes, but it's not a good idea. To do it, you want to look into WhiteListPolicy for your loadbalancer policy, if your WhiteListPolicy contains only the same host(s) that you added as contact points, then the client will only connect to those hosts. However it's probably not a good idea f

Re: Does datastax java driver works with ipv6 address?

2015-11-05 Thread Eric Stevens
The server is binding to the IPv4 "all addresses" reserved address (, but binding it as IPv4 over IPv6 (:::, which does not have the same meaning as the IPv6 all addresses reserved IP (being ::, aka 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0). My guess is you have an IPv4 address of in rpc_addres

Re: Replication Factor Change

2015-11-05 Thread Eric Stevens
If you switch reads to CL=LOCAL_ALL, you should be able to increase RF, then run repair, and after repair is complete, go back to your old consistency level. However, while you're operating at ALL consistency, you have no tolerance for a node failure (but at RF=1 you already have no tolerance for

Re: Cassandra 2.0 Batch Statement for timeseries schema

2015-11-05 Thread Eric Stevens
If you're talking about logged batches, these absolutely have an impact on performance of about 30%. The whole batch will succeed or fail as a unit, but throughput will go down and load will go up. Keep in mind that logged batches are atomic but are not isolated - i.e. it's totally possible to ge

Re: why cassanra max is 20000/s on a node ?

2015-11-05 Thread Eric Stevens
> 512G memory , 128core cpu This seems dramatically oversized for a Cassandra node. You'd do *much* better to have a much larger cluster of much smaller nodes. On Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 8:25 AM Jack Krupansky wrote: > I don't know what current numbers are, but last year the idea of getting 1 > m

Re: Best way to recreate a cassandra node with data

2015-11-09 Thread Eric Stevens
Check nodetool status to see if the replacement node is fully joined (UN status). If it is and it didn't stream any data, then either auto_bootstrap was false, or the node was in its own seeds list. If you lost a node, then replace_address as Jonny mentioned would probably be a good idea. On Mon

Re: Getting code=2200 [Invalid query] message=Invalid column name ... while executing ALTER statement

2015-11-20 Thread Eric Stevens
> 3) check the system.schema_columns if these column_name(s) exist in the table > 4) If the column don't exist in the table "ALTER table tablename add new column_name text" Unless you have some external control on this so that you know two processors will never attempt the same operation within a

Re: Fail to select ALL the datas in C*

2015-12-11 Thread Eric Stevens
Inconsistent reads are most often the result of inconsistent data between nodes. Inconsistent data during tests like this is quite often the result of having loaded data fast enough that you dropped mutations (writing even at quorum means that you could still be dropping data on some nodes and not

Re: Timestamp Query

2015-12-21 Thread Eric Stevens
Generally speaking (both for Cassandra as well as for many other projects), timestamps don't carry a timezone directly. A single point in time has a consistent value for timestamp regardless of the timezone, and when you convert a timestamp to a human-friendly value, you can attach a timezone to s

Re: automated CREATE TABLE just nuked my cluster after a 2.0 -> 2.1 upgrade....

2016-01-25 Thread Eric Stevens
It seems like this exact problem pops up every few weeks on this list. I think the documentation does a dangerously bad job of describing the limitations of CREATE TABLE...IF NOT EXISTS. CREATE TABLE...IF NOT EXISTS is a dangerous construct because it seems to advertise atomicity and isolation, n

Re: automated CREATE TABLE just nuked my cluster after a 2.0 -> 2.1 upgrade....

2016-01-26 Thread Eric Stevens
There's still a race condition there, because two clients could SELECT at the same time as each other, then both INSERT. You'd be better served with a CAS operation, and let Paxos guarantee at-most-once execution. On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 9:06 AM Francisco Reyes wrote: > On 01/22/2016 10:29 PM,

Re: Practical limit on number of column families

2016-03-01 Thread Eric Stevens
It's definitely not true for every use case of a large number of tables, but for many uses where you'd be tempted to do that, adding whatever would have driven your table naming instead as a column in your partition key on a smaller number of tables will meet your needs. This is especially true if

Re: Compaction Filter in Cassandra

2016-03-15 Thread Eric Stevens
We have been working on filtering compaction for a month or so (though we call it deleting compaction, its implementation is as a filtering compaction strategy). The feature is nearing completion, and we have used it successfully in a limited production capacity against DSE 4.8 series. Our use ca

Re: Large number of tombstones without delete or update

2016-03-23 Thread Eric Stevens
In addition to writing null values acting as tombstones, also INSERTing a collection (or UPDATE where you set the collection rather than append to it) are also operations which will create tombstones. On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 12:09 PM Robert Coli wrote: > On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 9:50 AM, Ralf Ste

Re: How is the coordinator node in LOCAL_QUORUM chosen?

2016-03-28 Thread Eric Stevens
> Local quorum works in the same data center as the coordinator node, but when an app server execute the write query, how is the coordinator node chosen? It typically depends on the driver, and decent drivers offer you several options for this, usually called load balancing strategy. You indicate

Re: Solr and vnodes anyone?

2016-03-29 Thread Eric Stevens
IIRC in DSE 4.6 using vnodes is basically always a bad idea in your Solr datacenter. The overhead was more than you could reasonably want to pay unless your vnode count was low enough that you lost all the advantage. Around 4.7 there were significant performance improvements for vnodes in DSE Sol

Re: How is the coordinator node in LOCAL_QUORUM chosen?

2016-03-29 Thread Eric Stevens
if so, how?) or manually specified > somewhere? > * Whether local_xxx consistencies always fail when a partition is not > replicated in the local DC, as specified in its replication strategy. > > Perhaps I should ask the node.js client authors about this. > > > On Monday, March

Re: disable compaction if all data are read-only?

2016-04-08 Thread Eric Stevens
Append-only workloads are a good candidate for Date Tiered or better Time Windowed compaction. Effectively depending on how you set it up, data in older SStables will eventually come to rest and never be compacted again. On Fri, Apr 8, 2016 at 7:42 AM Robert Wille wrote: > You still need compac

Re: Traffic inconsistent across nodes

2016-04-12 Thread Eric Stevens
Maybe include nodetool status here? Are the four nodes serving reads in one DC (local to your driver's config) while the others are in another? On Tue, Apr 12, 2016, 1:01 AM Anishek Agarwal wrote: > hello, > > we have 8 nodes in one cluster and attached is the traffic patterns across > the node

Re: Traffic inconsistent across nodes

2016-04-13 Thread Eric Stevens
wrote: > We have two DC one with the above 8 nodes and other with 3 nodes. > > > > On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 8:06 PM, Eric Stevens wrote: > >> Maybe include nodetool status here? Are the four nodes serving reads in >> one DC (local to your driver's config) while the

Re: Traffic inconsistent across nodes

2016-04-15 Thread Eric Stevens
gt; UN 165.34 GB 256 37.6% > cdc69c7d-b9d6-4abd-9388-1cdcd35d946c RAC1 > > UN 145.22 GB 256 35.7% > 1557af04-e658-4751-b984-8e0cdc41376e RAC1 > > UN 162.65 GB 256 38.6% > 9ba1b7b6-5655-456e-b1a1-6f429750fc96

Re: Traffic inconsistent across nodes

2016-04-19 Thread Eric Stevens
t; >> host ip: >> >> host DC : WDC >> >> distance of host: LOCAL >> >> host is up: true >> >> cassandra version : 2.0.17 >> >> host ip: >> >> host DC : WDC >> >> distance of host: LOCAL

Re: How can I scale my read rate?

2017-03-23 Thread Eric Stevens
Assuming an even distribution of data in your cluster, and an even distribution across those keys by your readers, you would not need to increase RF with cluster size to increase read performance. If you have 3 nodes with RF=3, and do 3 million reads, with good distribution, each node has served 1

Re: How can I scale my read rate?

2017-03-26 Thread Eric Stevens
23, 2017 at 11:43 PM Alain Rastoul wrote: On 24/03/2017 01:00, Eric Stevens wrote: > Assuming an even distribution of data in your cluster, and an even > distribution across those keys by your readers, you would not need to > increase RF with cluster size to increase read performance. If yo

Re: Effective partition key for time series data, which allows range queries?

2017-04-05 Thread Eric Stevens
Jim's basic model is similar to how we've solved this exact kind of problem many times. From my own experience, I strongly recommend that you make a `bucket` field in the partition key, and a `time` field in the cluster key. Make both of these of data type `timestamp`. Then use application logic

Re: The changing clustering key

2017-04-06 Thread Eric Stevens
Just curious if you've looked at materialized views. Something like: CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW users_by_mod_date AS SELECT dept_id,mod_date,user_id,user_name FROM users WHERE mod_date IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (dept_id,mod_date,user_id) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (mod_date

Re: Multi datacenter node loss

2017-07-21 Thread Eric Stevens
> If using the SimpleStrategy replication class, it appears that > replication_factor is the only option, which applies to the entire > cluster, so only one node in both datacenters would have the data. This runs counter to my understanding, or else I'm not reading your statement correctly. When

Re: 1 node doing compaction all the time in 6-node cluster (C* 2.2.8)

2017-07-24 Thread Eric Stevens
We've seen an unusually high instance failure rate with i3's (underlying hardware degradation). Especially with the nodes that have been around longer (recently provisioned nodes have a more typical failure rate). I wonder if your underlying hardware is degraded and EC2 just hasn't noticed yet.

Re: Getting all unique keys

2017-08-20 Thread Eric Stevens
You should be able to fairly efficiently iterate all the partition keys like: select id, token(id) from table where token(id) >= -9204925292781066255 limit 1000; id | system.token(id) +-- ...


2017-09-13 Thread Eric Stevens
The original timestamp is bigger than the timestamp you're using in your batch. Cassandra uses timestamps for conflict resolution, so the batch write will lose. On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 11:59 AM Deepak Panda wrote: > Hi All, > > Am in the process of learning batch operations. Here is what I trie

Re: Add column if it does not exist?

2018-02-08 Thread Eric Stevens
To hop on what Jon said, if your concern is automatic application of schema migrations, you want to be very careful with this. I'd consider it an unsolved problem in Cassandra for some methods of schema application. The failed ALTER is not what you have to worry about, it's two successful ALTERs

Re: Old tombstones not being cleaned up

2018-02-12 Thread Eric Stevens
Hi, Just in case you haven't seen it, I gave a talk last year at the summit. In the first part of the talk I speak for a while about the lifecycle of a tombstone, and how they don't always get cleaned up when you might expect. It looks like you're deleting cluster ke

Re: Performance Of IN Queries On Wide Rows

2018-02-20 Thread Eric Stevens
Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe if you do a large IN() on a single partition's cluster keys, all the reads are going to be served from a single replica. Compared to many concurrent individual equal statements you can get the performance gain of leaning on several replicas for pa

Netstats > 100% streaming

2014-11-01 Thread Eric Stevens
We've been commissioning some new nodes on a 2.0.10 community edition cluster, and we're seeing streams that look like they're shipping way more data than they ought for individual files during bootstrap. /var/lib/cassandra/data/x/y/x-y-jb-11748-Data.db 3756423/3715409 bytes(101%)

Re: Netstats > 100% streaming

2014-11-03 Thread Eric Stevens
7878> which is fixed > in 2.0.11 / 2.1.1 > > > Mark > > On 1 November 2014 14:08, Eric Stevens wrote: > >> We've been commissioning some new nodes on a 2.0.10 community edition >> cluster, and we're seeing streams that look like they're shipping

Re: read after write inconsistent even on a one node cluster

2014-11-06 Thread Eric Stevens
If this is just for doing tests to make sure you get back the data you expect, I would recommend looking some sort of eventually construct in your testing. We use Specs2 as our testing framework, and our write-then-read tests look something like this: someDAO.write(someObject) eventually { s

Re: Re[2]: Redundancy inside a cassandra node

2014-11-08 Thread Eric Stevens
> They do not use Raid10 on the node, they don't use dual power as well, because it's not cheap in cluster of many nodes I think the point here is that money spent on traditional failure avoidance models is better spent in a Cassandra cluster by instead having more nodes of less expensive hardware

Re: nodetool repair stalled

2014-11-12 Thread Eric Stevens
Wouldn't it be a better idea to issue removenode on the crashed node, wipe the whole data directory (including system) and let it bootstrap cleanly so that it's not part of the cluster while it gets back up to speed? On Tue, Nov 11, 2014, 12:32 PM Robert Coli wrote: > On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 10:

Re: Two writers appending to a set to see which one wins?

2014-11-16 Thread Eric Stevens
You may be able to do something with conditional updates, however trying to use Cassandra for this kind of coordination smells to me a lot like typical antipatterns (eg write then read or read then write). You probably would do better if you need one writer to consistently win a race condition ove

Re: Reading the write time of each value in a set?

2014-11-16 Thread Eric Stevens
I'm not aware of a way to query TTL or writetime on collections from CQL yet. You can access this information from Thrift though. On Sat Nov 15 2014 at 12:51:55 AM DuyHai Doan wrote: > Why don't you use map to store write time as value and data as key? > Le 15 nov. 2014 00:24, "Kevin Burton" a

Re: Cassandra DC2 nodes down after increasing write requests on DC1 nodes

2014-11-16 Thread Eric Stevens
> load average on DC1 nodes are around 3-5 and on DC2 around 7-10 Anecdotally I can say that loads in the 7-10 range have been dangerously high. When we had a cluster running in this range, the cluster was falling behind on important tasks such as compaction, and we really struggled to successful

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